' Wrote:never thought how many crew members or passengers the juggernaut has - but its not as many as a real space station, cause its a ship. - it cannot offer the same systems to make life comfortable as a station.
so - space for a generous crew and a medium sized freeport maybe. - in terms of permanent duty, i d guess like... - 300 - 500 people max.
hmm i always fly around with a people count between 700 and 800, including spaceship crew, scientists and passengers sometimeseven one or two vips. i dont know but i feel that 300 is a really low estimate, the juggernaut is by far the biggest ship inrp, if i had more cargo space i would fill it up with even more people.
when its about the size - one must make a great difference between a military grate ship where people are just able to work and sleep and eat ( basic needs ) .. or where people are able to live a normal life in relative comfort.
you one might expect as many crew members and people working on a BHG mako which is rather tiny as there are on a zoner juggernaut. - the difference is... on the mako, each cabin holds 6 soldiers, each one having a little trunk, a narrow bed and a pin up poster on the wall.
in the juggernaut, you have a whole family living in a generous 6 room apartment with a nice patch of garden in the biodomes and a great amount of relaxation and distraction facilities ( no, not like a luxory liner, but you need such things when you consider it your home )
additionally - even such trivial things like corridors would be much larger in a juggernaut so there s no feeling of being squeezed into a "spaceship" but rather a platform that just happens to be in space but has more the characteristics of a normal city building. in military terms - the juggernaut would surely "waste" a lot of space. - but that also means that ... if really NEEDED, you could probably load several thousands into a juggernaut in an immanent emergency. just like you can put hundreds of people into a training hall or thousands into a stadium.
I fly a juggernaut, And I RP it as a research/exploration ship more than a mobile freeport. It is all three of those to some degree. I RP about 850 people living on it while about 100 crewing it (My two ship board AI help cut that down, on my personal RP)
' Wrote:in the juggernaut, you have a whole family living in a generous 6 room apartment with a nice patch of garden in the biodomes and a great amount of relaxation and distraction facilities ( no, not like a luxory liner, but you need such things when you consider it your home )
there you bring up two very interesting things:
1. if the whole family is with you on board then that would multiply the persons on board in range from 2 to 3: children wont work and not both people in a relation might be employed on the ship though it might be useful to just put families on the ship where both people contribute to ships everyday work. so there would be the demand of even more people aboard. the ship with its biodomes is supposed to stay in space for very long periods of time in contrast to that most of the other battleships do their patrol dutys and return to their homebase. this causes some needs for more people on board, think of doctors, daycare for the children while the parents work on the ship or sleep because they had nightshift and even the guy that cuts your hair or the preachers that take care of the religious stuff (no thats not absurd, we have those guys on a small ship like a frigate in real life if its going to take part in a several months long mission somewhere around the world).
2. the lux liner, my absolute favourite ship in the game, is really tiny compared to juggy and yet it should be able to house more people while offering all the luxury you can imagine? no, i think this is a thing where game mechanics just limit the realism, in my eyes the juggernaut has several thousand people on board while on routine flight. and this makes things really interesting if you ever come into a situation where it gets dangerous, you dont only have soldiers on board that are ok with the fact that they might die in a fight but also "civilians". the juggy is after all the last line of defense of the zoners where most people even think its just a zoners myth. for the normal military presence there is the ordinary aquilion carrier and the hordes of fearless/conference class ships.
well perhaps i see this completely wrong but i really like to see it this way cause i love big great looking ships that arent suitable for any kind of combat. its just my general dislike of pvp i guess;)
and the myth thingy about the juggernaut is well another thing that came down with the game mechanics, last week i logged into my juggy for the first time in over two months and when i launched there already where two other juggys hanging around the freeport, i docked and left the game and remember .84 when the juggernaut wasnt that beautiful and only a handful were flying aorund sirius:$
The Juggy would be the main ship in the fleet which does carry the majority of the population. This IS for a longer period of time, as the people don't have any real home, maybe docking somewhere to re-stock but that's it really. It would be hundreds of people living on the juggy (as well as other ships in the fleet).
The carrier is just for an estimate to house the fighters (no bombers, don't know if I really needed them), which you can find in that thread too. I think I'm going to go by "wings", a wing being what you see npc's flying in in space, 3 or 4 fighters. So a multiple of 3 or 4 per carrier, but the exact number is what I'm looking for.
so I've been doing some math in my head regarding the carriers.
I have 6 different kinds of fighters made up for my fleet.
A standard "wing", like what we see in space (meaning those npc's flying around) are either in groups of 3 or 4.
So, if we do 3 x 6 that's 18. Let's just double that, that makes 36. Is 36 believable per carrier? If that's too small, we can do 4 x 6 which is 24, doubled is 48. So 36 and 48, those both seem believable to me. The last thing I thought of, is taking the 36 and adding another 18 which makes 54. Personally, I think I'd like to go with 54. That means I'll have 3 "wings" of each fighter on each carrier giving a total of 18 of each kind of ship and a grand total of 108 fighters in the fleet; meaning 108 fighters in 2 Zoner carriers. Is that believable?
that sounds good to me and after reading through your intent thread the number of 108 is really as low as you can go as escorts for 26 big and medium sized ship. on another do you need volounteers to rp the fleet with you? i have alot of zoner ships that i dont really use at the moment and i been searching for something new to do with them and this sounds really interesting.
I decided to take out the maurader and the tigershark cause they're odd and I don't like them too much.
So if I'm down to 4 different ships (which in Rp will be painted red and white haha) then I can do 5 wings of 3 fighters each, giving me 15. I double that I get 30. So if I have 30 of each fighter, that's 60 per carrier and 120 in total. Frankly, those numbers seem a lot more appealing to me.
As for bombers, I went through them in the Wiki and there' nothing that really fits. I don't like the Roc or any of those generic civilian ships (like the falcon and eagle etc.) so I think I'll go with no bombers which I think is okay.
I always RP my battleship as having a standard crew of 250. This includes every aspect of the ship from pilots to cooks. With my Exile RP, I have gained crew, numbering at 315 men and women. Enough to start a small Freeport. I'd imagine the Zoner Juggy would be able to contain over 1,000 people. These would be inhabitants and crew.
The Zoner carrier might have a standard crew of 300, maybe a bit more. Seeing as it isn't that large, it would be able to carry 40 fighters.