' Wrote:So this would really change Light bombers in to SHF's.
And Military bombers to super heavy bombers... so we'd have what 7 or so real SN bombers?
This is quite a good suggestion. I guess very worthwhile I hope Mjolnir notes it.
IF bombers were to get special guns that harm light ships well I guess you can hurt a cruiser with a high powered fighter spamm. And same goes for battleships, if you get guns with long enough range with enough ships and firepower you can hurt anything. No need really for supernova.
It's not like lawfuls camp pirate bases, except the ocasional BHG cap in Corsair space... I guess Corsairs and Outcasts are pretty much a house and they'd need heavy bombers. But what about hessians? They would be then defensless against a Corsair cap invasion. And so would be any other faction unfriendly to corsairs.. (many there be).
While a fun Idea it would require some rethinking. With pirates unable to pirate in cruiser there is no need for police and escorts to have heavy bombers, they are better of in specialised transport and gunboat killers.
Military would be called in to do massive damage to pirate caps if they invade a system, all good roleplay. Perhaps a new rule that you are not allowed to pirate in "military" bombers. It would be easily forseen for outcasts and corsairs to have both types of bombers...
If this is to work, we'll have to seriusly work on your idea, and even then many people might not like it.
I have a long long thing about all ships, bombers are to be changed as well in my long long roman:)
Quote:You people are insane. Also, in the absence of heavy bombers, what do you propose pirates do when a big, nasty Dreadnought camps, say, Alcatraz? Unrealistic it may be for pirates to be able to fight the Navy, but if we were to account RP totally we'd have a completely one-sided balance, lawfuls plain dominating everyone and everything. No. Never. Nope. RP should not be accounted into balance, not on any game worth its salt.
The GMG is in the process of differentiating its current Kaichou Bomber (to be reclassified as a Strike Craft), and its old Granchou Freighter (to be upgraded to a Heavy Bomber).
To those who think the current bombers are fair, i suggest you spend some time on the reciving end. currently BHG bomber is just as agile as the vhf, with 5 class 10 and supernova ability, plus its smaller than most fighters, and for some reason missles tend to not do jack to them, making gun kills really the only option. Compare this to the ships they face, slow heavy ships that cannot keep up, such as the praetorian corsair bomber and the titan, or the bastet nephys and sekhmet. None of these stand a real chance exept with 2-1 odds or with the bomber pilot of average skill and the fighter an ace. All of us who roleplay capitals WOULD like to be able to RP the ship its meant to be, instead of being sent running by a single snubcraft or two with rediculous unblockable cannons.
*ahem* there is no such thing as a *light* bomber. No bomber should be able to 1v1 a fighter unless that fighter pilot is a real nub or standing still. Yes, believe it or not, Bomber squadrons also should need escorts, but they dont yet because this community is largely-bomberwhore based.
Anyways, Tenacity's idea was the best.
Remove SNAC and all gun hardpoints. Do not say you wont be able to fight fighters at all, Sadly, Bombers also have to specialize. Im sorry to break your bomber-whore bubble. *tear*. This ends NOW.
He also said add 2-3 more torpedo slots on the bombers, along with them, a variety of EMP Torpedos, Nova-type hullkillers, ect.
heh, pirates without ships able to fire sn ?...
ok, but then remove all the caps from lawfull side ...
or you just will one battleship invading a pirate base and able to kill almost everything there and survive who know how long ? ....
and you will all pirates using gunboats for pirating?
because for example transport with 100k shield, 80k hull and basic 2,5 armour upgrade,, well good luck in killing it without sn ...
*ahem* there is no such thing as a *light* bomber. No bomber should be able to 1v1 a fighter unless that fighter pilot is a real nub or standing still. Yes, believe it or not, Bomber squadrons also should need escorts, but they dont yet because this community is largely-bomberwhore based.
Anyways, Tenacity's idea was the best.
Remove SNAC and all gun hardpoints. Do not say you wont be able to fight fighters at all, Sadly, Bombers also have to specialize. Im sorry to break your bomber-whore bubble. *tear*. This ends NOW.
He also said add 2-3 more torpedo slots on the bombers, along with them, a variety of EMP Torpedos, Nova-type hullkillers, ect.
A good idea and I support it. It would end this bomber discussion finaly and would take the snac kills away.