Dear Director Johny Leroy, thank you for this opportunity. I wont fail you.
Oh and, Deputy Director Christian Deus, thank you for judging me before even talking to me privately, without flying with me, and without consulting with anyone else. But that is rather hard since I have never seen you actually fly your ship.
Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History: Went through a basic military camp preparation
Department Interested in Joining: Spec Ops
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you ever piloted a fighter craft and/or a bomber?
3 years of a mercenary service around Sirius
Why are you interested in joining the LSF?
I am interested in securing Liberty in this hard times, get a fair wage and get a bigger chance to invite Miss Berry on a dinner again.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
Apart from natural disrespect towards authorities and sometimes being charming, none that I am aware of.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines)
I come from the Manhattan from middle-high class family. When I was 16 I decided I don't want to live the life my parents prepped for me on a law schools and inbetween snobbish circles. Learned how to fly, became a mercenary. Worked my living around the Sirius and one day I saved Miss Berry against Order. An idea of becoming an agent slipped my mind but I don't think I was ready for it that time. I think that time might be now, when Liberty needs it the most. Due to my experience with all corners of the space I propose I join the special operations division.
If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT (agent in training) course for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
OORP part
((OOC Information))
Ingame names: Cerise.Reaver, [IND]The.Kitsune and much others
Skype/Xfire username: pilgrim666
Join Date on the server: May 2008
Region: +1/+2 GMT
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
Secret Operations and behind-enemy-lines tasks
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Then explain why the following rules are important: 3.1: Cursing ruins gameplay 3.3: Ruins RP environment 3.4: Don't wanna fly around being scared n' stuff 5.2: After all, it's a roleplay server 5.6 to 5.8:To prevent overkill, and enable attackers to actually be able to attack
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the threads if so.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
9, 4 years of practice
Terms and conditions
The =LSF= reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: <Yes>
Everything else you need to know is on the liberty forums, which will be linked when accepted.
It appears you already made acquaintance with Miss Berry. That's good, as it gives important advantages to know the agents you are working with beforehand. Just don't get too distracted, you have to concentrate on your job, after all. Your application has been [color=#33FF33]accepted. Please make sure you have your Guardian/Avenger VHF ready and set your transponder to broadcast LSF. The proper ID papers will be handed to you at the next LSF station you will come across. During your training you will be watched and observed by the heads of each department. That is all and welcome to the Liberty Security Force.
Johny Leroy
Liberty Security Force High Command
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Skills: Expirience in - Strategical Tactics, - Fighting in Snubs
Previous Jobs: Freelancer in Liberty
Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History: None
Department Interested in Joining: Homeland Security
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you ever piloted a fighter craft and/or a bomber?
Yes I have experience on the sabre fighter class vessel. I have more then 100 hours of flight and also combat training. [indent]
Why are you interested in joining the LSF?
[indent]I'm Willing to serve my Republic even in the darkest hours, main goal of mine is to work for Liberty interests and I'm willing to give my best.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
Yes, i have nice Strategical Expiriences that could be Much usefull in fights. My skill for darkest operations and behind enemy lines.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines)
I was born on planet Pitsburg. Lost my father when I was 17 years, as my Father died in a space accident. My father was a captain of a trade vessel and he worked as independent trader, basically for himself. My feelings about that situation weren't so clear, I felt sadness and somehow I couldn't do anything without him. I was afraid to admit that he is gone. My 21 birthday was close and I had to start working for myself, because life after school was damn hard. I started to work for local mercenary group which supported me with necessary equipment, ship and skills. I spend whole year training my piloting skills, of course they worked for the Liberty as a lawful mercenary group which was registred with Liberty bounty board.
The days were passing and I wasn't aware of it, I just did my job and with it manage to lose few years of my life. Now I'm not employed, because of incident I had in my fighter. While I was taking the bounty I chrashed my ship into the unexpected asteroid and hardly, with help of the angels and good, managed to survive. I took my break and did all medical terapy, that took a whole two years of mine, two years that I spend thinking about real career in Liberty, it ended with me applying for the LSF.
If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT (agent in training) course for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
Join Date on the server: It's over 2 Years old my join date... i just missed up my exactly date.
Region: Germany, Cologne
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
LSF member should act like agent of the government, most of his job is keept in secrets and some are posted to the citizens. LSF members should work on global Republi security and that will depend on department. Each department covers some fields that are in the interest of the republic.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Then explain why the following rules are important: 3.1: Rule is speaking that players need to be humans, good one. They don't need to spread hateful and they don't need to swear or otherwise they will end up sanctionated. 3.3: This server is Role Play one and players must stick to the RP only and nothing more when they are speaking with other players in local or system chat. 3.4: You do not threat people with reports or otherwise you lose, everything you can do is report without any threats and with proper evidence to forum, then the admins will decide if you're right or wrong. 5.2: On the role play server we aren't just shooting around without proper rp, so RP is needed in every conversation and even in PVP. 5.6 to 5.8: Rule 5.6 is about that if Players sees your Docking Message it is like you are PvP Dead, so you must leave the System and not Engage same Player or Group for four Hours.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the threads if so.
