Skills: Liberty Army planetary transport pilot; LSF pilot academy graduate; good trader witk knowledge of Jumpgates and Jumpholes, social skills
Military History: 5 years Liberty military, 1 year independent LSF agent, worked with navy and LPI in territory defence missions
Place of Birth:Los Angeles, California system
Department Interested in Joining: DHS prefered, or any available
Mr. Escrisma,
As the current director of the LSF, I announce you that your application has been reviewed and accepted. Congratulations, serve us with pride. Please contact us at our offices to set up your new ship.
Best Regards,
David Copperfield
((one comment: As you used a lot of OOC here, just be sure you don't do alike in game or in the strictly RP sections of the boards))
***Location : Scrambled***
***Sender : Norman Radclyffe***
Application to the LSF.
Name: Norman Radclyffe Date Of Birth: 05/05/790 (27) Sex: No thanks. I'm good. Gender: Male Previous Jobs: LPI, Freelance Trader. Skills: Making things go boom, negotiating and I have a way with Harvesters. Nuff' said. Military History: Being on the LPI's SWAT team means that my bomber sees alot of action, often against Rheinland ships. Place of Birth: Manhattan Department Interested in Joining: DOI
Have you ever piloted a fighter/bomber craft?
Yes, with the LPI's SWAT unit.
Why do you wish to join the LSF?
Someone told me I know too much about your work. As it turns out I do. So, I tought. You need a man inside the LPI who would keep an eye on them, I don't want to "Misteriously dissaper". Oh, and the greater good of Liberty.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?
No. I enforce the law.
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?
Good bomber pilot, and well I know my way around.
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far.
Born on Manhattan, worked as a Indie Trader for 4 years. Joined the LPI after I got tired of being pirated, current rank is Officer and I am on the SWAT team. Coffee gives me a itchy trigger finger, so I drink co-co. Unlike most LPI Officers I am fit for hand to hand combat, and quite good with light arms.
So the genral idea is that I am your man in the LPI, I work undercover with the LPI, I am your eyes and ears there.
OORP part
Ingame names:
Skype/Xfire username:
Join Date on discovery server (and forum if you had an older account):
How long have you been playing freelancer?
4 or so years.
How much do you know about the RP of the LSF?
They are the silent protectors of Liberty.
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?
Keep Nommies ("Teddies" as you call em) at bay, ensure the security of liberty is not compromised, that sort of thing.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the treads if so.
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters?
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken?
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction?
I do.
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules in your own words if possible. (sometime better wording is impossible, we know that)
Gimmie a sec...
3.1/3.2 Be polite, or if it's OOC for you to be polite be rude in a way that does not include swearing.
3.4 This is a RP server, keep it in RP in the public eye. If you must be OOC do so in case of emergency only... Keep OORP chat to the private comms.
5.2 If your hit by somone, do what you want with them. Guns free, even if they are under lvl 30.
Will you be active at least once a week?
I will, and if I should not be avalible I will warn ahead.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills?
7. Good, but not great.
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
6, I RP but have much to learn.
Ps - Ingore the typo's please. I have comsulted with Dusty Lens and he said it's ok for my Char to join 2 Factions if I RP it well enough, and said that a Special RP is not needed. The proof is in the image. Click!
* Name:Bozhidar (Salamander)
* Date Of Birth:
* Sex:M
* Previous Jobs:Independant LSF
* Skills:Mad pilot :crazy: :cool: and good fighter
* Military History:2.5 years pilot
* Place of Birth:New York
* Department Interested in Joining:Any
All questions below must be answered, in order for your application to be considered.
Have you ever piloted a fighter/bomber craft?-Yes
Why do you wish to join the LSF?-u are the best for me :D :nyam:
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with the Liberty law? If so, for what reasons?None
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful towards the LSF?Mad pilot for dangerous missions
Tell us about yourself, that wasn't already put on the application so far. (//short bio of the character, minimum 2-3 lines)
- I'm playing Freelancer each free minute and im taking missions i have more than 450 hour playing time in 3(Discovery) servers .I'm aways been "green" with the liberty factions.
OORP part
(( OOC Information))
* Ingame names:Salamander,Black_Angel
* Skype/Xfire username:skype-bojidar_1706 / xfire-none
* Join Date on discovery server (and forum if you had an older account):2-March 09
* Timezone:+2
How long have you been playing freelancer? more than 2.5 years
How much do you know about the RP of the LSF?-not much
What should an LSF member do (Tasks, RP style, etc)?-Obey all rules.keep a RP composure ad the moust importat to get fun :)
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery?-Yes
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months? please provide links to the treads if so. -NO
Will you agree to uphold the server rules at all time on your =LSF= characters?Yes
Do you understand that violation of these rules could result in your removal from the LSF, depending on the rule broken?-Yes
Do you agree to respect all players on the server, admins, and members of this faction?-Yes
Please state 3 rules from Section 2, Section 3, and Section 5 of the discovery server rules in your own words if possible. (sometime better wording is impossible, we know that)
2.1 Following actions are nont allowed on on server(cheating) :
- Using non-Discovery mods, speed-related and loot-related mods especially, as well as using modifications that improve stats of items and ships;
- Changing account information and using any kinds of software that changes normal gameplay;
- Using any equipment not included for sale/looting in Discovery mod, cloaks for example;
- Using equipment that exceeds ship specs;
- Cloning, e.g. creating new characters to collect starting money.
2.2 Sanction for cheating may range from 60-day, to eternal ban.
3.2 Flaming, threats and insulting (in any form) other members, factions, server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.
Sanction: no less than 14-day ban.
5.1 PvP in Connecticut is freely allowed. In this system, players are not obliged to roleplay. No PvP or RP engagement rules apply, unless there is an event or a duel.
5.2 If a player is attacked*, he has a right to defend himself regardless of who is attacking. There are no restrictions for self-defense.
5.3 Attacking characters of level 29 and below is prohibited. Characters under level 30 cannot be attacked by players of any level, except if they have non-Civilian ID onboard, and except cases of self-defense.
Will you be active at least once a week?Yes
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your fighting skills?-8.9
On a scale from 1-10 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?-8.1
I don't want to be rude but i'm still waiting the answer. I will wait tha answer with a restlessnes :D ...And just like everybody i hope to be accepted . :-)
Please be patient, there is a possibility that recruitment will be closed after Mr Paul's application, which will mean that your applications will be put on hold and/or canceled. If you are lucky your applications -may- be processed. This will be confirmed soon by higher-ups.
Good luck,
Senior Agent Adam Thomas.
[10:10:28 AM] Josh (Dejavu): Bauer is legendary to the LPI, I joined because I wanted to be that epic.
We are deeply sorry for the ((Really)) long delay to respond. Your application has been reviewed and accepted. If you are still interested, contact us, We will do the proper steps to acquire you a new ship and other agents will closely supervise you.
Sincerely yours,
DAvid Copperfield
We are obliged to deny your application. It is clear that you don't consider LSF as something serious for your future career. Maybe you should look for other employment possibilities.
David Copperfield
Norman Radclyffe,
Your application will be transferred to our private offices for further review. Please be patient. You shall receive a response very soon.
Good luck,
David Copperfield
Recruitment on hold
Applications that were already sent will be reviewed and responded to. However, we will not accept any more applications for the moment.
Best of luck
David Copperfield
//Sorry for the effin long delay to respond... totally forgot about it