"Um... Yes ma'am... s" Steve, startled by being bombarded with requests for drinks, set about preparing several cups of strong sake.
"Okay, here you go... Saigo." He replied as he handed over the drink.
"So, erm... how are you doing?" He asked, quickly becoming overwhelmed by the numbers of beautiful women around him.
Naomi looked at Steve, Shifty eyed again. "Hey Watsas... couldn't you have programmed Steve to be a little more respectful?"
Watsas glanced over in response. "No. He was like this when he was in the academy, he was like this in the KNF, and he's like this now. Short of neutering him, which is on the table pending GC request..." Watsas said this part loud enough for steve to hear clearly "...he isn't going to change."
Steve apparently got the point and stopped talking.
Watsas meanwhile, had compared the voice patterns and bio-signatures of 'Frenrir', to those of Selene Night. He classified her as a friendly mercenary, but otherwise paid little attention, continuing to work on his programming.
Naomi shrugged, and continued to keep an eye on Alexis and Takako.
' Wrote:"I imagine you haven't," she replies, drinking some of her sake. "I've been around, mostly collecting the GMG bounties in Sigma 13... a Dragon saved my butt the other day, though I think I could've handled the five Corsairs myself," she laughs.
"Anyways," she continues, gregariously, "I just adore the Chrysanthemums. Love the cause. Can I get you a drink?" At the last, she has a certain twinkle in her eye and set to her smile.
Takako shrugged. "If you are insisting, tea would be nice." She stretched. "Aaah... so much time in cockpit. Is nice, having room for actual moving..."
Alexis' smile widens. "Why, I do happen to give the most lovely massages..." She waves at the bartender ("Steve, is it?") to bring her newfound friend a drink. "Perhaps, if you have time later, I could demonstrate it to you?" She takes another sip of her sake.
Takako raised an eyebrow. "You are... how is it you are saying? Coming on with me, yes?" She received her Cardamine-infused tea and took a sip with an amused half-smile. "I must be saying, I am receiving many coming-ons from pervert Junker, and from bartender. But not from woman before. Is new." She set the cup down. "Word of advice. If you are not liking Cardamine, I am recommend you are staying with sake. Many Cardamine in tea."
"Coming on to you, dear," Alexis corrects, "And I'll take note of the Cardamine in the tea... I do adore you Chrysanthemums, but I'm not a huge fan of the Outcasts... I mostly ignore them because of you lot." She smiles, then asks, "So, never had a girl 'come on' to you before?" Another sip of her sake taken, and she orders another.
"Why I'm Alexis Almira, hon," she said, proffering her hand, "Freelancer extraordinare. Just bagged me three Corsairs, by my lonesome. So..." she said, trailing off and looking suddenly sheepish, "you open to new experiences, dear?"
"Pleased for meeting you, Alexis Almira," Takako said, bowing slightly. "What kind of new experiences? Like, seeing no trader taking shortcuts through space of Sisterhood and Blood Dragons?" She laughed. "That will be a day... But, in seriousness, what experiences are you meaning?"
Steve had been watching the two's conversation closely and intently. One could only imagine what perverted thoughts went on under his helmet and gasmask, though the fact that he was breathing heavier then usual hinted at it.
"Watsas. You may want to neuter him after all." Naomi stated, walking over and sitting on the Barstool on the other side of Alexis, looking at Steve annoyadly.
"Uh... n...n...no ma'am. Just... minding the holovision... mhmhm" Steve said, the tone of terror and arousal in his synthetically warped voice.
"Damnit Steve, go... I don't know. Run a Diagnostic on the Abyss or check the Reactor core for any leaks. You're killing the mood in here." Watsas stated coldly.
Steve stood there, parylised by confusion and lust.
"GO! Or you become Kurisho's new pet!"
"AAAAAAAAAAA!" Steve yelped before fleeing the Tea house, Watsas chasing him out the door, before turning back and walking over to the bar.
"There you go, Pervy ol' steve won't be coming back any time soon. Carry on ladies." He stated as reassuringly as he was physically able.
At about that time, CobaltWatsas stumbled back into the Tea House. Having sobered up just enough to use basic english.
"Dagnabbit! Mah ship is totalled! Who could have done such a... *gasp!*" He abruptly stopped as he saw Ironwatsas, who turned around, equally shocked.
"...I knew this day would come..." He stated coldly.
The two stared at each other dramatically for a while, taking in the implications of each other's presance.
Most of the people in the tea house were watching the two, confused. Naomi tapped Takako and Alexis on the shoulders. "Yeah, we may want to take this elsewhere. I think this is about to get really screwy in here."
Takako scowled. "Yes. Is good idea. Alexis, we should be going somewhere quieter to get away from baka cyborg and baka relative." She set her finished tea down. "My room, perhaps. Is easier for talking in private."