Oh!!!! how about you docking off Siracusa and get shooted like hell by 6 Titan's, this is a problem, not while in flight, deal with it, if you cant deal with NPC's avoid PVP.
And by the way Liberty is a weak sector, for some reason all the lolwutters live there, the npc's are no different.
<span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms"> Being in NY sistem all the time, means you are a lolwutt...</span>
' Wrote:Oh!!!! how about you docking off Siracusa and get shooted like hell by 6 Titan's, this is a problem, not while in flight, deal with it, if you cant deal with NPC's avoid PVP.
And by the way Liberty is a weak sector, for some reason all the lolwutters live there, the npc's are no different.
I think both sides could win from removing hostile npc's spawns at their bases.
' Wrote:I think both sides could win from removing hostile npc's spawns at their bases.
Agreed... cant remeber last time i -successfully- undocked in a light fighter at siracusa without being blow to bits once the "no-kill mode" during undocking was gone.
Sadly sair npcs are annoying around siracusa as 4 spawns at the weapon platforms and 4 at the base... meaning... 4 of them makes a minefield and a diversion for the other 4 attacking you after your done undocking
I would prefer buffing. It's doable and doesn't take too much effort. Liberty aint a starting system anymore. And if the beginners find it troublesome they should come to the forums and read up on the /restart command. Or learn to dodge.
My characters on Disco: [LN]-Andy.Doggett, The.Flying.Betty, Russ.Dalton, Harald.Treutiger
Try flying through Alaaska ina Nephthys, get CD'd by some Nomads, then as you fight, another four come, adn then three Guardians, and by that time im just letting them kill me beacuse it is hopelss at my fighter piloting ability.
Alaska needs tp have more Order patrols to counter Nomads...would help.
I would prefer buffing. It's doable and doesn't take too much effort. Liberty aint a starting system anymore. And if the beginners find it troublesome they should come to the forums and read up on the /restart command. Or learn to dodge.
actually, after looking at the other /restart starting zones, i dont see why you cant set liberty up with the same difficulty..
as far as increasing patroles, that seems like a silly idea too, esp for alaska- theres a base for the order out there, that no ships would be able to go to let alone find with a million npc's on u. one thing i've noticed, if theres one player in an area, ALL npc's hostile attack the player, and ignore other npc's. trust me, you dont wanna increase patroles in area's like that- however, in key area's, a patrol or npc spawn decrease would def be beneficial.
only problem i've had is as a pirate in liberty space, stop at a free port, come out and gettin gunned by 2 gunboats and a battle ship, and a number of fighters, and spa and cruise ships all at once- all hitting the base and causing the zoners to engage them.. which is funny.. but all hostile npc's are still engaging and targetlocking me even if i go back in xD
though, i dont know if its possible to take patrol locations from around freeports like that, and even then, it still seems to make sense to have them there. oh well- zoner vs liberty is always entertaining.
EDIT: forgot to mention, increasing order patrole to encounter nomads is borderline.. well. lets say it wouldnt help enough- the order seem to have an really short "agro" range in comparison to liberty fighters. i've had a patrol less than 2k meters from me pass me while i'm being shot at by nomads. the only real problem is that the npc's all target the player rather than locking on to the patrols attacking them.
Quote:We should holds a benefit concerts for alls the deaf peoples, cause maybe if
they hears our musics, they wants to hears again. We could saves lives! LIVES!
With buffing I mean increasing the level of the NPCs that spawn, not adding more numbers. Actually I'd prefer less numbers and higher levels.
The game seems to prefer spawning more numbers of NPCs hostile to the player than NPCs neutral/green to the player in places where both types of spawns are allowed to occur. And if one group of hostiles spawn, another will follow. And another. And so on. Don't know if this is game engine related or if it's possible to have the game spawn 'reinforcements' for the players side mid-battle?
My characters on Disco: [LN]-Andy.Doggett, The.Flying.Betty, Russ.Dalton, Harald.Treutiger