Name: Daniel Orixion
Date Of Birth: June 15th
Sex: Male
Previous Jobs: Was always Unemployed
Skills: Teamworker, Sacrifice for Others, Supportive (Always By My Friend's Side), Pretty Fast, Observative (Can spot enemies/contraband easily), I believe thats it.
Military History: Fought in 80-year war with Rheinland
Place of Birth: Planet New Berlin
Department Interested in Joining: Liberty Security Force Patrol
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you ever piloted a fighter/bomber craft? Yes, A Titan Heavy Fighter
Why do you wish to join the LSF? To stop the criminals from hurting innocent civilians :nono:
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons? I have a clean record :D
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF? Serious during missions, Supportive with Team, and I love Teamwork! :yahoo:
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines) I was a low profile 17 year old who absolutley, positively, HATED the GMG! :angry: . I decided to join The 80-year war around the time when it was almost over :$ . Before the was almost over, my planet was attacked by GMG invaders :( . My family was killed in the bomb raid! :shok: . I was MOST PISSED OFF :angry2: . I then vowed to end the reign of criminals and anybody who apposed the Lawfuls! :yes:
More questions will be asked to you, during your interview. If this application is approved, you will be put in our AIT ( agent in training) course for two weeks, where we will determine if you're fit to be a agent in the LSF.
OORP part
(( OOC Information))
Ingame names: SonicTheHedgehog, more to come possibly :unsure: .
Skype/Xfire username: I don't have one. :$ .
Join Date on discovery server (and forum if you had an older account): Mar 1, 2009
Timezone: Eastern US
How long have you been playing freelancer? About 3 years or more. :unsure:
How much do you know about the RP of the LSF? All I know is they catch people/players with contraband and convince them to hand it over.... or else :rtfm: .
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)? Go on contraband searches and/or hunt Liberty Rogue Bases.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? Yes
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the treads if so. No, I'm clean :D .
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters? Yes I Will.
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken? Yes I Do.
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction? Yes I Do.
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules in your own words if possible. (sometime better wording is impossible, we know that)
2. Cheating & Hacking
2.1 Following actions are considered cheating on server:
- Using non-Discovery mods, speed-related and loot-related mods especially, as well as using modifications that improve stats of items and ships;
- Changing account information and using any kinds of software that changes normal gameplay;
- Using any equipment not included for sale/looting in Discovery mod, cloaks for example;
- Using equipment that exceeds ship specs;
- Cloning, e.g. creating new characters to collect starting money.
Keep in mind that maximum allowed cruise speed in Discovery is 350, with higher speed possible only when catching up with a group.
2.2 Sanction for cheating may range from 60-day, to eternal ban.
Punishment for using speed mod (first time) will be no less than a ban for 60 days. Players who have been spotted cheating twice or more, will be banned forever.
2.3 Attempts to hack server, both successful and unsuccessful, will result in banning server account forever, as well as blocking access to server and to forums.
Hacking is: gaining unauthorized access to PC where server is running, modifying server resources, violating normal operations of server software and hardware in any other way.
2.4 Threats of hacking will be punished with immediate and eternal ban from server and forums.
3. Rules of conduct
3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private, is prohibited under any circumstances.
Sanction: no less than 7-day ban.
3.2 Flaming, threats and insulting (in any form) other members, factions, server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.
Sanction: no less than 14-day ban.
3.3 All messages in chat must be in understandable English, unless the chat is private and both members know the language being used.
3.4 Out-of-character (OOC) chat should not be used for system chat, except in emergencies
3.5 Attempts to pose as admins, threatening players with sanctions, attempts to interpret rules are not allowed. Applying to admin's name without prior consent of the admin is not allowed.
3.6 Names of new characters should be set up with role-playing nature of our server in mind. This means that:
- Names with swear words and offence in any language will result in instant character deletion;
- Names with excessive use of random symbols, capital letters, numbers, symbols, leet speak, emoticons should not be used. Player are warned by administrators if such name is spotted, and given a chance for a volunteer name change (standard rules for name changes apply) If not, the administrator will change the name, and it may not necessarily be your choice.
