I just had another one in FL. I was on a smuggling run, and an LSF ship caught me in Alaska. He chased me all through Alaska, Minor, and Delta until I docked on Freeport 10. In Minor, he chased me out of the Nebula, back into it, and managed to convince an Order ship to come after me. I had no bats/bots afterward, and just a sliver of hull left. I frakking love asteroids, they mess up the CDs.
The thing unholy mentioned was epic... Properly epic.
Also, the first day I set up a xeno eagle, I went on a raid with Zeltak, Dusty, Lohingren, Gezza, and a few others, we got cap-spammed -heavily- and got down with the killing. But eventualy, after an hour or so, it just got too much, most of us had bits missing from out ships, no bots or bats, just nothing left. Dusty didn't even have a sheild on his bomber, and we decided to make a run for it back to ouray. I got disrupted and started to thrust out to the Colorado hole in NY...
I was doing pretty good, dodging and diving around avoiding missiles, cap-fire and all sorts of other flying death, then all of a sudden I hit 'V' to check out what was still chasing me, and see the boomstick of a liberty cruiser just about to hit me, which it does, instakilling me in a mathmatically impossible way.
It was -awesome-.
my first time solo-harvesting a fully equipped battlecruiser in my harvy lunchbox. *tear*
Oh the joy that it brought.... i was literally shaking of all the excitement.
Oh....that and the first time i played Age of Empires 2 ->> 16hours straight....
without my parents telling me to stop (they usually allowed me half an hour.)
yes, i remember my most epic awesome gaming memory.
was my firsat massive pvp battle here on discovery freelancer.
was december 2007 when ICO was around. me and two other ICO chaps heard about a massive battle in california between like 8-10 navy and lsf players and equel number of HF and other outcast allied players. we popped in and helped out, was one of the most epic battle i had ever seen here.
then another epic awesome gaming moment was when i was playing WoW a couple years ago *back in early 2008) was hanging out in Stormwind and a huge massive Horde raid came in and started WTF pwning everyone and thing! thankfully i was not tagged for PVP, so i got a free front seat and watched them all die!
buit i suppose the game that had the most epicness in my life was DOOM 3. Thatgame scared the crap out of me so bad that it took me over a month to build the courage up to play it again. i never even got past the first level when i first tried it because i was so frightened.
' Wrote:Before i tell the story of me and my friend's attempt to become Wilde, i want to tell the keepers who engaged us this: YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG WILD ROOKIES! (they died:D)
Me and my friend, roleplaying as Wilde (wanting to join the faction, that happened last year) in sigma 13 near the berlin hole...i was in the RM Bomber with no missles, just nomad weps + SN and CD, my friend in a Wrath with nomie weps and 1 cannonball....
We roleplayed near the cruiser wreck, scanning for some secred military data on it, all that happened in open channel. Finally, some people came to fight us.
Firstly, some pirates arrived - 2 falcata outcasts...they attacked us. At the time one of them died, 2 keepers arrived and said "***Amusement***" while engaging us (no idea why, we roleplayed as Wilde and they knew it, this was a set-up)...both with Assasins. They died in 20 mins of fighting, me and my friend were still holding.
Then, the last falcatta died, but 1 corsair gb appeared. Same cruel fate - died. By that time all my weps got ripped off, leaving just SN (i took all the damage :lol:), my friend lost the wings with 2 weps on them and lost his shield too.
Lastly, a OC with rogue gunboat and some NOVAPG arrived and 3 people died in 2 secs - that was me, my friend and a NOVAPG, because we ate about 3-4 mines at once (and i think there was also a Nova Torp involved:lol:)....so i am not sure what survived the explosion but it has been the funniest fight that lasted about 3 hours!
Mate... i was in the fight and i killed you both !!
And it was me and novaPG guy against the two of you..
You had all your weps intact. You took on me.. dealt a hell lot of damage and then got distracted and turned to the NovaPG who was taken out pretty doon.
Unfortunately for you, i picked all his bats/bots and went on to destroy you..
But i was following you two on the sys chat.. was funny !