(( IC Information ))
Name: Kira Knight
DOB: 18.07.1986
Sex: no thank you I have a head ache (gender is female)
Previous Jobs: delivery services, LPI
Skills: trilinigual (Bretonian, Gallian, Rheinlandish), good at uncovering conspiracies, very brave figher pilot
Military History: 4 days of serving in the LPI
Place of Birth: Leeds
Department Interested in Joining: Homeland Security
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you piloted a fighter craft? ----yes
Why do you wish to join the LSF? ----I got fired from the LPI, but want to help make Liberty a place worth fighting for
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the law? If so, for what reasons?
----I was arrested at 15 for smoking synthetic mahijuana and loitering. Recently I got fired from the LPI for exposing their involvement in the Cardamine and slave smuggling (documented in One Police Plaza) which can be described as a conflict with the law, but no criminial charges were pressed against me.
Do you have any skills that could be useful towards the LSF?
----I am very brave, a good pilot if the craft carries visual enhancement interfaces, fluent in Bretonian/Gallian/Rheinlandish, and I'm good at seeing through conspiracies. By the way, is there a medical screening for paranoid schizophrenics in the recruitment process?
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character)
----Bio is posted in the appropriate place, but Ill copy/paste it for you
Autobiography of Kira Knight
I was born in a dump. My mama died. My daddy got drunk. He left me there, to die on the floor. In the middle of Tobaco Road. I do not know my parent's names. I was raised in the 'Knights of the Order of Malte' orphanarium on Leeds together with my 6 years older sister Mira. Mira left the orphanrium when she was 18 to find her fortune in Liberty.
I heard she met an LPI officer there and married him. When he was killed under mysterious consequences... a witness said by a man possessed by a blue squid... she also joined the LPI to support her daughter, Gwendoline. After Mira had left the orphanarium, it was reformed by the new Bretonian Queen, and at 14 I was forced to be adopted by a Gallian man living in Dublin. I escaped him with the aid of a Molly, and lived as a drifter in the Border worlds, where I learned to pilot a light fighter and got aquainted with many types from all over Sirius. As I was with a group of... friends in Rheinland space, I heard that Mira had been seriously wounded while being assaulted during a patrol in New York.
Using my contacts to get to Manhattan hospital within only a few hours, I arrived only in time to be with Mira as she died. Being her only relative and no other place to go to raise a child, I joined the LPI to take care of Gwendoline in an environment suitable to a child in Manhattan. While patroling in Manhattan, I was startled at some police forces' unwillingness to engage the worst type of smugglers and gangsters, sometimes cowardices, but still taking time to bully others. I was also contacted by a mysterious individual... 42|Hapy... with strange messages I did not understand about a certain 'Karlotta'. Only later, while investigating him in the LPI records, did I discover that he is the murderer of my sister Mira. However, before I could take any more action, I was relieved of duty under a pretext. Obviously, my persistance in persuing certain smugglers had interfered in some LPI officer's 'private buisness'.
More questions will be asked to you, during your interview. If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT ( agent in training) vourse for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
---- I think you mean course not vourse
(( OOC Information))
Ingame names:---- Kira Knight, (curerently LPI-Kira.Knight[O] but that will have to be changed)
Skype/Xfire username: ----Kira.Knight
Join Date: January 13th 2009
Timezone: UTC +1
How long have you been playing freelancer?
----started in 2003 for few months, pause till started multiplayer in August 2008
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
----of vourse!
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the treads if so.
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters?
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken?
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction?
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules.
----2: Dont hack the server, dont use speed mod, dont clone yourself to make miserable 8500 per clone thats just stupid its much faster to beg
----3: Dont swear, speak english, dont call yourself !&"h"$7djs/42z72!&|6n2"(&sbnsgt&&2115%/?7$!ghsnxy
----5: no dock-killing(while the guy is launching), no f1ing during a fight, suicide is for losers
Will you be active at least once a week?
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills? ----7 on a good day, 9 on a bad day
Yoric McDonald, Viper_Six and Paul Rogekeller, Your applications have been rejected, from the look of things LSF is not for you (//yet). All three of you seems to have some difficulties with the Sirius wide laws and should re-read them more intensively to prevent you from getting into any issues in the near future.
