' Wrote:how many different endings are there? i went for the selfless sacrifice option and the ending epiloge was quite sad as it was taling about how good id been and how i saved everyone the "hero from vault 101" i think it was:D, but solid snake would like a word with the writer of the war never changes speech:P
I'm pretty sure the war never changes speech predates MGS.
since theres already a fallout topic, no point making a new one.
anyone played the downloadable content for fallout 3, called Operation Anchorage? that, to be quite honest is awesome. the chimera tanks are o.O, but the best thing of the DLC i think, is the Gauss rifle. effin' pwntastication there.
Playing it right now. On my way to the Field Generator now. I alittle upset about the Gauss rifle, as it is hard to aim with the scope, but it seems like they made it easier to aim with the sniper rifle so thats good.
I'm playing Fallout 3 now(ish) and while I have discovered a lot, can anyone tell me how to get into the Vault at the back of Little Lamplight?
I can't open the gate. Do I need to be uber friendly with the kids?
How about getting into the Vault which is heavily irradiated in the middle of the western edge of the map. It was gaurded by some mutants but now the way is clear but I get creamed before I get to the door by the radiation. I'm wearing the advanced radiation suit (+40% rad resistance) and have taken Rad-X. Any ideas?
Top left corner of my map is a place called Raven-something. How do I open the door and have a look around?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Played through Fallout 1 & 2. There were loads of different things to do depending on your attributes. Cha was the most important followed by Int. These give you loads more options when in conversation.
Favourite weapon in the original Fallouts was the flamethrower. It wasn't very good but the effect of watching someone running round on fire waving their arms was funny. Normally I had a small calibre rapid fire weapon and the Super Sledge for when they got too close. I'd sometimes use the Minigun for mass combats though and try to attack a target with another one right behind him, just in case I missed. In Fallout three...not sure. Probably the Hunting rifle. It's the one I use the most. Lots of shots in V.A.T.S and great at range.
i just bought a bunch of new pc parts to make a new gaming rig, Fallout3 is going to be the first game i play on it :laugh: then gonna go back to oblivian.
' Wrote:1.I'm playing Fallout 3 now(ish) and while I have discovered a lot, can anyone tell me how to get into the Vault at the back of Little Lamplight?
2.I can't open the gate. Do I need to be uber friendly with the kids?
3.How about getting into the Vault which is heavily irradiated in the middle of the western edge of the map. It was gaurded by some mutants but now the way is clear but I get creamed before I get to the door by the radiation.
4.I'm wearing the advanced radiation suit (+40% rad resistance) and have taken Rad-X. Any ideas?
5.Top left corner of my map is a place called Raven-something. How do I open the door and have a look around?
Actually, I was going to run you through this, but I don't know how to make 'spolier text', so you could always look up an online walkthrough such as this
Didn't like Fallout 3 so much. Just kind of a soulless game, too similar to a lot of other stuff though.
Fallout 1 and 2 though...probably my favourite games. Like someone said, the fact you can complete Fallout 2 without killing anyone, or you can kill every single person in the whole game. That's awesome.
Don't know if you guys know, but some russian guy's been working on a mod that makes fallout 2 online like an mmorpg. It's mostly done, there was a big open beta awhile ago and now it's just being fine turned before the final beta and release in the summer. Somehow I managed to get on the dev team because they all speak terrible english (You see a packet cigarettes. It is Marlboro, an absolutely usual brand.)
' Wrote:there isnt much to say for Fallout 1,2, and tactics, because you cant really make your chars that unique because its a bit straight ended, im talking mostly about FO 3
Lolwat fallout 2 is roughly 3000x more open ended than fallout 3. have you even played it.
edit: should have read more about this thread than just gravedug my own post? lolol