Initializing Transmission....... Comm ID:Daniel Tex
Transmiting to Liberty Navy Recruitment Center
Character Basic Information
Full Name: Daniel Jeremiah Tex
Age: 23
Birthplace: Planet Erie, Pennsylvania System, Liberty.
Gender:Male Physical Statistics
Height: 182cm
Relatives: Father: Jameson Tex; Mother: Mary Tex
Previous Work Experience: Freelancer Trader.
Experience Operating ships: Light Fighters,HF,VHF,Freighters and Transports.
Qualities: Negociate
I started my life in a poor neighbourhood on Planet Erie. My father was a worker at some corporation that i do not know its name but i know that he had a small wage. My mother wasn't working, she was unemployed because , the factory where she worked bankrupt so she stayed home taking care of me and my grandparents.At a few years the corporation that my father was working for was closed. Without any possibliy of gaining money we left Planet Erie and moved to Planet Manhattan where surprisingly my father found a job, in one of the biggest inhabbited planets in the Liberty Space. At 7 years i started to go to school and at the age of 14 i have received my first flight lesson's on a starflier. At 16 years old, i started to work to gain enough money to pay my college or university.
In comparrisson to others i was lucky, having two loving parents and grandparents. After graduating High-School, my father immediately signed me to a college which had as specialties marketing,economy,trading. During my student life, i did some flight lesson to keep me in shape. I studied the whole Sirius History, it intrigued me because there were so many things to study about this new sector in comparisson to our native Solar System and planet Earth.
After i graduated College, my father bought me a present as a reward for helping him at work and for finishing College, he bought me a StarFlier. At first i didnt' know what to do, till i found guy named Trucker who hired me as worker at space mining. He helped and teached me how to use my ship in a more efficent way. After the payment i went to planet Pittsburgh and bought a trader, at first it wasn't very good but with time i gained experience. But that experience wasn't so good, lane hackers and smugglers were blackmailing me, as i was helpless, i coudn't protect my family and my friends, so i had to give them money.
But that way of life i hated, so that is why i am applying to the Liberty Navy, because i don't want to see people being blackmailed and killed by some people who don't want to earn their money in an honest and clean way.
Even if i won't succeed this time i won't give up on my dreams, that day made me want to be in the Navy as never before. So i await your response sir. I have nothing else to gain from being a trader anymore, i wish to be part of the Liberty Navy. I will respect the Law of Liberty, and i will make sure that others will do the same.I will protect the Liberty citizens and i will help the Liberty Republic to defend our native space.
Time Zone: GMT +2:00 Bucharest,Europe
Skype: masterflorin
PS. I can be an very active player and no offense but i played even 10 hours and i rarely seen any Liberty Navy member.
With all respect and best regards, Daniel Tex.
Ending Transmission
*COM-LINK closed*
"To die for a country is a great thing but to live for your country is a much greater thing"......
//Timezone: EST
//S-KYP3 Communication Details: lab2052000 (Updated)
Name: Roy Sterling
Age: 23
Birthplace: Born in the California System on a DSE vessel en route to New York Jumpgate
Gender: Male
Height: 181cm
Weight: 74kg
Relatives: Maxwell Sterling (Father), Maria Sterling (Mother)
Previous Fields of Work: None
Experience: Bachelor of Science degree from West Point, Combat Simulator Experience (Above Average)
Born the only child of wealthy DSE employee Maxwell Sterling, and his wife Maria. Late in Maria's pregnancy with Roy, Maxwell had a very important business trip he had to go to at Riverside Station in California. Not wanting to miss the birth of his son that could come at anytime, Maxwell decided to take Maria and their midwife with them as passengers aboard one of the companies Armored Transports. The meeting went well and their ship left Riverside bound for New York, but when their ship was approaching the New York jumpgate from Riverside Station the trade lane was disrupted and they were immediate attacked by Xenos terrorist. Once the DSE escort fighters were destroyed the Xenos focused their attention on the Armored Transport, it was at this time that Maria went into labor. With what appeared to be imminent destruction, all Maxwell could do is stand next to his laboring wife and pray for help. Salvation came in the form of a Liberty Navy Patrol that immediately engaged the Xenos and drove them away. Shortly afterwards Roy was born.
Roy has had a relativity sheltered life, he a spent his early childhood at the family estate on Planet Pittsburgh, New York. There he was home schooled by personal tutors until the age of fourteen when he was sent to a prestigious boarding school on Planet Manhattan. Upon graduating from this boarding school Roy fulfilled his life long dream of joining the military when he got accepted into West Point Military Academy.