Kira Knight, your application will be reviewed during the week, please be patient
After many internal debates, we are forced to reject your application. We cannot afford to accept someone who was fired from the LPI into the LSF. It is against our ethics and common logic.
Sincere apology,
David Copperfield
// Your RP history was problematic; if you were a city cop, and get fired, do you think the FBI/RCMP/Interpol/CIA would hire you? Besides, You will be able to re-aply in a near future, like everyone who has been rejected.
Kira reads her rejection letter from the LSF.
With no discernable emotion on her face, she opens a communications device on her desk and inserts a key for encripting messages.
After typing a few words, she retracts the key, places it in a hidden pocket in her belt, and looks at the view of a poluted sunset on Manhattan.
After a while, she turns to look at her orphan niece Gwendoline, who is sleeping on the bed of Mira's tiny one-room apartment.
"I have to send you home. You can not follow me where I am going." Kira thinks to herself, and turns to look back at the sunset again.
"Liberty is lost."
A young man of the ripe age of 24 enters the offices of the infamous LDF. He pauses and look around casually with great confidence. One he has sized up the patrons of the recruitment office, including the staff, he walks over to the woman behind the desk and says:
'Good day madam. I am here to apply for an entry position with the LSF.'
He takes the clipboard with the application on it from the woman and thanks her before turning away and taking a seat to fill out the paperwork.
Noting the highlight of his application, his flawless record with the planet-side LSF, his ability to follow orders, and his wits that have clearly given him an exceptional records and experience dealing with any situation at hand.
(( IC Information ))
Name: Roland.Gilead
DOB: 24 years ago
Sex: Yes please
Previous Jobs: LSF tactical squad and investigation unit, planet-side.
Skills: Tactical evaluation, light arms, close combat, and piloting.
Military History: See above.
Place of Birth: Planet Manhattan.
Department Interested in Joining: LSF space, bomber squadron, security patrol.
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you piloted a fighter craft? Yes, and a bomber.
Why do you wish to join the LSF? To serve and protect.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the law? If so, for what reasons? No.
Do you have any skills that could be useful towards the LSF? I am a tactitionist.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character)
I believe in serving the people of liberty, justice, and my role as an officer of the LSF.
More questions will be asked to you, during your interview. If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT ( agent in training) vourse for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
(( OOC Information))
Ingame names: Roland.Gilead
Skype/Xfire username: Xfire: litlwicked
Join Date: N/A. Unless you mean my date of obtaining the LSF tag and ID, then that would be jan. 28/2009
Timezone: PST
How long have you been playing freelancer? Close to 3 months now.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? Absolutely, several times.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? Never.
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters? Yes, With my LSF and all other characters.
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken? Sure.
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction? I already agreed to that per Discovery rules.
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules.
2. Cheating & Hacking
2.1 Following actions are considered cheating on server:
- Using non-Discovery mods, speed-related and loot-related mods especially, as well as using modifications that improve stats of items and ships; - Changing account information and using any kinds of software that changes normal gameplay; - Using any equipment not included for sale/looting in Discovery mod, cloaks for example; - Using equipment that exceeds ship specs; - Cloning, e.g. creating new characters to collect starting money.
Keep in mind that maximum allowed cruise speed in Discovery is 350, with higher speed possible only when catching up with a group.
2.2 Sanction for cheating may range from 60-day, to eternal ban.
Punishment for using speed mod (first time) will be no less than a ban for 60 days. Players who have been spotted cheating twice or more, will be banned forever.
2.3 Attempts to hack server, both successful and unsuccessful, will result in banning server account forever, as well as blocking access to server and to forums.
Hacking is: gaining unauthorized access to PC where server is running, modifying server resources, violating normal operations of server software and hardware in any other way.
2.4 Threats of hacking will be punished with immediate and eternal ban from server and forums.
3. Rules of conduct
3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private, is prohibited under any circumstances.
Sanction: no less than 7-day ban.
3.2 Flaming, threats and insulting (in any form) other members, factions, server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.
Sanction: no less than 14-day ban.
3.3 All messages in chat must be in understandable English, unless the chat is private and both members know the language being used.
3.4 Out-of-character (OOC) chat should not be used for system chat. Using out-of character in roleplaying chat should be marked with "OOC".
3.5 Attempts to pose as admins, threatening players with sanctions, attempts to interpret rules are not allowed. Applying to admin's name without prior consent of the admin is not allowed.
