And this goes up into the Carrier and Battle ship classes
Also this isn't a Flame or any of that Just wondering what peoples thoughts are and what you think the current balance is at.
Also I'm aware some Gunboats are Specialised for certain things,
' Wrote:I like how he doesn't even attempt to hide a +1.
Unlike me, I'm pro at making it look like I actually have an opinion on the topic.
Except in this post.
I'm feeling rebellious.
It's just tough that when there's an Enchy in the fighter, it's more like 1 fighter > 4 fighters or 1 fighter > 7 bombers. Ololol!
Anyways, your comparison looks sound, but only if their loadouts are specialized.
All depends. It's a rock-paper-scissors game, really, at least when it's not just fighters and bombers in the fray.
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.
All ships has diffrent stats and abillies. Stronger and weaker points. Take the ship which suits you the best and learn to use its powers. In 4.84 gull transport was able to take any bomber out:D
Well some of the balance issues are always showing up time to time, since we dont have a 50+ pros team whos sits to the game developing 8 hours a day. But the things are quite balanced in my eyes.
(Well talking about Cruissers and aboce it goes abour rock, bigger rock, and even more bigger rock, no balance here, but and it shouldnt be)
Ignoring skill and the differences between ships... it's pretty much already like that.
Also, you can't just say "Fighter" Because there are four classes of fighter. 1 VHF = 1 VHF, but 1 LF = 2 VHF for example (may not nessisarily be true)
There are also several classes of Crusier, which include Crusiers, Destroyers and Battlecrusiers. 1 Battlecruiser = 2 Cruisers, stuff like that.
Then you also have to consider Bomber vs Cruisers and Battleships.
I think each ship needs to be balanced individually instead of together as a group. Our ships vary greatly from faction to faction. One Liberator can easily take out 4 Werewolves, but one Hyena is going to have difficulty taking out 4 Guardians.
Freelancer is a skill based game. If you are good enough you can take out many ships of a similar class alone. It is just one of those things.
There will be always people who upset the balance. Because on a skill based game your equipment is secondary to you been a good pilot for example in freelancer.
Some people are just Epic pilots. Nothing can be done. Freelancer is not a Rock, Paper, Scissors game. No matter how well the ships are balanced people will upset the balance.
Rather than having ships directly combat different classes, I would rather have them become ineffectual. I.E. A poor fighter pilot might not make any headway against a single good bomber pilot, but that bomber would be equally stupefied by his class's ineffectuality against maneuverable craft.