Roy has just recently graduated with his Bachelors of Science degree, and is now ready to take to the sky, and go career in the navy. He doesn't have much field experience, but he has logged countless hours on the combat simulators.
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY:[color=#33FF33] Medium. TARGET ID: Navy Applicants. COMM ID: Recruitment Petty Officer Andrews SUBJECT: Recruitment.
Greetings, pilots.
Recruitment Officer Andrews here speaking on behalf of Vice Admiral MacTavish
Due to his rather high workload I have been reviewing the applications. Sorry for any delays caused by the handover in duties.
However all pending applications have been processed, and I have a few annoucements.
Roy Sterling, Ralph Stevenson, Marius Pain and Jack Murdoch - Your applications have been accepted.. Please outfit your Executioner class vessels, using our naming convention [LN]-Firstname.Lastname. You will also be required to acquire the proper Liberty Navy IFF and ID transponders. After a trial of eight hours of flight in those (or more, depending on the case), and with the transponders set, you will be promoted to Ensigns, and join the real ranks of the Navy.
Those applicants who have not been mentioned by name have had their applications denied. Be it due to lack of knowlege of sirius laws, or due to ommisions from the personal information supplied to us.
Previous Fields of Work: strated off as a student, currently employed in the Liberty Navy Reserve fleet as captain of the siege cruiser LNS-Fires Of Liberation
Experience: graduated at West point, officers course. no fighter training received. denied due to phsysical shortcomings: weak shoulder due to a traffic accident
S-KYP3 Communication details: dashiell6
Redline here. some of you may know me from working with me. I apply here now, after long last, to serve in the primary fleet of the Liberty Navy. I`ve always wanted to become a fighter pilot in the navy. but a G-bike rider took away my dignity as well as my dreams, sending me 30 meters flying through the air as I crossed the street 9 years ago.
I fully healed from that accident, apart from my left shoulder. it has always remained weak after that accident. so I was not allowed to enter the fight pilot program. reductantly, I admit, I entered the officer`s course instead of the secondary fleet. I graduated and after a short while as helm on a Gunboat, I was asked to command a newly build "Catapult" Siege Cruiser. Although I now thoughrougly enjoy my job, still I craved for that old dream.
some weeks ago, I was offered a special shoulder operation I knew excisted. but I was reluctant to undergo it. it could cure my shoulder, or ruin it to extend, making me unfit as a captain, also. I decided to go for it. I was hell bent on getting into a fighter.
3 days ago, I was given the green light: operation succesfull. my shoulder`s stronger than ever, being reinforced with some titanium and a couple of screws here and there. I asked and was told that I could enter the program now, if approved.
so here I am. I`m not going to spout some patriotic gibberish. To be honest I`m still quite bitter with the Navy, for not accepting me years back. hell, I know they were in the right. they probably saved my life by refusing me in the state I was at the time.
suffice to say, in time, and my years in service of the secondary fleet, the Navy grew on me. a lot. and the sense of graditude it brings I find very rewarding. if I can get into one of the primary fighter squadrons, I can die happily, and with a purpose.
if you need any other info, just contact me. you know where to find me.
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY:[color=#33FF33] Medium. TARGET ID: Navy Applicants. COMM ID: Vice Admiral Ryan MacTavish.
SUBJECT: Recruitment.
Mr. Virgil Redline, I'm glad to inform you that you have been accepted in the Liberty Navy force as a recruit. Please outfit your Executioner class vessel, using the [LN]-Firstname.Lastname naming convention. You will also be required to properly set your vessel IFF and ID to broadcast Liberty Navy Guard. After a trial of eight hours of flight in that (or more, depending on the performance), and with the transponder set, you will be promoted to Ensign, and join the real ranks of the Navy.
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1.7 - Pictures that exceed 700px width or signatures that exceed 700*250px*3 MB are not allowed on the forum.
Name: Lucas Stone
Birthplace: Magellan, Freeport 4
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Height: 183cm
Weight: 81kg
Nathan Stone - IMG escort pilot (father)
Sarrah Stone - Zoner trader (mother)
Previous Fields of Work: Mechanic at Detroit Munitions
Heavy and Very Heavy Fighters basic experience
Handling and repairs of light arms
Basic repairs of ships
S-KYP3 ID: luk.vank
Born on an IMG Freeport between two big ice clouds, I didn't have a boring childhood. My father was IMG escort pilot and he learned me the basics of fighter combat.
