' Wrote:Slavers don't give a damn about the welfare of slaves. To a slaver; slaves are nothing but cattle, whom they transport to receive their next payday.
Thank you, but for everone else. Gravedigging much?
I always thought that prisoners and slaves were kept in sleeper pods so they cause less trouble. I've even RP'd to that effect in the Bowex message dump, concerning carrying prisoners to Rheinland...
' Wrote:I always thought that prisoners and slaves were kept in sleeper pods so they cause less trouble. I've even RP'd to that effect in the Bowex message dump, concerning carrying prisoners to Rheinland...
In my opinion, and maybe some other slavers. We don't care about their well being. We shove as much as possible in the hold and shut the doors. Hopefully some will make it, even though we know many will die. And about the thing with them making the ironcross thing ban you for cheating because the item is 0.5 cargo space instead of 1.0 i agree, but they could still be perishable. but not highly perishable. Think, If you're a slaver, are you going to waste alot of credits on medical supplies and other fine commodities on, *cattle* that you're just going to sell. Even so, if you're a slaver, You'r not going to clean the hold too much, so it will be rank with illnesses and bacteria.
I'll argue a tad differently, you want your cattle alive when they reach the destination. So while I wouldn't call the slave holds the cleanest or nicest places in the world, they would get cleaned. Likley with a fire hose, may as well get the cattle while you are at it.
' Wrote:I always thought that prisoners and slaves were kept in sleeper pods so they cause less trouble. I've even RP'd to that effect in the Bowex message dump, concerning carrying prisoners to Rheinland...
That would depend on the slaver, my character is notoriously cheap. For the most part He keep them all locked in cages. If you intend to sell a person you need them to be obedient, its ahrd to wean sort out the trouble makers when you have them in cryo sleep. Such troublesome stock needs to get dealt with accordingly (read: AIRLOCK)
' Wrote:I'll argue a tad differently, you want your cattle alive when they reach the destination. So while I wouldn't call the slave holds the cleanest or nicest places in the world, they would get cleaned. Likley with a fire hose, may as well get the cattle while you are at it.
Do you really see a bunch of rough-neck smugglers cleaning fecal matter and dead bodies?, no, more then likely they'll go into space and open the bay doors to *air out* the hold.
' Wrote:Do you really see a bunch of rough-neck smugglers cleaning fecal matter and dead bodies?, no, more then likely they'll go into space and open the bay doors to *air out* the hold.
The ship capatain and main seller, NO I dont see him doing that. His crew or other slaves would likely be drafted. Besides as I said fire hose, it all goes down a drain and into a tank you can vent no problem.
It would depend on the slaver. They dont have a manual, they would just use whatever method they feel is the cheapest and most efficient, depending on how lazy they are.
Several options present themselves
-get slaves to clean it, probably by hand or by using chemicals the slaver doesnt want to expose his health to
-airlock. flush.
-equip each room with incinerators. cleans good, and can also be used to put down slave revolts.
-just let them rot in their own filth, some slavers just dont care.
' Wrote:It would depend on the slaver. They dont have a manual, they would just use whatever method they feel is the cheapest and most efficient, depending on how lazy they are.
Several options present themselves
-get slaves to clean it, probably by hand or by using chemicals the slaver doesnt want to expose his health to
-[color=#99FF99]airlock. flush.
-equip each room with incinerators. cleans good, and can also be used to put down slave revolts.
-[color=#99FF99]just let them rot in their own filth, some slavers just dont care.
Those there are correct, Who cares what the slaves are sitting in, they're slaves, not blooming hot girls you're going to take home and show your mommy