First of all, let me say this: I am not a Phantom, and likely never will be, and thus my opinion matters little.
Having said that, I'm going to be brutally honest here. They stink.
The LF is decent, but the others are just too alien, and not in a "scary" way. With all those semi-spikes and things, they look like something out of a bad Cold War-era sci-fi flick. They aren't something I'd look at and go "uh-oh, not good"; looking at the VHF and bomber, they look more like something that belongs in a museum for tourists to goggle at day in and day out. I'd suggest you take more of a hint from the Border World and other vanilla ship lines. Don't just add more wings, it doesn't help. The VHF and bomber just look like really long-armed, spindly LFs. They actually look more frail than the LF. Instead of adding more big long arms, add something to make it look bulkier and more "full". Maybe some struts and things. Also, bulk up the main section more. Get rid of the extra arms, and bulk up the pre-existing arms from the LF. You could also try having the arms reversed on the LF to give it a "speedier" look, though I'm not sure if that'd look much better. Experiment with them and give a lot of other things a try. But these... well, I normally like your work, Tic, but the VHF and bomber are just bad, and even the LF looks a bit incomplete somehow.
I like the light fighter, but I dont like how the VHF and bomber evolve from it. It seems like you've just used the same body and added more wings (i've tried doing this in some of my models to keep continuity, and most people claimed not to like the effect).
the segmented wings look like insect legs, which in my opinion isn't very aesthetically pleasing. it seems too much emphasis is being placed on these wings also. i'd suggest reducing them to mere nubs.
' Wrote:I find the models far too simplistic, as well that they seem to be built on a BW frame and them just tacked together.
He put it in very good words. They just don't look right to me. A lot like squids, which, really, I think are ugly. They just don't flow from the design, like most vanilla and amazing imported ships do. They just seem quite artificial in themselves.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
Black. In game, it will be a rather boring model... but, certainly better than the even more boring model they actually have. Black texture... always messy to work with. Not sure if its a good choice, really.
it is the only faction that is not really a faction at all. - from what i know - many members have an extended story about them - and join the faction "with their ships".
so unlike a criminal becoming BHG ( an ex corsair doesn t keep his titan - but will need to switch to a hammerhead for example ) - the phantoms keep flying their personal ships. - so you see an asortment of various ships used by that faction. - while you hardly see any genuine phantom ship ( slipstream, ravens claw, huntress )
this is very unique as a faction - and the side effect is - that the genuine phantom ships are hardly used. - so the question really is..... - are there "real" phantoms left at all? - or are most of the active members today people who joined the club with their own gear.
that is closely linked to the question - is their own shipline of use at all.
about the models themselves.
the Borderworld design shines through. - no matter if you make them pitchblack and add different wings to them - they look like an outcast went crazy on cardamine and had a go at pimping his scimitar.
they do not look scary, intimidating or in any way even dangerous. - they don t look "different" as like being of alien origin. - they just look like black painted bw ships.
something fundamental needs to be done to change them to something more exciting i believe. - - the quality of the model is OK though. - i cannot say much about the skin, cause it appears black to me. - black with a few engine grill skins.