Yea, Civillian Ships are produced by Zoners and sold on civilian Bases and thats why so many factions would use them. I do rest my case, in the fact that the Junkers need something of their own instead of using either lame-o crapalization ships whose sold purpose is shipping Junk around or the generic civilian ships which have no defining quialities.
Where would they produce their own ships? they have no infastructure to speak of.
Oh, and why werewolves? Although the junkers may pirate, its not their normal way of making money, they'd be more likely to use zoner ships than pirate ones.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
Just a question will these ships have wireframes like the original Freelancer ships and have seperate sections so missles do more damage?
Or is that impossible/to complicated to do?
Great ships anyway though.:D
I've been mildly miffed by one-shot weapons since their implementation, oh so long ago. I remember the days when fights were a matter of who could aim better, rather than who could aim a single shot. - Virus
Wireframing has nothing to do with ship sections. Wireframing is just one way to view a ship. Certain programs offer wireframing, no textured models, rough textured models ect. Basically the original Freelancer ships were developed in segemented pieces that had various amounts of parts. I usually work with 1 seamless piece when developing ships.
It helps to use seams so they act like freelancer ships when hit on the wing, tail, etc with a gun, or when hit with a missile.
For example, Eagle will die on one, maybe two cannonball impacts. If you shoot it wing, there is a chance the wing will be shot off and lose all equipment that was on it, plus do more damage when wing is hit than mid section.
Here are the final pics of the Tigershark. Haven't decided if I want to go with the total green color or the Green+Steel Blue combo. I might also spent a bit more time adding a few more details :cool:.
hum great job both colors are hard to pick it seems lol, but im leaing twards the green + blue steel combo i also like the other but there is someing thing about the green + blue steel combo.
The tigershark, now there would be a nice ship for the junkers:Pbut really the junkers should have basically a vhfreighter, like 150 cargo 15000 armour and a shtload of guns.
fmr Lord Solar Admiral of the Helghast, fmr.RAHF-Olsav-[Cpt], fmr. {Helghast}(LSA-vhf)~Olsav, fmr.{Helghast}(LSA)~Olsav, aboard HCS. Kesselring
Yea what dab said is why I was asking also when I said wireframes I ment when you target a ship ingame and you get a frame with the guns mounted on it (which makes it easier to target differant parts of the ship) not just the guns.
Yea not sure if that makes sense but oh well...:mellow:
I've been mildly miffed by one-shot weapons since their implementation, oh so long ago. I remember the days when fights were a matter of who could aim better, rather than who could aim a single shot. - Virus