Mr Watsas, I am Fawkes, captain off the Frigate: The Incorruptible. I belive that we may have similar or mutual interests, regarding a. . . Human-Technological nature.
If it is possible, perhaps a formal meeting for us to present ourselves to the Consortium, or more precisely, to you.
As I have heard many -good- things.
This channel shall remain secure and opened until we have recieved a respone.
[color=#FFFFFF]::Matrix remains active | Awaiting response::
While normally I would be honored to be under the personal admiration of y'all, the fact that you know 'anything' about us is cause for concern...
Not sayin' you are necessarily belligerent, just that followin' certain rumors could have, how'll we say, 'Unforeseen Consequences.'
Not that I'm threatenin' y'all, but your first impression leaves somethin' to be desired. Nevertheless, I will hear what you have to say. Not in person, o'course. I'm a bit far from y'all at the moment. I hope this ain't a problem, talkin' to some of our lieutenant?
'Cause o' the presumed nature o' this matter, we'll meet on neutral ground. Yanagi depot, tomorrow. Then y'all can elaborate on what you want and how y'all heard 'bout -us-.