' Wrote:I thought the limit was combined wealth? eg - ship, equipment, cargo - so wouldn't the credit cards have the same effect?
I think the point being raised was that the higher the cap price - the less capwhoring would be in effect... i guess.
As I understand it, the function of credit cards is so you can go over the limit, and the limit has to do with character limits, not net worth..
why dont we just have a bank that can hold unlimited credits in, or just max out the credit max as far as possible, becuz people like to max it out, makes them have bragging rights and feel special XD
[12:51:19 PM] Sean: Actually, Alex is cool, I forgot 8-)
Its a programming problem, not a decision someone reached. Having more than 1.8 billion credits tends to corrupt accounts, and they don't know how to fix it.
Raising the cost of battleships and other caps will only put off the inevitable. I cite Planetside and command ranks as evidence, if anyone's familiar with that. It's not an effective method of control.