' Wrote:I have stupid suggestion. Like sheild busters .. but not only pulse weapons. For example lets take Tizona del cid. ANd bring it to tree diffrent vareties: Tizona del Cid Type A .. good agianst graviton weak agianst mocular. Tizona del cid type B Good agianst Mocular weak agianst Positron. Tizona del Cid tyupe C good against Postitron weak agianst Graviton (the current one)
Well this is just an opinion. Dont judge to much.
Well it's a try, but, tizona del cid is already a certain type of weapon, based on it's technology. If there were multiple Corsair shieldbusters, they would never be Tizona Del Cid A,B... Doesn't make sense, sorry.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
I personally like more the variant where shield busters are indifferent to shield type. The added bonus is, it won't need any new guns.
@Factionalised shieldbusters
It would be 10 new shieldbusters now, next will be 10 new minirazors, 10 supernovas, 40 missiles (4 main types), 20 torpedoes, God knows how many mines ... And these are still only fighter weapons. Stuff should be factionalised, right? One thing gets through, then people will just point and say "See? Shieldbusters were ok, so this is fine too."
I think the main problem about shield busters is their bigger damage on diffrent sheilds. Yes, I agree maybe creating diffrent types its to much sweat and abuit illogical. So just remove bonuses and reduces in pulse weapons. Then ships will start to use diffrent sheilds.
about ships "starting to have different shields" ... its a RP server.... ships "should" have different shields anyway. - just cause the players don t want it doesn t mean its not an option ( or even mandatory ).
BHGs use molecular shields for example... you will not see a single BHG with another shield type... - so BHG players should mount molecular shields as much as they should stick to their own weapons. ( had to use the BHG as an example, cause its the faction that came to my mind just now )
every faction has faction shields. - its the players fault that they don t mount them. - in 4.85, ships will be sold with FACTION shields... so if you see anyone with different shields... he did it to either RP a different shield or to gain an advantage ( or cause he liked the name better whatever... ) - but if you stick to what you purchased your ship with - you ll have the shield type that you are meant to have.
if outcasts used graviton shields - and corsairs used positron shields - and you d see a corsair with graviton shields and an outcast with positron shields - it would almost be as "wrong" as seeing an outcast with tizonas and a corsair with krakens ( well, not THAT wrong, cause its not really factionized, but i m sure you get the idea ... )
people on capital warships usually have graviton shields, cause the ships ( currently ) come with graviton shields only. - its just one simple scan of a NPC of your own faction to see what shields the faction prefers.... of course... if its about pvp, one would choose the one that protected the best.... . but its not all about pvp:).
about shieldbusters vs. different shields... i m not 100% sure, but i think that only pulse weapons allow a variable shield / hull damage. - other weapontypes must have 100% hull damage and 50% shield damage. - so only pulse weapons can be shieldbuster - but no particle weapons for example.
But is it possible to remove the bonus on graviton vs Pulse and the disadvantage on Positron, that would help factions with only Laser guns for example.
As far as shields go, I use what works best against my adversary's guns. I use molecular because they are the strongest against rhein mil weapons and so forth.
Results of the poll were inconclusive, because people didn't understand the question. Just read the responses...
It is possible for any weapon type to cause extra shield damage (tested).
It is possible to change shield modifiers for pulse weapons to make them inflict equal damage to all shield types.
Factionalising the Shieldbusters and the shields and doing different damage to different shild will lead to rather large shifts in the balance of power... could result in large unfair fights.
This is RP server so diferent factions having diferent weapons with diferent abilitys closes us more to reality. Where every nation has theyr own level of technological advancedment. If someone has better ships others have better guns.
Keep it real. Keep it interesting to play. Dont make it monotonicall.