[The screen crackles to Life. There is no transponder ID shown, and no sort of data sent with the transmission, only this video; The screen is dark and grainy; the face of a young female is all that can be made out. She begins to speak, sounding hurried and distressed. Her voice fades in and out as static drowns it out.]
John... Dwight... I'm sorry..
[The signal seems to grow stronger]
Im not sure what will happen.. I feel so..
[The young girl pauses, her face twisted in agony.]
[Again she pauses, but this time as though she's listening to what someone is saying. Her mouth drops open, apparently appalled by something. She speaks again, this time fumbling over her words and shuddering.]
Dw.. Dwight... if.. if you see this...
D.. Don't... Don't... Don't come loo.. looking for me..
[She's freely sobbing now. She gives on glance to the camera, seems to mouth out something that you only catch the end of "G-4.. I love you.", and the video ends]
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"Commander," asks the young officer, "can you make this out?"
He then works the com system, trying to clean up the transmission.
"No, Lieutenant, I can't," replied Commander Haddock. "G-4 could be anywhere though. Keep trying. I'm getting ready to launch the ship. Perhaps getting away from our moorings will help."
With that, Med Force One initiated it's launching sequence.
"Corfu Station, this is Commander Haddock of Med Force One, we are heading out."
"Roger, that, Commander," replied the voice, "good luck out there."
As the good ship and crew headed out, they scanned for the signal, hoping for the best.
John Petrucci was sitting in his office onboard the Metropolis when he saw the message. As soon as it was completed, he watched it again. And again. And again. Several minutes later he burst onto the command deck.
All stations, full alert. Mr. LaBrie, bring the main scanners online, begin to scan for this signal...
Petrucci shoves a data crystal into the port.
"Boss, this will take several minutes to configu-"
"I don't care. Do it now!", Petrucci snarled at him.
Unphased, LaBrie replied, "Right."
Petrucci hurried over to the ship's internal communications unit.
Petrucci to all hands: I want EVERYONE suited up and in their ships in ten minutes! MOVE!
Johnson, the hangar bay attendant looked at him like he was space-happy.
"Sir? We're launching.. everything? What about the-"
He then turned on his heel ran back to LaBrie.
"I want you to launch the AI squadron as well. Configure them for long range reconnaissance" "I also want Fierceshot summoned, immediately. We need his tracking skills."
The Overlord then rushed into his office, grabbed his flight helmet, and sprinted off the bridge. Within thirty seconds, his Switchblade was refueled, restocked, and then launched into space
"Form on my wing Raiders. We'll find her. By God we'll find her or I'll tear this sector to pieces!"
This strange message had cut through all the jamming that both the BAF and KNF had been throwing around the Leeds system (or Seto system, depending on who's map you were reading), and yet the Leviathan was still able to pick it up. Captain Henry Morgan thought that there might be a way to profit from this message if they could just figure out what the hell it meant. To that end, he watched the message for a second time, seeing if there was anything more he could get out of it. He thought that G-4 was likely to be grid coordinates in a system, but he had no way of knowing which one, and he couldn't get any routing information out of the message, and he couldn't make out the rest of what she said at the end.
Morgan considered the mystery a moment longer, and then deleted the message from the Leviathan's computer.
"Yeah yeah I know, Those bounty hunter scums never give up ha ha. No matter how many we blow into nothingness" Outcast Pilot Ric was laughing when a loud repeated beeping broke his humor, he has the emergency frequencies always open and a message suddenly came to life on his vid screen.
Quote:[The screen crackles to Life. There is no transponder ID shown, and no sort of data sent with the transmission, only this video; The screen is dark and grainy; the face of a young female is all that can be made out. She begins to speak, sounding hurried and distressed. Her voice fades in and out as static drowns it out.]
John... Dwight... I'm sorry..
[The signal seems to grow stronger]
Im not sure what will happen.. I feel so..
[The young girl pauses, her face twisted in agony.]
