Screw the Gunboat, I'm getting the Schadel! (Might not be a good idea actually... Only has stock weapons)
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Yeah, but that's a battleship. And it's a royal pain to get the Rheinland Battleship anywhere.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Well, it certainly was fun. I joined at the last moment in the police forces with my KSP character. Things didn't exactly go as planned, though. I would blame mostly the excessive lag, maybe a little lack of communication, and a lot to the fact that my team was horribly out-gunned by the pirate/terrorist group. We were all in police light fighters, going up against a Mephthys, a Talon, and an Outcast Destroyer, to name a few. Well, I think that the police did their best...
So, no one "won", right? I guess it ended up that both Cruise Liners got vaporized, and their cargo with them. That's too bad. So I guess the galaxy is now without a president.
Well, we didn't really get what we need as the police.
I think the major problem was the lag and the fact that people didn't come event though they said that they would. There was no confirmation saying that they would not be there.
Others said that they wouldn't be there, and that was nice.
If we get to have those things, I'm definitely going with a cruiser or something.
In addition, I fourth the notion for hacker-spider. ADHD?
Anyway, I have another RP event idea, and I'll send it to Davey at some point, in about a week. Give him a week not to worry about anything. I think that with his enthusiasm towards things like this, it will improve greatly with the preceding events.
I hope a lot turn out like this.
Rheinland Federal Police Agent Fulke
Retired A very big thanks to Dark Oddity who put my signature pic together
So will I. Zukanee joined Wraith squadron, and Death from the phantoms seems to like helping us out. His huge amount of shield depleting weaps helps alot. :P
Hmm... Who's Zukanee? Sound's like a wierd name...
But yes, I have joined the Wraiths. Kinda funny, the way the names go. We have a faction called the Phantoms, and a ship called a Phantom. Now, we have a faction called the Wraiths, and a ship called a Wrath. Okay, that last on isn't exact, but close enough to be ironic. At least, I think so... :unsure: