Well, you will rarely find VIP's running around in some tramp freighter in real life & most RP has at least Some resemblance to something like real life.
Tourists will often take a fare bargain to some extent.
Ship crew & scientists are used to cramped accommodations to at least some extent.
Refugees will most often take Anything going Somewhere away from wherever they are running from.
Prisoners & slaves will do whatever they are told to do.
Quote:Well, you will rarely find VIP's running around in some tramp freighter in real life & most RP has at least Some resemblance to something like real life.
Delegates heading to a secret conference? VIP refugees?
If Princess Leia flew on the Millenium Falcon, there's nothing wrong with cramming VIPs in a Dromedary.
i take spaceship crew on my container transport almost every time i find myself at a shipyard.
i believe the commodity was designed to bridge routes for ANY transport pilot.
There is nothing wrong with carrying people in cargo pods. Citation from the wiki:
Many of these cargo pods have been converted from regular freight hauling to more specialized purposes, such as self contained welding shops, machine shops, storage units, living quarters, drug labs, the uses seem endless.
' Wrote:There is nothing wrong with carrying people in cargo pods. Citation from the wiki:
Many of these cargo pods have been converted from regular freight hauling to more specialized purposes, such as self contained welding shops, machine shops, storage units, living quarters, drug labs, the uses seem endless.
Yes, so whenever you're asked why you're carrying VIPs in a dromedary you just say your cargo hold had been converted into a bowling club.
Look, some of you may not know this so I'll share a bit of IRL experience.
When I was in the military I took several trips around the world. We flew in cargo planes that had seats strapped into the rows, but put in backwards for certain scenarios. Fully converted or half converted, made no difference. A cargo ship of any kind is usually built with the potential to carry human cargo, or adaptive seating is made to fit the cargo-securing mechanisms built into the cargo ship.