The " Get Some Escorts " line is beginning to get to me
There are no Escorts- Everyone is a pirate now.
Why be an escort when you can be a pirate?
I too normally do not mind the occasional pirating- but I was pirated 5 times in 5 systems yesterday. 3 mil for 4 of them- then the final one demanded 3/4 of my cargo. Making the whole run pointless
I Cant arrange an escort everytime I want to do a trade run- and its not like they are floating around th be hired. It takes massive forward planning to have an escort for all your runs.
Former leader of AFA (Farmers Alliance)
Former leader of [ALG] faction
Former GMG Trade Director
Retired due to career focus. Returned due to career de-focus.
How exactly do i recruit escorts? I mean, when i as in the global chat in-game, no one answers. the only thing i may manage is a pirate who will make sure only HE takes my money... thats as much escort as i was able to rise in the game itself.
my solution was to phone my brother who took a buddy and cleaned out the system for me. well that worked and didnt cost me anything - gotta love family work. however, getting an escort is really really hard.... especially since you cant tell if there is someone going to engage you or not.... which leads to the escort being BORED and leaving... well, back where i started in the first place.
the poster above me is right... there are just so many pirates on this server. I mean, i even suspect some players to switch to their pirate chars when they see me in "their" system....
I've never been a miner, so I can't help in that matter.
As a trader I do have some tips.
First, get a nice Armor, spend 200 cargo space for a good hard armor, or at least an universal MKVIII (20 cargo space)
Go through systems with trade lanes, there are many pirates in the server, yes, but most of them work alone. With a big transport with a nice armor, you can escape to the nearest station if it's a lonely pirate (no matter what he's flying).
Against 2 or more pirates, you are screwed.
About escorts, well, I don't use them much, but when I do, there's always a freelancer or a merc willing to escout a lane ahead for you, or jump through a gate to see if it's clear.
Where do you can get one? I can't help with that, I just ask to random people around.
May be you could join a coorporation faction, they use escorts.
Well, as to why there are more pirates is simple human nature. Being a rebel like that is hard in Real Life. The police are always tracking you down, bounty hunters breathing down your throat, all that jazz. You have to be smart to survive and get away with your crimes. Simply put, not everyone is up to it.
Anyone could go and sign up for the police academy or the armed forces, but, becoming a pirate or a scam artist who is opposite the law is something most people will never be able to do. So, the fact that you can be a rebel in this game without any consequences and all the perks is exciting. People play this game to get excited.
But, in the same light, being a Bounty Hunter or a Freelancer is also difficult. Why there aren't more is beyond me. Maybe because it's also difficult in this game, but, oh well.
' Wrote:Wait until you run into a Phantom, terrorist, and Xenos. Then your life is forfeit.
Your life isn't automatically forfeit with Phantoms, but, well, some of us are a little less revealing of our "ways out" than others. Some people lead the horse to water, others stand in front and make the horse force its way through. As the person with the bigger gun and control of the situation, I will never lead someone to a way out: it's a victim's path to try and find it. As a trader, you have to RP out of the situation, otherwise, yes, your life is forfeit.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
There should be a Limit to Piracy, Why ? Because as mang109 said,
Quote:There are no Escorts- Everyone is a pirate now.
why would you even think about getting a Miner/Trader when you can easily get a P-Transport and camp NewBerlin and ask an Adv. Train to Drop all his Cargo while you are shooting him?!
And you are 64mils Richer in 5mins, while mining that ore takes 50mins!
And, I completely disagree about that 'Get Escorts' Idea, why should I do it if all the Pirates Believe in Fair Play ?
Pirates asking for more than 5mils are ruining Server Gameplay cause they try to make money by Pirating.
(Yes, I make huge amounts of money by Pirating, and I never ask for more than 2mils from a 5k Transport. But my main goal when I jump on my Pirate char is to have some good RP, and I dont mind loosing 8 Fat Traders while RPing with a lvl38 Rhino that has just started to learn what RP is)
Once I paid a Pirate 50mils, And I was glad, because we had 90 mins RolePlay on my Zoner Trader before we got to "Ok now give me the money" part and he only asked for 500k although he could see I was lvl90!
Now, Why should I play along with someone who asks for 64mils with only 1 line of what is hardly called 'RP' ?
Getting Escorts means supporting how those "20milRdai" pirates want to Play, I for one, Will Not do that.
(And believe me, Getting Escorts is nothing hard for me, I can easily gather 10 Escorts in 5min and then I leave to NewBerlin and Gank every single Pirate on my way so hard that they bleed. But, Is it how we should Act in a ROLEPLAY server ? And when I see many supporting this lame idea of 'Get Escorts', I can only think of 1 thing; thats funny ... really funny ...)
Quote:Wait until you run into a Phantom, terrorist, and Xenos. Then your life is forfeit.
I have 4 Xeno chars, And i've never asked for more than 10% of cargo even in those chars. Is that a good enough reason for you that being a Xeno doesnt mean "all ur cargo R dai"
(actually I once killed a Large Train in my roc, but that was because the lolwut abused the fact that I was trying to RP with him, and SpeedDocked with the lane when I was typing, and then was spamming like "lol u cant cach me! XD" in system chat, So I took the other lane, cut him down and told him to drop all his cargo and leave, he didnt, so I shot him down after 25secs. But thats not what I do everyday)
P.S: To Make things Clear, I completely support Pirates with Good RP, cause I wont get bored if I have 2 nice RP with some Pirates and give away a few mils during each trade run. But personally, I think pirates who dont give a Candy about RolePlay and are only lookin forward to the Green Msg of "You received 20.000.000 credits from RP-Seeking-Trader" are those who should leave this community and head to a PvP server where they wont even have to Type "2milRdai"
' Wrote:There should be a Limit to Piracy, Why ? Because as mang109 said,
why would you even think about getting a Miner/Trader when you can easily get a P-Transport and camp NewBerlin and ask an Adv. Train to Drop all his Cargo while you are shooting him?!