Yes - it is likely over one year old link has been lost..
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
Terms and conditions
The =LSF= reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: <Yes>
Everything else you need to know is on the liberty forums, which will be linked when accepted.
Your application has been reviewed and [color=#33FF33]accepted. Please make sure you have your Guardian/Avenger VHF ready and set your transponder to broadcast LSF. The proper ID papers will be handed to you at the next LSF station you will come across. During your training you will be watched and observed by the heads of each department. That is all and welcome to the Liberty Security Force.
Johny Leroy
Liberty Security Force High Command
[color=#FF0000]Enabling Feedback Loop...
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Previous Jobs: Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet Pilot; Ship Construction, Norfolk Shipyard
Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History: Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet Pilot
Department Interested in Joining: TacOps or DHS
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you ever piloted a fighter craft and/or a bomber?
Yes -- I have flown as a Heavy Fighter pilot in the Navy's Secondary Fleet for about half a month now with over a dozen hours spent flying.
Why are you interested in joining the LSF?
I want to assist in protecting Liberty from threats both internal and external.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
I am a decent pilot, but that's about it.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines)
I was born on Manhattan to a not-so-privillaged family. As soon as I could, I got a job and worked as much as I could so I wouldn't be a burden to my parents. I helped install ship weapons at Norfolk Shipyard. Four years ago, I met my to-be fiancee, Madison. Unfortunately, after I proposed, she had to go to Cambridge to research I'm-not-sure-what, I wasn't paying attention. On her way back, the transport she was on was attacked and destroyed by pirates in California. Over the next three years, I worked hard to get enough money together to buy my own ship and enlist in the Navy to help protect the families of Liberty. However, after about half a month, I realized that maybe the LSF would be more fitting for me.
If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT (agent in training) course for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
OORP part
((OOC Information))
Ingame names: Griffin.Spade
Skype/Xfire username: fuzzy.ninja13
Join Date on the server: Early-Mid July 2012
Region: Central U.S.A. (GMT-6)
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
Ensure the protection of Liberty and its citizens through any means necessary.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Then explain why the following rules are important: 3.1: Swearing is a juvenile expression of anger and detracts from the overall roleplay experience. 3.3: Seeing a long string of out-of-character text makes maintaining immersion in the roleplaying experience much harder. This server is not populated by players--it's populated by characters. Keeping that distinction improves gameplay. 3.4: If someone's misbehaving, it's best not to make a big deal out of it with them. That'll just make them angry, and it'll lead to a lot of out-of-roleplay behavior. Just taking screenshots and filing a rule violation report will save a lot of hassle. 5.2: Half the fun in this server comes from interacting with other players. The banter before a fight can be some of the most fun one can have. It leads to some interesting roleplay moments that would be missed if one just says "Engaging" before attacking a "hostile" ship. 5.6 to 5.8: Say one totals his car. In real life, one can't just respawn wherever they last stopped, car fully repaired and ready to go. In a video game, however, this can happen. But with a roleplay server, one must maintain a certain realism while still making the game fun to play. As a result, dying in one system is a sort of semi-death for the character. They aren't allowed to re-engage theier opponent or remain in the system in which they were destroyed for ten minutes. This penalty applies for four hours after the character's death. Not only that, but to keep the player from seeking revenge with another of their characters, the same goes for all of that player's characters.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the threads if so.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
5 -- I'm pretty new to it but am learning and understand most of the concepts.
Terms and conditions
The =LSF= reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Your application has been reviewed and [color=#33FF33]accepted. Please make sure you have your Guardian/Avenger VHF ready and set your transponder to broadcast LSF. The proper ID papers will be handed to you at the next LSF station you will come across. During your training you will be watched and observed by the heads of each department. That is all and welcome to the Liberty Security Force.
Johny Leroy
Liberty Security Force High Command
[color=#FF0000]Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
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Place of Birth: Twickenham, Planet New London, New London, Bretonia.
Skills: Napping. Managing large amounts of credits. Able to mix various alcoholic beverages. Experience with various people and their habits. I can paint. Able to pilot a variety of space traversable vessels.
Previous Jobs: Liberal Artist, Telemarketer, Door to Door Salesman, Hair Dresser, Street Vendor, Skills Councilor, Security Systems Officer.
Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History: I was a Security Systems Officer for a planet-based consumer goods industry. I got to carry a threatening directed energy baton. It was pretty legit.
Department Interested in Joining: Tactical Operations
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you ever piloted a fighter craft and/or a bomber?
You mean one that can actually stand up in a firefight? The closet I've been to one is in space. Bretonian law was a real stickler on arms and the most you can get is a freighter or a light transport craft with some threatening flashlights on them.
Why are you interested in joining the LSF?