3.7 Using long character names (25+ symbols) is not allowed. Sanction: character deletion with no refund.
3.8 Sanctions for violating conduct rules range a credit/equipment fine to placing inside the prison system, unless specified otherwise in the appropriate rule. Sanctions for violating rules of conduct (other than 3.1 and 3.2) can be used only after the player was warned about the violation, but ignored the warning.
5. General PvP Rules
5.1 PvP in Connecticut is freely allowed. No PvP or RP engagement rules apply, unless there is an event or a duel. In this system, players are not obliged to roleplay.
5.2 If a player is attacked*, he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. There are no restrictions for self-defense.
5.3 Attacking characters of level 29 and below is prohibited. Characters under level 30 cannot be attacked by players of any level, except if they have non-Civilian ID onboard, and except cases of self-defense.
5.4 Intentional ramming of capital ships (gunboat-class or larger) by fighters and other capital ships is not allowed in PvP combat, as well as in any other situations.
5.5 Dock-killing when player is undocking/launching from a planet/base is not allowed.
5.6 If a player engages cruise engine or docks during a PvP fight, this player is considered fleeing. The fleeing player must leave and may not re-enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remains in the system, but no more than 4 hours.
However, the fleeing player can re-engage at will if chased.
5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remains in the system, but no more than 4 hours.
If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system without engaging. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.
5.8 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not re-engage the enemy (player or players involved in the death) with any of the characters on his/her account(s) for 4 hours.
5.9 After a death in a PvP fight, players should switch to other characters (preferably with different role-playing status) for no less than 4 hours.
5.10 Self-killing during a PvP fight is counted as a normal PvP death.
5.11 Using F1 in a PvP fight, as well as in any other situations that involve player interactions, is not allowed.
5.12 Sanctions for violationg PvP rules include a credit/equipment fine (no less than 50 million credits), placing character inside the prison system, banning up to 7 days.
*For purposes of these Rules, an attack is draining shields to 50% or lower, or hull damage, or when a Cruise Disruptor is fired. Intentional ramming of any large ship is also considered an attack.
Will you be active at least once a week? Most Likely! :D
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills? Ehh.. About.. 5-7? :unsure:
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills? About 9 or 10
I am afraid we may have to reject your application. A Rheinland Sympathizer and GMG hater has no place within the LSF. Also, your application seems to lack seriousness and contradict itself. For example, you state to never have had any jobs, but you also say you've fought in the 80 years war.
Also, I heard that you have tried to apply our flag on your ship without my consent. I had to contact the A.D.M.I.N. office to remove it from your ship.
Name: Cali Horn
Date Of Birth: 781 AS
Sex: Female
Previous Jobs: Transport Mechanic
Skills: Experienced at repairing damaged hull and systems of transport and fighter craft. A fairly accurate turret gunner. Has basic medical care knowledge.
Military History: None
Place of Birth: Pittsburgh
Department Interested in Joining: Anywhere I could do my best to assist.
Have you ever piloted a fighter/bomber craft? I once piloted a Starflier around Manhatten a few times but other than that I have only worked on Transports.
Why do you wish to join the LSF? I wish to help protect Liberty and its people. As i have worked on a number of Transports I know how stretched the Liberty Security Force is.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons? No I have never had a criminal record nor have I ever got in trouble with the law.
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF? As a mechanic I can help keep the Liberty Security Force's vessels in working condition and I am always willing to help anyone out.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far..
I grew up on Pittsburgh with my parents who owned the transport vessel named "Breen" and I spent a lot of my life onboard that ship. When I was old enough I started to help out where I could and generally slipped into the role of the mechanic as I did my best to keep the ship running whilst it travelled, from time to time I also manned one of the turrets on the ship to help fight off any pirates that attacked through this I slowly got better at it but was never as good as anyone else. My mother also taught me how to take care of basic wounds and injuries. However, I soon grew bored with the ship and felt I could do something to make Liberty safer and so that is why I wish to join the LSF.
Ingame names:
Skype/Xfire username: kevin.kingswell for SKYPE
Join Date on discovery server (and forum if you had an older account): 4th March 2008
Timezone: London. GMT +0 Time Zone.