3.6 Character name on server should not consist of random symbols or contain any abusive content. Remember that Discovery is a role-playing server; choose your name accordingly. Sanction: changing the name if character owner specifies the new name, or character deletion with no refund.
3.7 Using long character names (25+ symbols) is not allowed. Sanction: character deletion with no refund.
3.8 Sanctions for violating conduct rules range a credit/equipment fine to placing inside the prison system, unless specified otherwise in the appropriate rule. Sanctions for violating rules of conduct (other than 3.1 and 3.2) can be used only after the player was warned about the violation, but ignored the warning.
5. General PvP Rules
5.1 PvP in Connecticut is freely allowed. No PvP or RP engagement rules apply, unless there is an event or a duel. In this system, players are not obliged to roleplay.
5.2 If a player is attacked*, he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. There are no restrictions for self-defense.
5.3 Attacking characters of level 29 and below is prohibited. Characters under level 30 cannot be attacked by players of any level, except if they have non-Civilian ID onboard, and except cases of self-defense.
5.4 Intentional ramming of capital ships (gunboat-class or larger) by fighters and other capital ships is not allowed in PvP combat, as well as in any other situations.
5.5 Dock-killing when player is undocking/launching from a planet/base is not allowed.
5.6 If a player engages cruise engine or docks during a PvP fight, this player is considered fleeing. The fleeing player must leave and may not re-enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remains in the system, but no more than 4 hours.
However, the fleeing player can re-engage at will if chased.
5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remains in the system, but no more than 4 hours.
If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system without engaging. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.
5.8 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not re-engage the enemy (player or players involved in the death) with any of the characters on his/her account(s) for 4 hours.
5.9 After a death in a PvP fight, players should switch to other characters (preferably with different role-playing status) for no less than 4 hours.
5.10 Self-killing during a PvP fight is counted as a normal PvP death.
5.11 Using F1 in a PvP fight, as well as in any other situations that involve player interactions, is not allowed.
5.12 Sanctions for violationg PvP rules include a credit/equipment fine (no less than 50 million credits), placing character inside the prison system, banning up to 7 days.
For purposes of these Rules, an attack is draining shields to 50% or lower, or hull damage, or when a Cruise Disruptor is fired. Intentional ramming of any large ship is also considered an attack.
Will you be active at least once a week? Yes.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills? 6, maybe 7.
We would like to inform you that your application is now under review by the LSF. You may receive an answer withing 5-7 days (//due to RL issues and the need to wait for members to post their opinion).
Sorry, it seems my other Transmission was lost and corrupted, here is the original message:
* Name: Ezekiel Goodman
* DOB: 790 A.S.
* Sex: Female
* Previous Jobs: Assassin, grocery store manager.
* Skills: Persuasion, lying, indifference.
* Military History: A former Outcast
* Place of Birth: Freeport 9
* Department Interested in Joining: Department of Intelligence
Have you piloted a fighter craft?
Yes, multiple ships, straight from the shipyards at Malta.
Why do you wish to join the LSF?
To try to catch the scum I once knew as brothers, to keep Cardimine out of Manhattan
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the law? If so, for what reasons?
Yes, I was an Outcast bomber, I did it because I hated the Corsairs.
Do you have any skills that could be useful towards the LSF?
Yes, I can kill easily without mercy, and I know how to spot pirates and what routes they take, I also have top notch fighting.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character)
I am not a friendly person, give me a job, and I will get it done to the best of my ability, I don't fear mercy, I have a good experience with getting information............the hard way. I will do anything to prevent Cardimine reaching Manhattan, and I hate Rhiendland, Liberty is the only home that accepted me.
How long have you been playing freelancer?
Since it came out, March 25th, 2003
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the treads if so.
EDIT: Yes, a one month ban Linky, this will not happen again, I assure you.
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters?
Of course.
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken?
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction?
Yes, I wouldn't be here if I didn't.
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules.
2.2 Sanction for cheating may range from 60-day, to eternal ban.
2.3 Attempts to hack server, both successful and unsuccessful, will result in banning server account forever, as well as blocking access to server and to forums.
2.4 Threats of hacking will be punished with immediate and eternal ban from server and forums.
3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private, is prohibited under any circumstances.
3.2 Flaming, threats and insulting (in any form) other members, factions, server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.