So after finishing my introductory education and spending various years drifting from job to job on New London, I finally saved up enough credits to sponsor a move to Liberty. With the war against Kusari, Bretonia hasn't been hospitable to me at all. I am trying to stake my claim here and make a new name for myself. I am actually highly interested in the social aspects of this occupation. I know for sure that the Liberty Security Force can provide me a steady job and a means to support myself while furthering my education.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
There was a certain incident about eight months ago with the Bretonian Police Authority involving stolen goods of a biological Metazoaic nature being stored in a warehouse owned by a planet-based consumer goods industry. Apparently said goods were illegally acquired without proper approval from the Ministry of Wildlife and Game and no environmental impact statement was filed. As the Security Systems Officer, it was my responsibility to manage inventory and I was apparently found responsible for it at a court hearing and was fined about 50 credits. Nasty business.
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
I am quite excellent in Public Affairs and my experience with a diverse variety of people makes me confident in my speech. I am familiar with marketing and able to find ways to persuade others for a given purpose. I tend to be very outgoing and generally friendly and I have a great smile.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines)
I am a liberal art students from New London University of Contemporary Composition. While enrolled, I spent time as an entrepreneur selling various goods. After graduating, I got a job working for a small business as a barber/hair dresser to help pay off my student loans on top of my business as an entrepreneur. I later became a skills councilor in my home town of Twickenham where I helped children develop athletic based skills. Eventually I saved up enough money to become a certified freelancer pilot and decided to move to Liberty. I am currently staying at a small flat on Los Angeles working for a bus boy for a nearby restaurant.
If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT (agent in training) course for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
OORP part
((OOC Information))
Ingame names: N/A
Skype/Xfire username: tiberiuswalker
Join Date on the server: 2008
Region: United States
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
A Liberty Security Force operative should maintain excellent situational awareness at all times observing his nearby environment and the interactions of objects inside said environment. Should carry out given directives in an efficient and responsible manner while helping to ensure public well being and good. An operative should conduct himself in a professional manner, realizing that his actions may reflect upon his superiors and ultimately the integrity of the agency.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Then explain why the following rules are important: 3.1: Most people go to gaming as a way to get away from the stress of life. If you or others are just running around being hateful and abusive, it really kills the mood and the game in general. It is all about mutual respect. Plus, we don't go around doing that in society, why should the rules be different here? 3.3: It ruins the immersion and there is little need for it when disputes can be solved via private chat. 3.4: There is a system in place meant to establish order. If people go around that, we pretty much live in fear. Not to mention this is sort of the equivalent of blackmail. 5.2: We come here to roleplay, not to slaughter things left and right in some blind deathmatch. 5.6 to 5.8:Once again, immersion. Plus, things start to lose meaning when you fight for hours with someone only to have him come back seconds later and re-engage you. It ultimately ruins the feel and things devolve into chaos.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the threads if so.
In the last six months? To my memory, no.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
'Bout an 8
Terms and conditions
The =LSF= reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: Yes.
I am available for contact via SKYPE.
Tiberius Walker, putting flames out and being awesome since Apr 13 2008
[8/17/2008 5:56:46 PM] Aaron (Boss/Jurgen) says: Can't bring myself to say it... Looks like you get the LABC, I've seen what you can do in one
Walker (Albert Wint): I can has win? --- Epyon the Bored: You can haz win. --- [1:18:00 PM] Chris (Niezck) says: I love you <3
[5:55:53 PM] Raisu says: Walker pwned both Battleships(LNS-Texas LNS-Arizona) - [5:55:57 PM] Raisu says: in a cruiser Tiberius Walker, spreading mayhem, destruction, and Spamming Flood since Oct 22 2008
[9:08:25 AM] Gurjiv (Frozen) says: I hope someone gives you AIDs.
[7:15:17 PM] Dylan (Ximen) says: Walker... you have no idea how much fail you bring into this world...
[8:05:08 AM] Ross (SevereTrinity) says: Screw you for making me install FL again
[10:51IE AM] Epyon the Bored says: My god if I ever meet you I am going to strangle you. Tiberius Walker, being better then you since April 30, 2009 â¢
We will remember - We do not Forget - We do not Forgive
Firewall Status... [color=#33CC00]Online Verify Encryption Keys...Ok Confirm Identity... Norman O'Connor Recognised Initialise Video Uplink...Established
Ethan V. Keevil,
Your application has been received and will be forwarded for processing. We will inform you as soon as the decision concerning your application is made.
Norman O'Connor
Supervisory Agent
Liberty Security Force
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Your application has been reviewed and [color=#33FF33]accepted. Please make sure you have your Guardian/Avenger VHF ready and set your transponder to broadcast LSF. The proper ID papers will be handed to you at the next LSF station you will come across. During your training you will be watched and observed by the heads of each department. That is all and welcome to the Liberty Security Force.
Johny Leroy
Liberty Security Force High Command
[color=#FF0000]Enabling Feedback Loop...
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