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In order to buy one, you will have to get permission from the Order High Command. You will be killed on sight if you enter without permission. Anyway, you'll have to survive the trip though. You'll have a dozen hostiles on your tail, if you enter the Order systems.
I have no personal experience with capshis, but from what I see, the Osiris or a Corsair Dreadnought/Dessie seem pretty nasty. Although I love the idea of you in a Rheinland BS and provoking that Liberty-Rheinland war that we are all eager to see.
' Wrote:I have no personal experience with capshis, but from what I see, the Osiris or a Corsair Dreadnought/Dessie seem pretty nasty. Although I love the idea of you in a Rheinland BS and provoking that Liberty-Rheinland war that we are all eager to see.
heh heh
I wonder how the Rheinland factions would feel about my vigilante ATTACK!