The Natio Octavarium channel for Recruitment, Census, and Employment as operated by the Ministry of Services
0 - Preamble -----
This channel is intended to allow existing citizens of Natio Octavarium to re-register themselves for social services if their registration has been lost or selectively join the Fourth Octavarium Fleet for military service, or for prospective residents to apply for citizenship and/or military service.
I - Application Template -----
Please submit exactly one application per person or group of persons. Multiple ships owned and operated by the subjects of one application should be noted in the Current or Desired Transponder(s) line of the application. Do not include the NO- or NO-F- transponder tags in the Current or Desired Transponder(s) line of the application unless you are an existing Natio citizen. Persons intending to form corporations under the banner of Natio Octavarium should fill out a single citizenship application for themselves, and, assuming citizenship is granted, contact the Ministry of Services with details about the corporation to be formed.
[font=Open Sans]
[b][color=#FFCC66]Current or Desired Transponder(s):[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFCC66]Ship Class(es):[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFCC66]Applying For:[/color][/b] Citizenship OR Military Service
[b][color=#FFCC66]Current Natio Citizenship:[/color][/b] Citizen OR None
[b][color=#FFCC66]Biographical Summary:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFCC66]Reason for Application:[/color][/b]
[/color][color=#CCCCCC]// OORP Section
[b][color=#FFDD99]Discord Tag:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFDD99]Time Zone:[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFDD99]Have you been sanctioned in the last two years?[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFDD99]What made you want to join NO-?[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFDD99]How much experience do you have in roleplaying, both Discovery and otherwise?[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFDD99]What is your favourite ship class for PvP?[/color][/b]
II - Application Examples -----
If you are unsure how to fill out the application, please reference the following examples:
Name: Geoffrey Kane Current Transponder(s): Lukewarm.Fusion Ship Class(es): AT-1300 Retrofit Transport Applying For: Citizenship Current Natio Citizenship: Citizen Biographical Summary: Geoffrey Kane is an independent transport pilot with historical ties to Bretonia and the Independent Worlds. He is the father of Natio Octavarium Minister of Relations Harold Kane. Reason for Application: Existing Natio citizen.
Name: Hannah Scheer Current Transponder(s): Hannah.Scheer Ship Class(es): Waran Heavy Bomber Applying For: Military Service Current Natio Citizenship: None Biographical Summary: My friends have recently joined the Fourth Octavarium Fleet, and I am interested in fighting alongside them for the values that we have in common with each other and the Natio. I am currently a freelancer and a citizen of Rheinland. Reason for Application: I wish to fight for the Natio against the Gallic threat that closes in on Sirian civilians every day.
// OORP Section
Discord Tag: Kazinsal#0294 Time Zone: Pacific Time (UTC-8) Have you been sanctioned in the last two years? No. What made you want to join NO-? This is my faction. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. How much experience do you have in roleplaying, both Discovery and otherwise? Discovery since 2008-ish, various roleplaying games since 2002 What is your favourite ship class for PvP? Heavy fighters. Bayonet is love, bayonet is life.
III - Disclaimers and Caveats -----
Natio Octavarium currently considers the Kingdom of Gallia to be an existential threat and citizens may be considered hostile or potential national security threats in Gallic-affiliated nations such as the Republic of Kusari and the Federal Republic of Rheinland.
The Fourth Octavarium Fleet and the general civilian channels for Natio citizens use modern, properly encrypted D15.C-ORD protocols instead of the outdated 5KY-P3 protocol. No Octavarium ministries support the 5KY-P3 protocol.
Prior citizens of Natio Octavarium who are re-registering after the blockade and exodus of the Kansas system may be given registration priority over new prospective citizens. Similarly, existing citizens and prior military servicemembers may be given registration priority over new prospective citizens wishing to join the Fourth Fleet directly.
Operations of the Fourth Octavarium Fleet may involve direct and possibly violent action against members and assets of the civilian corporations of the Gallic Crown.
New recruits to military service who are simultaneously gaining citizenship will be initially assigned the non-commissioned rank of Pilot. Current citizens selecting military service may be assigned an initial rank one step higher, Bombardier. Military service is not mandatory for citizenship.
// OORP: Due to the delicate situations the Natio finds itself in both in and out of roleplay, brand new faction members will be placed in a trial period for minimum two weeks to help develop them as members of the faction, during which anything compliant with the server and forum rules can happen.
Aquila Defense Systems is now expanding operations. Just throw a note in on your citizenship application, renewal or otherwise, that you're applying for Aquila and the Ministry of Services will throw it my way. We've got positions for security and freight, at the moment.
Name: Sydney Harper Current or Desired Transponder(s): Interamnia, Sydney.Harper, Sydney.Harper| Ship Class(es): CLI-11000 "Arrow", B-40-E "Percheron", HFX-F1A "Falchion" Applying For: Military Service Current Natio Citizenship: Citizen Biographical Summary: Freelance ship trader of Libertonian descent, experienced mechanic and engineer. Reason for Application: Tired of flipping ships for profit, and I've got enough in personal assets to lend a hand now that our lot's finally settled down.
[ File Attachment Detected ]
To: Taskmaster Escher
Subject:Darkwaters Encryption: Obscurum Per Obscurius Location: Wouldn't You Like To Know
Good to see you all made it in one piece. The previously discussed tasks have been taken care of. I'll be resuming standard operations until further notice.
You know where to find me.
I have personally relayed your registration and its associated details to the relevant Ministries. Your registration has been approved. The Fleet will sort out your details in direct contact aboard Melbourne Station in the Tau-44 system.
Welcome back.
Ellen Rey
Minister of Services, Natio Octavarium
Name: Jonas Miller Current or Desired Transponder(s): Respect.the.Wind / Long.Way.Down Ship Class(es): Raven's Talon and Waran Applying For: Military Service and Citizenship Current Natio Citizenship: None Biographical Summary: Jonas Miller, worked as an escort pilot on board the Morag.Tong|-MNS-Xibalba under the command of Death Admiral Noah Parks. After the disbandment of the Morag Tong. Jonas tossed his hat in the ring of black market mercenary work. Taking odd jobs from groups of all stripes from Corsairs to Outcast, even the odd Coalition bounty. after 25 years of work he decided it was time to settle down and relax. Stumbling across the Natio Octavarium informational poster on Barrier Gate he figured a semi quiet place where he could retire and still get his shooting fix might not be all that terrible a way to go. Reason for Application: Retirement, blasting some half wit petty officer frogs in my spare time.
Identification: Harold Kane, Minister of Relations Affiliation: Natio Octavarium
To: Jonas Miller
Subject: Service guarantees citizenship! Encryption:Specific Location: Melbourne Station, Tau-44
Mr. Miller,
While I would have been more impressed if you had left the Corsairs out of your summary, your history working with people we are on good terms with is appreciated and your registration is approved. Considering your experience as a pilot and your apparent knowledge of ships we already field as our primary strike craft, you will be joining the Fourth Octavarium Fleet at the rank of Bombardier. We will contact you through direct channels to get your transponders set up properly.
Welcome to Natio Octavarium. We hope you'll enjoy your "retirement".
Harold Kane
Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium
Name: John Riley Current or Desired Transponder(s): Aluminum.Falcon Ship Class(es): AT-1300 Retrofit Transport Applying For: Citizenship Current Natio Citizenship: None Biographical Summary: I was born on New London in 780 AS. For the last 25 years, I was employed by Borderworlds Exports as an employee in the Trade Combine. In that time, I've operated every class of trade ship in the Bowex fleet. Reason for Application: I'm a Bretonian citizen seeking asylum for my family. I've already lost my daughter to the war against Gallia. My son recently received a draft notice, and I won't lose him, too. Liberty and Rheinland would be obliged to turn us back, so you're my only hope.
Name: Kevin Riley Current or Desired Transponder(s): Kevin.Riley Ship Class(es): Type-XV "Jackdaw" Civilian Heavy Fighter Applying For: Military Service Current Natio Citizenship: None Biographical Summary: I was born on New London in 785 AS. Over the years I worked a number of odd jobs, mostly as a pilot or crewman aboard various spacecraft. For the last eight years, however, I've been working for Borderworld Exports as an escort pilot in their Exploration and Security division. Due to a critical shortage of ExSec pilots, I've been able to avoid being drafted into the BAF, but I've still seen my share of action against Gallic forces. My skills may not be up to BAF standards, but I still believe I can contribute in a meaningful manner. Reason for Application: My brother's family is seeking asylum. As I have no family of my own and my career at Bowex is likely over, I've decided to accompany them here. I'm willing to serve in your military if it means they'll be safe.
Identification: Harold Kane, Minister of Relations Affiliation: Natio Octavarium
To: John and Kevin Riley
Subject: Request for Asylum Encryption:Specific Location: Melbourne Station, Tau-44
Dear Riley brothers,
My name is Harold Kane. I am the Minister of Relations for Natio Octavarium. Due to the sensitive nature of your request I will personally be handling this registration application.
We don't usually get formal requests for asylum. These are dangerous times, and the Bretonian front against Gallia is going poorly to be euphemistic. That being said, while we have a standing peace agreement with Bretonia, we have no extradition treaties with anyone, and I suspect Bretonia has greater things to worry about than a nation founded by fugitives and refugees taking in a few more asylum seekers.
We might need you to fake a Libertonian accent if we run into the BAF though.
Consider your registrations approved. Pilot Kevin Riley, you will be given an assignment upon your arrival at Melbourne Station in the Tau-44 system. Welcome to Natio Octavarium, both of you.
Harold Kane
Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium
Name: Kayron Jarvis Current or Desired Transponder(s): Kayron.Jarvis Ship Class(es): Stargazer (Civi Light Fighter because no work was Cheapest choice) Applying For: Military Service Current Natio Citizenship: None Biographical Summary: I was born on Planet Pittsburgh in the New York System, the son of a miner.
After school, I was drafted into the Liberty Marine service as is the custom.
During my service, I completed all flight training with flying colors. My parents settled
during this time to California Minor around. Reason for Application: Unfortunately, the Navy found no use for me because all
Jobs are taken and I am looking for a task. I would like to put my skills into your service and my Parents settle with me.
My Parents:
Name: Esta and Jonas Jarvis Current or Desired Transponder(s): Jonas.Jarvis Ship Class(es): AT-1300 Retrofit Transport Applying For: Citizenship Current Natio Citizenship: None Biographical Summary: Jonas is a Miner wich can work on Planets, Miners, and is a great Miningshipper.
Esta is a learned Nurse and can work on Medical ships or as Nurse on Capitalships. Reason for Application: We like to settle with our Son Kayron.
Women`s arround there to beloved, not to be understood ! <3
Identification: Harold Kane, Minister of Relations Affiliation: Natio Octavarium
To: Kayron Jarvis
Subject: Military and citizenship Applications Encryption:Specific Location: Melbourne Station, Tau-44
Jarvis family,
We have reviewed your applications and though we couldn't find any background information on you on the public neural net anywhere, you seem to have what we're looking for. That is, you're breathing, you're not a fan of this whole Gallic invasion thing, and your past criminal records aren't full of human rights violations. Your registrations have been approved, and you'll see details arriving to you in off-net communications shortly.
Harold Kane
Minister of Relations, Natio Octavarium