How long have you been playing freelancer? On and off for 2 to 3 years.
How much do you know about the RP of the LSF? From what I know and guess is that the LSF functions alot like the Liberty Navy and Police in that they guard the Liberty system from threats and criminals however, I think they are also used to find out inner threats such a s traitors and deserters within the Liberty ranks as well as investigating alien threats and races.
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)? Police the Liberty system for threats, assist people in danger and to keep looking for internal and alien threats to Liberty. For an RP style they should generally act as Police Officers but always keeping an eye out for dissent in other Liberty Foces.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? Yes
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the treads if so. No.
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters? Yes
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken? Yes
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction? Yes
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules in your own words if possible. (sometime better wording is impossible, we know that)
Section 2:
Using any non-Discovery Mods, espically speed or loot related as well as any that change the stats on items and ships are all considered cheating.
The time of the bans may be anywhere between 60 days to eternal. First time using speed mod the punishment is 60 days anyone spotted twice or more faces an eternal ban.
Any attempt to hack the server both successful and unsuccessful will result in an eternal ban from the server and the forums.
Section 3:
Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private, is not allowed under any circumstances. To do so will mean players recieve a 7 day ban.
All message must be in English in chat unless the chat is private and the players know the langauge being used.
Out of character must not be used in system chat unless it is an emergency.
Section 5:
PvP in Connecticut is allowed with no set rules or restrictions uless their is an event or duel.
There are no restrictions for self defense and a player is obligied to defend him or herself.
Dock killing when a player is lundocking or launching from a base/planet is not allowed.
Will you be active at least once a week? Yes
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills? I would say about 4 to 5 I am not the best fighter but I can hold my own in a fight.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills? 8-9 I am a keen Roleplayer however, I wouldn't say I am perfect.
Sorry for the long delay, we have been busy with some internal changes in the late days. However, we have been able to find some time to review your application. Congratulations, you are now a member of the LSF.
contact us privately or at our office for a rendez vous to set up your new ship.
Hello. my name is Alex Wolf, but i perfer the name Jacobi Chase. My father was a trader who was hit by some Rogues. My mother flew for the Order but was Killed in Action alongside Edison Trent. I would like to join. I have no more time to talk. Please contact.......
Could you please resubmit with our current application(//on page one, copy paste fill in information) that way we can better make our decisions during review
Alex Wolf here. Sorry, but i had to cut the last request. I would like to join the LSF. Here is my file:
Name: Alex Wolf(ingame Jacobi Chase)
Hair:Dark Blonde
Eyes: Hazel
Favorite fighter: Viper MII
Favorite Cap Ship: Battlestar
Time on RP server: Not long, due to the fact I could not get on. A couple hours.
Favorite Passtime: Kicking Nomad, or anyone who threatens Liberty, A**!
(( IC Information ))
Name: Nivek
Date Of Birth: 784
Sex: Male
Previous Jobs: Navy Pilot
Skills: Fighter/Bomber Pilot, Specialized in Combat Tactics, Martial Arts Instructor, Marksmanship Instructor
Military History: Graduated w/Honors from WestPoint Academy, Served 10 years of service with the Liberty Navy (2 yrs in a Bomber Squadron, 6 years in a fighter squadron, and 2 yrs as a Combat Tactics Instructor).
Place of Birth: Planet Denver
Department Interested in Joining: DHS for certain, but Im interested in learning more about DOI
Have you ever piloted a fighter/bomber craft? Yes
Why do you wish to join the LSF?
To defend Liberty against all who would oppose her of course! My service with the Navy helped to defend Liberty, but with all of the new and dangerous threats that threaten Liberty, I believe I can better serve Liberty within the ranks of the LSF.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
No, I have never been charged with a crime. However, early in my career I was reprimanded for striking a fellow officer after he left his wingman in a fight which resulted in an unnecessary loss of life. No formal charges were issued, but I did receive a one month base restriction and assignment to an anger management course.
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
Other than those I have already listed, Im a problem solver. I believe that there is a solution to every problem and that philosophy has been proven in my ability to get the job done.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far.
