Many of us learned to get around most hostile situations by joining together in groups for safety. Such groups over a long period of time establish roles that's members are comfortable with and what you can get is a handful of guys doing their thing with very little worry to their security, indeed such a setup deters enemies into choosing easier targets. As an outspoken member of NSFLAP I'll add: Join a faction it's lots of fun, you can also have your indie big stick on the side too.
' Wrote:you are comparing things that arent compareable. contraband is meant to be risky. and there is some kind of logic about contrabands and your fate when carrying it and being cought. being pirated by players/factions that are neutral to you and loosing everything (including the time to get it in the first place), all simply because the other wants your money, and not 3 lines of roleplay... isnt fun.
Well ... you just lost all credibility dude. Sorry ... but like you said ... its a freaking game. Rule 0.0 ... read it. Trust me ... its no fun working 2 or 3 hours (as you claim) mining or trading or whatever just to lose it ALL plus lose credits along with it.
You just make me wanna pirate you till you get mad and start another thread. I feel no sympathy for you at this point. You're talking to me about being "risky" with contraband ... yet you fail to realize that your trading and mining is just as "risky" if not more-so. I hope you get pirated twice in every system you travel through. I hope they demand 10 mil each time you come across a pirate's path. Why? Because you are only concerned about yourself. You have no concern whatsoever with OTHER people's role play. You're just here to buy the biggest baddest ship with the hardest hitting weapons and the strongest armor so you can go pound people with it. And you wanna do it in the quickest way possible ... and that's the only reason you want to limit pirates ... so you can get to your prize ship the quickest way possible
Man I hope you really get pounded by pirates. Answer your own freaking question. I've quoted them here ... please ... answer this question in relation to my smuggler getting whacked by lawfuls. If you can't ... then you're a hypocrite.
Quote:... is it really so difficult to understand that loosing everything you worked for long at one go repeatedly is NOT fun?
Quote:maybe thats because you play the game a bit longer than me? maybe you have found your trade/mining locations that are save? maybe I have not? Maybe you can understand that for a new player the situation is a bit different than for you?
Yes ... I have been here longer ... and yes I've found a few routes that don't get pirated and I can usually avoid getting picked off by the lawfuls when I smuggle contraband. But life is full of learning experiences. You want a safe route ... ask some folks that have been here a while. But quit acting like a spoiled brat simply because you can't figure it out for yourself. Ask people where the best place is to mine (that's fairly safe) ... and routes that traders don't get ganked on. All this comes with experience ... and you can't get experience on day one. Some things you just gotta either learn for yourself the hard way or ask someone that's been around a while. Don't be the jerk that wants to turn the world upside down just so you get all the benefits.
' Wrote:I'm currently looking for Miners who want to band together to stand a chance against pirates. Xfire Captainpuffy
I understand your frustration, I spent a week putting 3000 units of gold together and was ganked in New London. The buggers wanted the whole load, and wouldn't accept anything else, so I told them to destroy me. If you give me an unreasonable demand I'll give you an unreasonable reply.
In the long run, I just moved away from dublin to a less profitable but safer location.
Since the community seems to be watching this topic, and it some what relates, I think I'll ask.
How do you guys feel about dual boxing? Is it legal? (IE: Running 2 or more machines playing freelancer, having one ship a train and another a vhf, in the same system, working together)
Dax meet RobinTheHood ... RobinTheHood meet Dax. You guys need to get together to get things figured out so we don't end up with trial-by-forum crap like this in the future.
@ RobinTheHood: Don't you think your forum name is a bit off of what you're portraying yourself to be? Robin Hood was a pirate ... for all intents and purposes ... he was in fact "robbing" people. My "generic Pirate ID'd pirate" portrays himself as a Robin Hood type character. I see the Black.Pearl as being the noble pirate taking from rich traders and giving to the poor (those you call Outcasts, Rogues, Junkers, Hackers, etc ... etc ...) In role play ... you gotta think beyond what you see as red, white and green on your HUD. You think the Order or Liberty Rogues don't have kids of their own? I look at Liberty Rogues, Mollys, Blood Dragons and many others as simply poor folk trying to scrounge up whatever measly scraps they can find to stay alive while you tyrannous rich government types sit in the lap of luxury. Chew on that for a while will ya.
You know... with all the pirates, hauling contraband is surprisingly less risky than trading/mining these days. Most pirates won't touch a Cardamine or Blood Diamond smuggler. Most lawfuls are in ships too big to be worried about, too.
