"Hey, I need the particle accellerator so I can calculate the local curvature of spacetime, so I can calibrate my Hoverdrive teleporter. And any ship that shows up here, full of stuff, with no pilot is going to disappear. Now, help me strip it for parts. I need a new H-fuel pump and a heat-exxchanger array." Watsas said as he walked to the transport, intent on searching it for anything else of value.
Meanwhile, back in the Tea house, all was quiet without Watsas around. Everyone's attention was on the holovision, and all was going normally.
However, a strange chirping and scratching noise began emminating from the tea-houses' storage coset, prompting several of the tea house patrons to investigate...
John Heard a strange scratching noise ... What is that Sound? John Starts to walk in the Direction of the Sound.. Anyone come and help to find out what that sound is..
Yey Planning on going back to the RoS With a leash and collar arround Mah Neck yey. And Will be Active in GRN and EFL... [Once i start playing again]
The high pitched Chirping, yipping, and scratching noises cotinued, emminating from inside the cavities in the walls and the Pantry connecting Tea House to the Cafeteria. Something was clearly alive in there.
Suddenly, what sounded like pots and pans falling to the floor, accompanied by a loud Shriek-Chirp sound from the Pantry storage area startled the Inhabitants of the tea house. There was something rooting around in the walls. Something alive.
Commander Saigo! Permission to shoot if it shows up? also shall i take down a part of the wall to find it? John Starts to break open a small parrt of the wall.. wow i saw something.... that noise is getting Louder argh!!!
Yey Planning on going back to the RoS With a leash and collar arround Mah Neck yey. And Will be Active in GRN and EFL... [Once i start playing again]
Amaya walks in to the tea house after a long day.
She notices everyone just sitting around watching the holovison, then she over hears Iron talking about something and needing a waterpump ?
She sits down and orders her favorite drink, cardimine spiked sweet tea.
She begins to drink it when she hears a strange sound coming from the other room.
Every seemed to be ignoring it at first so Amaya guessed she just had a little to much cardimine.
But then John steps up and starts walking toward the sound, so she knew she wasn't entirely crazy.
*What the heck is that* she asked.
John replies with I don't know but do I have permission to shoot commander Saigo?
Amaya then thinks to herself, and I still ain't allowed to bring at least one blaster in here ....
She sighs then sees a steak knife on the table beside her and grabs it.
*John asks whats the knife for.* laughing.
Amaya answers,
* I don't know what the heck that is and I cant bring my blasters in here so if it jumps out at me I'm going to gut it with this steak knife*
Amaya begins laugh, then creeps up to the room with John.
Quote: Dusty Lens- Oops I did it again. I posted in flood. Got lost in the game. Oh, baby; baby.
Saigo nods slowly,
"yes you can fire on what ever is causing that racket, and if comes near me ill sort that pest out."
Saigo then stands up, grabs another jug of tea and some more cardi then walks over back to her seat, setting down the tea and takes the cardi.
"Time is too precious to be idle." - Saigo Watanabe "Death is something that is inevitable, Something you cannot run away from." - Katharina Hildegard
Now going under the gaming name: Seraxia www.twitter.com/Seraxia
Suddenly, one of the wall panels falls out of it's frame, and something leaps out of the wall cavity and into the tea house, startling several of the patrons there.
The small, odd looking but strangely adorable creature resembles a combination of a salamander, toad, and a house cat, and begins chirping loudly at nobody in particular. Several identical creatures climb out of the wall cavity and begin apparently searching for something to eat. The Lizard-Cat creatures appeared harmless, and only interested in rooting around the room, looking for food.
They quickly began to leap up onto tables, and bar patrons, in their single minded quest. Quickly draining the patience of the patrons. Before anyone could really say anything, what sounded like Watsas yelling somewhere deep in the station, followed by a muffled gunshot echoed through the station. Startling the lizard-cat creatures, though their search for food quickly overrode their suspicion.
About 45 seconds later, Watsas entered the Tea house again.
"Guys, we have an outbreak of... *sigh* Damnit!"
*(Watsas notices the Lizard Cats rampaging about the Tea house)*
"These things have been fruitful and miltiplied, now haven't they?"
I thought we Killed them all..... Ill break Their Necks with my Hand if i must.. Its never Calm here eh?... They are Adorable thought But.... even More Anoying then you Watsas hahaha John Punched Watsas Shoulder.. Now Lets get rid of These "things"
Yey Planning on going back to the RoS With a leash and collar arround Mah Neck yey. And Will be Active in GRN and EFL... [Once i start playing again]
"These damn lizard-cat things have been BREEDING in the lower levels of the station, and it looks like they've finally eaten everything down there. So now, they're coming up here!" Watsas annoyadly explained, while holding up one of the Lizard-Cat creatures by the scruff of the neck.
Watsas appeared ready to disembowel the creature with the disturbingly large knife he was holding, but hesitated... staring into the creature's innocent eyes for a matter of minuites.
"D'oooh I can't do it. They're just too cute!" Watsas put the knife away as he affectionately scratched the creature behind it's 'ears'.