Seriousley, the amount of times i've switched from my desktop and back to my game to find that some random lulwut a**hole has just shot me for no apparent reason is rediculous. Whoever it was in Omi minor today is going to get bitch slapped when i find out.
I know it's team killing because i don't leave my ship idle for more than 3 minutes in space and it's always in a safe location and for a good reason. For example, today it was just in reach of the Isis. It costs me at least 1.5 mil to restock my ship with regens and ammo and i aint made out of money.
Sounds like it was NPCs.
Or even Isis while she was shooting NPCs.
You arent safe at that location if you dont move around.
Isis will kill them sooner or later, but they still have enough time to kill you.
Also, Dont alt-tab out in space. What ever happens when you do that is your own fault.
Nah man.
Lead a raid of OCs to gamma have them all parked in theta at the gamma whole waiting on the ones catching up. You are just about to give the order to jump in when all the sudden your hit with 4 or 5 nuke mines!
Haha I was like what the ...
It was an accident, yet still annoying.
He knows who he was, and I will get him back soon:P
Quote: Dusty Lens- Oops I did it again. I posted in flood. Got lost in the game. Oh, baby; baby.
I remember the old days of vanilla vulnerability. I died to more friendly nukes than I did to the enemy.
D56 was the worst on his character [RoS]Scarlet.Wings... I must have about 10 screenshots of "[RoS]Juan.Zavala[V] was killed by [RoS]Scarlet.Wings[X]. (Mine)." lying around... Good times (and you're forgiven davor)