' Wrote:I've been trying to Outcastify, if you will, the Hiigaran Battlecruiser. This is a thin ship; it was meant to be that way. This is sort of an attempt by me to emulate the Hiigaran ship while making something recognizably Outcast out of it. I want to preserve the very well-thought-of combat characteristics of the current Dessie while making it look better; I've also been trying to break away from the tube design. I might have a go at expanding the lower hull into something wider, though, it shouldn't expand the hitbox too much.
I'm pretty sure that the Outcast destroyer is supposed to be like the Hispania, only smaller. Not a Hiigaran Battlecruiser remake.
...actually, the Hiiagaran Battlecruiser was selected because it bore a superficial resemblance to the Ark ships. I can do essentially whatever I want with it, as the infocard is just as superficial and easily changed (which it will be).
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Just a question regarding Rogue/Molly connections.
Obviously we have the infocard now saying that it was a joint effort between OCs and Rogues. As well as saying it is taken from sleeper ship design. With this new design, we'd obviously change the card, since it's strictly OC.
But now we've got the Rogues and Mollys still using it, and the infocard no longer justifies that other than "The OCs are our friends."
So this new infocard would need something about Rogues and Mollys funding it's development in turn for use of these ships. Or the OCs selling them to Mollys and Rogues, etc.
Simply put, the Rogues and Mollys get screwed. It's taken off of their shipyards; honestly, I don't know how factions that small got the facilities to build a top-of-the-line warship like the Destroyer. They can, of course, continue flying it to their heart's content; the Outcasts traditionally make craploads by exporting their ships (seeing as they have the largest unlawful shipyard in the universe their services are in high demand), and the Rogues and Mollys, being our allies, would naturally be granted discounted picks. But I honestly see no need to preserve the connection (which isn't even THERE for the Mollies, just the Rogues). It was really only in place to explain the drab brown hull color on the old model.
EDIT: Yes, I believe so. Something I'll be looking into getting changed as soon as I get affairs within Outcast space itself settled...
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Well, I don't know about that. That's established RP now, it can't just be chucked out the window by you who decides he wants it OC exclusive-built.
Edit: Until the Rogues/Mollys get their own, I don't see that happening Eppy. This is a case when fairplay reigns. (Even though the RP has been that they build them as well... Good luck getting Igiss to throw that away to the players' dismay.)
Um...design your own, I guess? Sucks to be them. There is ONE line in an infocard there, put in to explain the color of a ship. Ehm. Quite frankly, if they're going to the trouble of buying a Destroyer they can afford the fifteen-minute flight up to Valetta. The ship is wholly Outcast. There is no reason they can't get it through normal channels; quite frankly, I wouldn't be opposed to the Rogues being licensed to build it, but the Mollies? We're BARELY allies, and we really shouldn't be. That design should have been taken off of Foyle, period.
EDIT: Also, on a related note, where are the Rogues getting the resources for a full production run of Dessies? Gunboats I can see, but Destroyers are a bit big for a poorly organized group like the Rogues.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
The small factions having access to cap technology is a purely OORP thing that is done for reasons of fair play. There is no way in heck that any house pirate group could afford the R&D of thier own ships, but players want something unique, so the laws of reality are bent for the sake of fun.
Until a generic pirate Cruiser is built, both the mollies and rouges will need to keep access to the OC dressie, which means no change to info card.