based on Igiss' post i thought it would be best to post it here
this is what i have so far for the faction i wish to create, its my first time doing this so any help will me much appreciated. i have a good idea of how factions work in game and wish to start one based in Gallia, which i hope will be under development for the next mod update as it has so much potential
faction - Maquis du Limousin
home system - Auvergne
home planet - rive-la-Gaillarde (The dream)
1 - Mar?chal |ML|-M-
2 - General de Brigade |ML|-G-
3 - Commandant |ML|-C-
4 - Enseigne - |MSM|-E-
5 - soldat - |MSM|-S-
The Maquis du Limousin are a faction of the Maquis who still belive terrorism is the key to political struggle. They engage in piracy throughout Galia using the help of the Brigands and the Corse to aid thier Goals and fund war efforts against the Crown.
They emerged late in the 7th century decades after the attacks on the Gallic cities to continue the Radical Councils work in Gallia.
The Maquis du Limousin are feared throughout Sirrius for thier ruthless and merciless actions, attacking any ships who they belive to be aiding the Crown, and, as history shows, belive Civillians to be expendable in acheiving thier goals, which has often lead to problems with the reformed council.
The ML and Council officials are always meeting to discuss the future of Gallia. These heated debates reflect the fragility of Gallic space regarding the motives of the powers that be.
Both groups have a unique approach to thier joint struggle, but regardless of method, the ML with continue thier efforts to free Gallia, regardless of the pain caused by thier radical actions.
needs alot of work, the name comes from the largest maquisards group from the french resistence fighters in the 1940's
there are 2 of us who have thought of this and i thought i would have a go at some history. if people like this idea we will start recruiting, work on the descriptions and get the money together to apply to have it made official
' Wrote:It's not much, is it? Maybe fleshen it out abit. Ships, ZoI, diplomacy, and a general understanding of Gallia.
Also, Maquis have a planet? Eh?
well thats the dream!
yeah i know it needs alot bulking, was just wondering if a Maquis faction would be something people would be interested in as Gallia isnt anywhere near as busy as the other house systems, ill work on the background tonight and post it up, cheers for the help
This really needs some fleshing out
Alot more can be done for the Maquis as a faction really... I reccomend going and looking at other Factions in the Faction status page to get an idea of how much info you'll need
I also reccomend going to Gallia and reading every single info card on every planet and ship and station and rock field
It helps you really get a far better idea of their RP as a whole
no offense indended sir, but this will need alot of work
also, why would the rest of Sirius fear them? Sirius knows almost nothing about Gallia, other than it's location and the fact that they are in a civil war
EDIT: I think the Maquis have enough control over that Council planet in one of the much so they built a seperate docking ring
' Wrote:This really needs some fleshing out
Alot more can be done for the Maquis as a faction really... I reccomend going and looking at other Factions in the Faction status page to get an idea of how much info you'll need
I also reccomend going to Gallia and reading every single info card on every planet and ship and station and rock field
It helps you really get a far better idea of their RP as a whole
no offense indended sir, but this will need alot of work
also, why would the rest of Sirius fear them? Sirius knows almost nothing about Gallia, other than it's location and the fact that they are in a civil war
EDIT: I think the Maquis have enough control over that Council planet in one of the much so they built a seperate docking ring
yeah alot of work! just threw it together, guess i was being hastly as there wasnt a maquis faction yet, least the idea is about, will read everything i can and work on a proper description, thanks
' Wrote:EDIT: I think the Maquis have enough control over that Council planet in one of the much so they built a seperate docking ring
*coughs* Wasn't it a Brigands docking ring?
1. Wrong section. Should have been posted in Discovery RP Factions.
2. There won't be any official Gallic faction until .86.
3. I'd recommend to wait with putting up such a thing untill .86 is out, so you know more about Gallia in general. We now only know the borders of Gallia, not the central systems. I'm sure there will be some small surprises in there. As such, we don't know the home base of the Maquis, so don't give the system where it will be located a name. Maybe it's Ile-de-France and not Auvergne?
4. As i have a headache, i will now stop writing in here.
In a brilliant tactical movement, i charged backwards.