[Again she pauses, but this time as though she's listening to what someone is saying. Her mouth drops open, apparently appalled by something. She speaks again, this time fumbling over her words and shuddering.]
Dw.. Dwight... if.. if you see this...
D.. Don't... Don't... Don't come loo.. looking for me..
[She's freely sobbing now. She gives on glance to the camera, seems to mouth out something that you only catch the end of "G-4.. I love you.", and the video ends]
"oh... my... Such a pretty face..." He said solemnly. He was quiet for a few seconds then boosted the signal and sent it out with his own message
"Outcasts... There are lost pilots... I don't know who she is, or why she is there. She is cut off and abandoned. I know... we know" he quickly correct himself " how that feels. It doesn't matter who she is or they are. Let us at least search... find it in your hearts, and those of you who need it think of your wallets... Lets just at least try" He ended his message with that and sighed softly.
He was once a lost pilot, he was found by the wrong folks. He was tortured more then any man should, he was dumped for death later and was luckily saved. He knew that wouldn't happen again "I will save you..." he said again as his cruise engines hit max speed.
Rachel sat in the cockpit of her Eagle, floating in a discreet area of the Hudson system. It was quiet out here, unless you were randomly flipping through unsecured communications. It was her way of trying to disassociate from her past; the synth weed in her system was a huge bonus, too.
"Boring," she sighed, switching from some sort of soap opera broadcasting from Freeport 2. "Woah."
She stumbled across this transmission, and wondered what it was about. "G4? Wonder which system..."
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The command staff aboard Med.Force.One continued to try and locate the source of the signal.
"I find nothing, Commander," said the communications officer. "We flew through several systems and still I couldn't find anything."
Commander Haddock paced a bit, scratching his head. "Well, do your best," he instructed, "I know this equipment is new but keep trying. Maybe we'll break through."
"Yes, Commander," replied the com officer to where he began working his coms.
"To unidentified sender, this is the TAZ medical cruiser Med.Force.One, do you read?"
Each time he transmitted, he would get silence. He would keep trying, concerned for this person's life.
' Wrote:[The screen crackles to Life. There is no transponder ID shown, and no sort of data sent with the transmission, only this video; The screen is dark and grainy; the face of a young female is all that can be made out. She begins to speak, sounding hurried and distressed. Her voice fades in and out as static drowns it out.]
John... Dwight... I'm sorry..
[The signal seems to grow stronger]
Im not sure what will happen.. I feel so..
[The young girl pauses, her face twisted in agony.]
[Again she pauses, but this time as though she's listening to what someone is saying. Her mouth drops open, apparently appalled by something. She speaks again, this time fumbling over her words and shuddering.]
Dw.. Dwight... if.. if you see this...
D.. Don't... Don't... Don't come loo.. looking for me..
[She's freely sobbing now. She gives on glance to the camera, seems to mouth out something that you only catch the end of "G-4.. I love you.", and the video ends]
Wolf Sat in his Chair, with his 2 favorite crew members at his side, "Hmm, i wounder what that means... G-4... Well, if i find her, maybe can get another, play thing" He said with a grin, "Asuka, Keep scanners on high, if we find her, Tractor her in, surly we would have a use for her... but do not put much effort into it"
Wolf grabs a glass of brown liquid and lights a Cardi cigar.
he closes the window, Amalia, if this so called ship is found, be on the lookout for anything suspicious, we could get a good ransom for her, or els we an just put her to work in the fields."
Wolf waives his glass, "Asuka, take us somewhere, anywhere, i dont really care... just leave this place, just fly"
[The screen flickers to life. This time, an immediate horrible screeching noise begins to belt from the recording, sending sharp pains through your head. The same girl is shown, but this time she appears to be unconscious and lying on her side. A clock is shown, counting down instead of displaying the time.
It reads: 108:10
The video goes silent as the girl stirs. Her eyes flicker and then flash open, staring wildly at the lens. She seems to realize where she is, before her head goes limp once more, and her eyelids flutter shut.]