I tend to be the quiet type with not much to say, but when I speak its usually worth listening too. Im not the social type, meaning I wont be bar hopping with you, but you can bet that Ill be there with you in a fight and I wont leave anyone behind either. Im usually slow to anger, but when I amlookout!
OORP part
(( OOC Information))
Ingame names: Nivek and Enyaw, but Im sure there will be more.
Skype/Xfire username: Xfire username is Nivek
Join Date on discovery server (and forum if you had an older account): Ive been on the server for a few months and I re-registered on the Forum 3-11-09.
Timezone: EST
How long have you been playing freelancer? About 1 year
How much do you know about the RP of the LSF?
While the fundamental purpose of the LSF, LN, and LPI is to protect and defend Liberty and ensure that the laws of the land are being followed I see that each has its own unique levels at which it operates. They hold similarities to the Police/FBI, CIA, and Military Services of the USA. I see the LSF (with its multiple departments) operating on higher levels like the CIA (dealing with all intelligence matters that affect Liberty) down to the lower levels (like the Coast Guardsmen protecting our shores from illegal drug trafficking).
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
Uphold and enforce the laws of Liberty, defend Liberty, hunt down and eliminate criminal and terrorist factions, protect civilian and commercial traffic, assist LN and LPI as needed, and Im sure that it doesnt stop there
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Yes and I printed a copy for reference.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the treads if so.
No, never.
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters?
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken?
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction?
Yes, Absolutely!
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules in your own words if possible. (sometime better wording is impossible, we know that)
Section 2 Cheating & Hacking
Actions that are considered cheating include: the use of non-discovery mods, the use of software that changes gameplay, the use of equipment not included in discovery or exceeds specs.
Sanctions for cheating range from 60 day ban to a permanent ban.
Hacking or attempting to hack the server will result in a permanent ban from the server and the forums.
Section 3 Rules of Conduct
The use of foul, abusive, hateful, or racial language in private or public chat is forbidden.
Threats or insults outside of the RP role towards other members, faction, and admin in private or public chat is forbidden.
Public messages must be in English. Private messages may be another language if both parties understand the language
Section 5 General PvP Rules
When attacked, you have the right to defend yourself no matter who is attacking.
Dock-killing is not allowed.
Committing suicide during a PvP counts as a normal PvP death.
Will you be active at least once a week?
Yes, daily if I find time and mostly in the evenings from 6p 11p.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills?
I rate them at an 8, experience has shown that someone is always better.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
Ill say a 5, but RP experience is still learning and growing.
As your application lacks an enormous amount of information and is extremely ...may I say... Weird. We are forced the refuse your application. I could even recommend you to go in detoxification.
David Copperfield
(//too much oorp stuff, questions are badly answered, sorry. Better for you to stay as an independent player for some time till you get the ropes. Once you know how the place run, you can reapply.)
Mr. Nivek,
We are glad to inform you that your application was reviewed and accepted by our pairs. You are now a member of the LSF, welcome aboard. Please contact us privately (PM or private forums) so we can assign you a new ship and give you the appropriate Idents and such.
Good luck,
David Copperfield
(//instruction to build an LSF char quicker when there is no other LSF players online (This will save some time for everyone, and beware that fixing your rep may take more than 2 hours):
Create your character with the tag EX: =LSF=Firstname.Lastname or =LSF=Lastname
Grab a recruit ID on the station you are
Get an Avenger(on Mississippi or a Guardian(on Missouri) (if you don't have the money, tell me, I'll transfer it)
Equip yourself with a good shield and some guns if you can.
Now, once your ship is ready enough to do missions, go into the station bar and Abort as much LN and LPI missions as you can (relog when there is no more missions). This will prevent you from getting stuck with LN/LPI tag (most LN missions are on Battleships).
Once your rep with both is lower enough, Try to do some LSF missions. If you can't, Go kill some Lane Hacker in Magellan (don't kill Xenos, it will mess up your rep) until the LSF turn white. NOTE: Always check to make sure LPI and LN don't go too green, if they do, abort missions again.
When you are done with all this, I will give you other instructions and we will make your rep go up faster.
((LSF rep is quite very hard to achieve, I gotta find a solution to that...))