And you are 64mils Richer in 5mins, while mining that ore takes 50mins!
And, I completely disagree about that 'Get Escorts' Idea, why should I do it if all the Pirates Believe in Fair Play ?
Pirates asking for more than 5mils are ruining Server Gameplay cause they try to make money by Pirating.
(Yes, I make huge amounts of money by Pirating, and I never ask for more than 2mils from a 5k Transport. But my main goal when I jump on my Pirate char is to have some good RP, and I dont mind loosing 8 Fat Traders while RPing with a lvl38 Rhino that has just started to learn what RP is)
Once I paid a Pirate 50mils, And I was glad, because we had 90 mins RolePlay on my Zoner Trader before we got to "Ok now give me the money" part and he only asked for 500k although he could see I was lvl90!
Now, Why should I play along with someone who asks for 64mils with only 1 line of what is hardly called 'RP' ?
Getting Escorts means supporting how those "20milRdai" pirates want to Play, I for one, Will Not do that.
(And believe me, Getting Escorts is nothing hard for me, I can easily gather 10 Escorts in 5min and then I leave to NewBerlin and Gank every single Pirate on my way so hard that they bleed. But, Is it how we should Act in a ROLEPLAY server ? And when I see many supporting this lame idea of 'Get Escorts', I can only think of 1 thing; thats funny ... really funny ...)
I have 4 Xeno chars, And i've never asked for more than 10% of cargo even in those chars. Is that a good enough reason for you that being a Xeno doesnt mean "all ur cargo R dai"
(actually I once killed a Large Train in my roc, but that was because the lolwut abused the fact that I was trying to RP with him, and SpeedDocked with the lane when I was typing, and then was spamming like "lol u cant cach me! XD" in system chat, So I took the other lane, cut him down and told him to drop all his cargo and leave, he didnt, so I shot him down after 25secs. But thats not what I do everyday)
If you fly with 68 million in your cargo hold without escorts, then you deserve to be pirated. The mining mod is not meant to make players richiers in shorter time, it's about to encourage the team work, mining is suposed to be team work, you need someone to help you to mine the asteroids, someone picking it up, and someone escorting (escouting ahead and behind the transport). If you are trying to get rich by mining by yourself then, FOR ME, you shouldn't complain for being robbed by a simple P. Trans which could be easyly destroyed by 1 bomber.
I've tried that, and No, I dont mind being Pirated 120mils per run (each run gets 70mils or so) BUT if I get some good RP in return, and Personal Experience: Some 'newer' Pirates Freak out when they see even 1 fighter with you, and decide to get the money and get out before they turn into blue messages, But when you catch em 1v1 where YOU are the defenseless one, there is more chance to have some normal RP for a few mins with them. Sadly, some nice pirates are abusing this fact.;)
- You got the point of my post all wrong, I'm not complaining about being pirated by a P-Train, Tridente, Starflier, whatever. I'm complaining about being pirated just for money, and getting no RP in return - Thats not how things should work in a RP server.
by Limiting the Piracy, only those who care about RP will go on their Pirate chars, and those lolwuts who only want money when they jump on their pirate ships, wont bother anyone anymore.
I've tried that, and No, I dont mind being Pirated 120mils per run (each run gets 70mils or so) BUT if I get some good RP in return, and Personal Experience: Some 'newer' Pirates Freak out when they see even 1 fighter with you, and decide to get the money and get out before they turn into blue messages, But when you catch em 1v1 where YOU are the defenseless one, there is more chance to have some normal RP for a few mins with them. Sadly, some nice pirates are abusing this fact.;)
- You got the point of my post all wrong, I'm not complaining about being pirated by a P-Train, Tridente, Starflier, whatever. I'm complaining about being pirated just for money, and getting no RP in return - Thats not how things should work in a RP server.
by Limiting the Piracy, only those who care about RP will go on their Pirate chars, and those lolwuts who only want money when they jump on their pirate ships, wont bother anyone anymore.
And just like that we should limit everything to those who RP. RP is not only talking, but it's doing what your char should do, of course, we can be nicer than "2milordie", but you don't need to make it longer than you need, because I could not been looking for making my life of piracy, but my char is, and time is money.
If you find a pirate in space, you won't stop and cut your engines unless he forces you to do it. Why not? You know the guy is here to RP, if you run away, you don't let him RP, but it's your RP to run away (unless you are some kind of special trader who likes to pay the pirates, then you do stop by your own will).
Your RP and my RP could not co-exist, to prevail my RP I need to stop you from doing some part of your RP (which is running).
I'm not that brickhead, I know what you mean, you don't like the 3 lines and bang, I don't like neither, but don't expect me to roleplay with your zoner trans for 90 minutes.
My char likes to pirate, as much as lawfuls like to kill pirates, and traders to run away.
To resume it, yes I understand what you mean by getting some kind of RP in respond while you are being pirated.
As a newer player I can only say I have had only positive experiances with Pirates.
I have been Trading all over, and get Pirated quite often, I always RP, a few times I have managed to run, but most times I pay up. The most I have had to pay was 1 mil. Quite often I have been able to talk the price down.
Now perhaps I have been lucky, but I have no complaints. However Pirates are Criminals, and by definition Criminals have little regard for rules, but they should RP thats the whole point of playing.