Quote:@ RobinTheHood: Don't you think your forum name is a bit off of what you're portraying yourself to be? Robin Hood was a pirate ... for all intents and purposes ... he was in fact "robbing" people. My "generic Pirate ID'd pirate" portrays himself as a Robin Hood type character. I see the Black.Pearl as being the noble pirate taking from rich traders and giving to the poor (those you call Outcasts, Rogues, Junkers, Hackers, etc ... etc ...) In role play ... you gotta think beyond what you see as red, white and green on your HUD. You think the Order or Liberty Rogues don't have kids of their own? I look at Liberty Rogues, Mollys, Blood Dragons and many others as simply poor folk trying to scrounge up whatever measly scraps they can find to stay alive while you tyrannous rich government types sit in the lap of luxury. Chew on that for a while will ya.
ahem. do you think i choose this account name for a special reason? :D you are funny.:lol:
' Wrote:How do you guys feel about dual boxing? Is it legal? (IE: Running 2 or more machines playing freelancer, having one ship a train and another a vhf, in the same system, working together)
' Wrote:2. Cheating & Hacking
2.1 Following actions are considered cheating on server:
- Single player using two or more computers to fly their own characters.
I hope that works.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
' Wrote:The " Get Some Escorts " line is beginning to get to me
There are no Escorts- Everyone is a pirate now.
Why be an escort when you can be a pirate?
I too normally do not mind the occasional pirating- but I was pirated 5 times in 5 systems yesterday. 3 mil for 4 of them- then the final one demanded 3/4 of my cargo. Making the whole run pointless
I Cant arrange an escort everytime I want to do a trade run- and its not like they are floating around th be hired. It takes massive forward planning to have an escort for all your runs.
well, for one thing, most people are mining in begining area's where people love to be- just because a system is conveinient to you, doesnt mean its the best place to be- chances are its the same for pirates.
also- to an extent, you face a higher chance of not running into one using a main route unless they happen to be camping that rout.learn who the pirates are and know what your rout does, take the long way if u must.
also, well known routs are the mostlikely to be camped by pirates, for example, Penns helium route. this is a very very dangerous place to to pay up and move on-
most of the time, for a pirate thats good at fighting, they already have an alternate source for money. so they are likely in it for the RP.
that being said, it may be possible to talk your way outa a situation.
another thing to keep in mind for trade and mining routs, is the identities and iff of your ship- if you are iff'd with the lsf for example, you are likely to get stopped in kusari or any other system that doesnt want lsf presence in there. contact unter that can some times prove to be a hastle. even though you have an id as a freelancer, merc or mining, remember the first thing people see is your iff.
if yer nice to pirates and share dialogue with them, and befriend them, they might grow a habit of letting u off- especially pirates like phil tinks- for sure, he's in it for the rp, and he really gets into character. its always a good time
Quote:We should holds a benefit concerts for alls the deaf peoples, cause maybe if
they hears our musics, they wants to hears again. We could saves lives! LIVES!
I've hardly ever been pirated, on either of my two traders. The reason why is quite simple: Player count. If I log on in the morning on week-ends or whenever I'm free, there's usually only 80 or so people on the server. Most of them, like me, will be taking advantage of the low player number to trade or rep, since there's a minimum of contact between players. This also means that there are fewer pirates around, so it's far safer to trade when there are 80 people online than when there are 200.
It's also useful to remember where pirates usually like to sit. I reckon that over half the times I've been pirated have been along one lane, since it is the only trade lane connecting a pair of houses, and it's relatively close to a pirate base. Be wary when you enter these lanes, and remember that the Esc key takes you out of the lane you're in.
Quote:if yer nice to pirates and share dialogue with them, and befriend them, they might grow a habit of letting u off- especially pirates like phil tinks- for sure, he's in it for the rp, and he really gets into character. its always a good time
I've met pirates like this, one of whom was Eddie.Cassidy (I think he left a while ago, unfortunately). He actually saved me from three lolpirates who were demanding 2 million each. He ended up asking me for 1 million afterwards, but he'd saved me 6 million, so I wasn't about to complain.
Quote: You're just here to buy the biggest baddest ship with the hardest hitting weapons and the strongest armor so you can go pound people with it. And you wanna do it in the quickest way possible ... and that's the only reason you want to limit pirates ... so you can get to your prize ship the quickest way possible
Man I hope you really get pounded by pirates. Answer your own freaking question. I've quoted them here ... please ... answer this question in relation to my smuggler getting whacked by lawfuls. If you can't ... then you're a hypocrite.
Seconded because damn we have all be pirated and the ones who get pissed off are the Power Traders.