This bounty only on rebels ships and pilots, which are flying under "stray" colors. Remove your flag, be a polite Outcast and you'll be free.
Carrera out.
At that time I had no money to loose the stray wings I explained to all parties I was going to loose the Stray wings once I had enough Credits and to show mercy. but they did not !
Instead with Ravenous rage they Fired upon me, to which they met their Own Demise!
**Incoming Transmission** Comm ID - Col. Picaroon Diablo, Shadow Outcast Brigade / Blue Lotus Syndicate Target ID - The so called leaders of this revolution Subject: Your 15 minutes of fame are up.
Transmission Begins:
To whom ever the idiot in charge of this fiasco is,
I have sat back long enough & hoped that you would listen to wisdom, knowledge & reason of my fellow leaders in the nation of Outcast. Sadly you seem to ignore common sense & the truth of your own people. Wait, Your not even of Outcast blood & your trying to claim you are for our people?!?
You ignorant arrogant pile of dung!
The Council of Don's have spent BILLIONS of credits to help & support our people including the Independents. They helped to stop the arguing between the major factions & get them to agree that defending Malta was in all of our best interest. And you have the nerve to try and influence our Nation with your idiotic babble?
I think you may want to go back to where you came from & pray you live long enough to reach it.
Your revolution is not only a joke in the eye's of our nation, it's an annoyance that shall be removed.
You preach your vile to those that know better & they laugh behind your back.
The Independents you so hope to join your futile cause plot against you as I type this.
The slaves you wish to free are not the ignorant peasants you would assume them to be. Do you realize that most slaves work their way up to becoming honored citizens of our planet? No other system that uses slave labor can claim this & no other system treats them as well as we do.
The Council respects & is grateful for our independent brothers & sisters of Malta. For they help protect our homes, tend to our needs & strengthen our economy.
I ask all Familia of Malta to not only shun these fools, but cast them out. They are a cancer to our people & must be removed!
Therefore, I have ordered All SOB / BLS pilots & staff to use extreme prejudice & remove any "Stray's" found with in any & all Outcast systems.
I have also personally paid to have the Brigades Assassin Squad to remove the leaders of this foolish rabble & I can assure you, they shall succeed.