3.3 All messages in chat must be in understandable English, unless the chat is private and both members know the language being used.
3.4 Out-of-character (OOC) chat should not be used for system chat, except in emergencies
5.1 PvP in Connecticut is freely allowed. No PvP or RP engagement rules apply, unless there is an event or a duel. In this system, players are not obliged to roleplay.
5.2 If a player is attacked*, he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. There are no restrictions for self-defense.
5.3 Attacking characters of level 29 and below is prohibited. Characters under level 30 cannot be attacked by players of any level, except if they have non-Civilian ID onboard, and except cases of self-defense.
Will you be active at least once a week?
Yes, unless it is holiday time or some other difficulty in my life, I will always post if I am not available
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills?
Bomber: 6
LF: 6
HV, VHF, SHF: 8 or 9
Capital: (Never been in one)
Freighter or Transport: 0.000000000000000001
JihadJoe Wrote:Xelgion, you have done a marvelous thing. Eppy is begging for mercy, in full caps.
FROM: Captain of the Anitsasgili
TO: David Copperfield of the LSF
Today I encountered one who claims to be an agent of yours. He goes by the name of Roland Gilead. Is this gentleman an agent ... or an applicant to the LSF? If he is not yet an agent ... inform him to keep clear of my vessel. Once he has a badge I will acknowledge his authority. However ... without his badge ... I cannot verify his authority to demand me to halt my vessel.
Military History: Retired Naval Pilot, served as Home Guard for the Liberty Navy in the Colorado System. (Orbital Patrol)
Place of Birth: Planet Manhattan
Department Interested in Joining: Department of Homeland Security or Department of Intelligence. (I don't care which.)
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you piloted a fighter craft?
Yes, can say I'm pretty skilled with it too, Willing to Pilot a Bomber If needed.
Why do you wish to join the LSF?
To protect Liberty from Terrorist Threats, Pirates, and anything else that causes harm to Police Forces.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the law? If so, for what reasons?
Do you have any skills that could be useful towards the LSF?
I never leave a comrade behind, I follow orders (even if I know it'll get me killed.), Diplomatic, smooth talker.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character)
I was born on Planet Manhattan in the New York System. My life was pretty plain up until I was 18. My parents put me in the Navy, I enrolled at West Point, passed as the second top pilot of my class, and was sent straight to active Duty, on the Rio Grande. When I was 24 I retired from the Navy and took on a normal life. However that all turned to stone when my Cargo ship was attacked by Terrorists. Now a year after that attack. I've decided enlist in the Liberty Security Force as an Agent. For one reason, and one reason only. To Protect the fair citizens of Liberty from Terrorist, and Pirate attacks.
More questions will be asked to you, during your interview. If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT ( agent in training) yourself for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
(( OOC Information))
Ingame names: Ethan_Morrow (Current)
Skype/Xfire username: None as of yet
Join Date: 1-February 09 (Don't worry, I know the game.)
Timezone: EST -5
How long have you been playing freelancer?
Three weeks after US Launch date.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Yes, read and re-read
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the treads if so.
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters?
LSF Characters and any other Character I have. Yes.
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken?
Understand and Agree
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction?
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules.
Section 2:
2.2 Sanction for cheating may range from 60-day, to eternal ban.
2.3 Attempts to hack server, both successful and unsuccessful, will result in banning server account forever, as well as blocking access to server and to forums.
2.4 Threats of hacking will be punished with immediate and eternal ban from server and forums.
Section 3:
3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private, is prohibited under any circumstances.
3.4 Out-of-character (OOC) chat should not be used for system chat, except in emergencies
3.5 Attempts to pose as admins, threatening players with sanctions, attempts to interpret rules are not allowed. Applying to admin's name without prior consent of the admin is not allowed.
Section 5:
5.2 If a player is attacked*, he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. There are no restrictions for self-defense.
5.3 Attacking characters of level 29 and below is prohibited. Characters under level 30 cannot be attacked by players of any level, except if they have non-Civilian ID onboard, and except cases of self-defense.
5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remains in the system, but no more than 4 hours.
Will you be active at least once a week?
Yeah, unless my computer has a problem.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills?
I would have to rate my fighting skills as a 7. I'm mostly Diplomatic and will only fire when I need to. I'm not that trigger happy. *Grins*