My mother, Zoner trader, once took me to the distant Freeport 6 where I managed to fix one of Zoner ships. Here I got the taught of becoming a mechanic. When I returned home, to Freeport 4, I quickly gained respect as a skilfull mechanic. In my 16 years, I became a head mechanics right hand, fixing guns and ships coming to the station damaged in the ice fields or by pirates.
In my 18 I found work as a mechanic at Detroit Munitions in New York system. I was in nearly permanent contact with weapons and I learned how to repair them and in my free time I learned how to handle them. However, it became boring for me. I was thinking to change my proffesion. But I didn't know which.
One day, a message came, that my fathers ship was heavily damaged in fight with rogues and he barely made it out. He lost both of his legs, one eye and his best friends.
That day I made a decission on how to continue. Join the Liberty Navy, help to secure Liberty from danger, to prevent such tragedies.
//Timezone: GMT+1 (Prague)
//EDIT There are some forum problems at the moment I did my application. I don't know if you recieved my PM with the list of questions.
Takadaya Kahei - Kishiro Technologies
Takasugi "Seijoutai" Shinsaku - Kishiro Technologies
Luke Spencer (Gender.Changer) - Liberty Rogues
' Wrote:Cannon walks into the bar and sees Gloom standing in the corner. Cannon shoots Gloom in the head.
Experience: no combat experience but expressed great leader ship and marksman ship in training
My Name is Kiori Idumi and i was born in Kusari on New Tokyo. It is unknown who my parents where or where they are now seance being orphaned on the landing pad where a passing Liberty Navy pilot found me, but after searching for my parents failed the Kusari officials let Lt. J. Idumi take me back to liberty to be raised there. After my father was killed in the nomad war i decided to follow in his footsteps joining the enlisting into the west point academy where i just recently graduated from. Now that i have graduated i have been training on my flying ability doing jobs i could find at west point. now that i feel im ready i would like to finally avenge my father and protect Liberty who so kindly let me live.
Name:Narendran Pandian
Height:176 cm
Weight: 75 Kg
Place of birth: Manhattan
Experience: worked as an LPI
I was born in Manhattan. I first took some escort missions for the USI. Then soon joined as an LPI officer to stop cardamine smuggling. I was helped intially by LNS dakhota. Now i am ready to fight for liberty
Name: Lium Sarz
Weight: 170 lbs
Place of birth: Manhattan
Experience: I have worked as a freelance pilot and have been helping the Battleship Missouri for some time now, shooting down pirates and outcasts. I have taken down a lot of fighters and have seen the navy in a few battles. My parents were killed by pirates, they were on a freighter carrying passengers and when the pirates found out they had nothing of value they just killed them all. I want to join the Navy to rid Liberty of scum like that.
I would like to keep Liberty safe from all that would try to harm her. I think the Navy would be my chance to do so.
Name: Calum Cartlidge (proferd code name Space Wolf )
Age: In-game age : 29 (real life 14)
Birthplace: Planet Manhatten
Relatives:None (all died duing the Nomad invation)
Previous Fields of Work: Wepon Desighner for the =LSF=
Experience: Light fioghter , (could do with more traning) Cruiser and GunBoat
Timezone GMT
I was born on Manhatten ,New York . it was a beautiful life me kate(my sister) mum and dad , that was of course before the disappearing and distruction going on , my sister was a scienctest she was the best in her class , when she turned 19 she left home and went to researsh on Ames research station ,as for me i stayed at home with mum , i studied technology and IT for 9 years , always building and making ships (non that actually had space access ) after that i got accepted by the LSf that must of bin the happiest day of my life , mum couldnt believe it , i was to researsh weponary but when they saw that i had the potensial to build them a new Libery ship i was delighted , when it was finished and went for a test flight the managers disagreed with the desighn and statistics , i went back to weponary. dad always worked around Sirius trading and meating new people , we didint really see him much the only time i saw him was when i started my courses in technology and IT , since then nohting , no letters , no transmitions , nothing , it was only untill my LSF partner said that LSF were doubling there potrols for the arrival of a Rhienland Cruiser (Classified) , i dont know why it was classified , but when i heard it was destroyed by the order caught all liberty off gaurd .
My dad was on the death list . . . it broke our hearts , i was told by LSF commander jeiku zane (//cant spell her name ) that the Rhienlanders were infected by nomads so they were called . dad must of traded in Rhienland and so u know the rest , i never told me mother , i left the LSF to look after her i always wanted to join the military to stop these things like this but i was devoted on building wepons , not using them . when mum died i decided that i was going to furfill my ambition , to stop terriosts and pirates from ripping other family in half .