I liked that game a lot. The only thing I didn't like about it was the character story. Well I like the "hole in the force" idea but ... I'd rather have player a character that had a past beyond Malakor V. (Like, playing while he's a younger kid and then become an adult. Kinda like ... I forgot the name of the game and I can,t remember.. it begins with F... I think.. and its medieval fantastic and the first game was on xbox and the second one on xbox360 and it was bad. ANYWAY, that game but better)
Hellgate London was really bad, I must agree with this. After playing an hour or so, everything started repeating itself over and over. And the whole game felt like it was a side-quest.
My worst game ever would be... I don't know there are so many games that are bad. I think all those games that were made by Burger King (yeah they made some games) were really awful.
I don't know. I'm going to say battle for middle heart. Everything was so unbalanced. Isengard and Mordor were so bad compared to the elves and Rohan.
' Wrote:KoTOR2 was actually a brilliant game, in my opinion.
Could have been better, as all things go, but it wasn't deserving of being placed on this list.
Check this out... you might like to know whats been happening with kotor 2 :) http://www.team-gizka.org/
i liked the halo games....well kinda...i actually have the PC Gamer magazine from 1996 where the halo game was originally advertised...under a different name.
i think a disappointing game for me was Age Of Empires 3.....it was...different but the maps didnt give that...epic battle feeling...
that or crimson skies for xbox....seriously worst cliches ever....and u couldnt hijack planes....and it just sucked.
Worst games I have ever played?
Star Wars: Republic Commando.
Yes, the Hud and interface rocked.
Yes the squad based gameplay rocked.
Yes, the story and everything about it rocked.
But, the multiplayer sucks, and the sp is so incredibly short....its like "I finished the game within half an hour....now what?"
Black & White 2, I have a love/hate relationship with. Its an awesome game. Really awesome, alot of fun. Except, it has no multiplayer, you can't do the really awesome things they said you would be able to do pre-release, and it has no multiplayer and no skirmish/freeplay mode. I also cannot finish the sp campaign, because I end up running out of iron. Really, my godly might stopped by iron deficiencies? I didn't think a god could get anemia. Did I mention no multiplayer? Multiplayer which would have been unbelievably awesome?
Another big disapointment is Final Liberation. Another awesome game, but I recall that when it first came out, gamers were promised Tyranids and eldar. but only got orcs and imperials (One of my favourite games of all time still).
An entire generation of games that really piss me of, is this generation of games. They are often really good yes, but they use a stupid annoying internet validation which makes you only able to install on one computer. Meaning if my little brother or father want to play a game I bought, they have to buy a seperate copy. Isnt it enough that us aussies have to pay $80 australian dollars for games that are only $20 U.S? Then we have to buy up to 3 of the same game if we want to play multiplayer!
Another game that truly sucked, was Maelstrom. Great idea, deformable terrain, aliens that flood the landscape as part of terraforming, tanks that turn into robots and robots that turn into helicoptors and planes that turn into tanks. Terrible, terrible gameplay. Horrific unit models (The main character looks like some kind of retard when he taps his feet with his gun every few seconds.) The problem is, you only need to state an awesome idea to sell a game, not do the idea justice, because people wont find out until they have already paid.
NWN 2 was disapointing. Sins of a Solar Empire got old fast, even though it has brilliant graphics and gameplay, it still gets boring (The one thing that really amazes me about Sins, is the only limit to map size to game on is your PC)
All of the age of empires sequals failed to live up to their original. Diablo's 1 and 2 are truly terrible, terrible games. Yes, lots of people love them, but all it really is is going through the same mindless area mindlessly killing the same mindless monsters on a truly 2 - dimensional landscape being mindless to the fact that the only difference between the mindless enemies is a different colour and raised hit points. The diablo 2 online play is even worse, as it all boils down to finding a mindless group to run you past the same annoying boss over and over until either your hair falls out or you have a full set of epics. Then you start running other mindless players. (I loved the cutscenes however. Especially the ones with Tyrael.)
An even worse game, is runescape, How such boring games become so popular is beyond me. When making bread is a trial on your senses, you should realise there is something wrong with a game. I did.
Supreme Commander is just a rip of of Total Annilination, but fails to hold attention like TA did. (If you listen to some of the units sound in SC, they are copied directly)
World of Warcraft was a disapointment, but most MMORPGs are to me. Eve online is.....harsh, and boring.
Freelancer was....okayish, but without Disco, It would be a game that lauds possibility yet gives none.
However, I have played some real gems in my time, which are worth mentioning as great games. Here is a list of my faves-
Final Liberation
Any battlefield title. Especially 1942 .
Medal of Honor Airborne (Brilliant Brilliant game, especially on MP)
Heroes of the Pacific (a game you can buy for like $10 aus, yet I would pay $70 aus for it anytime, one of the funnest flying games I have played)
Black and White 2 (despite its shortcomings, the chance to play with a huge lion, and then order it to kill some people, and the chance to randomly pick people up and fling them accross the island (often accidentally) is great.
Total Annilination.
Mechwarrior. Any mechwarrior game. This category does not include Mechassault. Any game in which a huge Mech picks up powerups is epic fail. I can't wait for the new Mechwarrior game.
Medievil- Total War.The campaign rules, and the fact I can go into skirmish, set full amount of Computer players, give them all a huge mass of peasants and militia, then charge into an enormous rabble with knights, makes it truly a great game.
The original Battlezone. The second one failed.
WC3-TFT. I got alot of playtime out of its custom maps (Its editor is the best I have ever seen. So intuitive.)
the Homeworld games.
Company of Heroes and its expansions.
Even besides the bugs, the whole story is not pulling me into the game like G1 and G2 did.
What story line? 0.o
"Huzzah! Where be this foul plot of land which we hath set foot upon? Lo! On the horizon, a town has fallen under attack! Have at thee, O cruel beasties!"