I'll set up a gladiator tomorrow and see what I think. Fly it for a few days and drop my thougths in here when I'm done. I probably should have done a while back, but I didn't... Two tizzies, a pair of codies, then a mini or sunslayer plus a CD... Should be fun.
Sunslayer and CD... That could be lethal if you get it right. I smell instakills.
Significantly smaller than an Eagle. Heavy Fighter turning. TWO Torpedo slots.
It's already overpowered. It doesn't need more bots/batts on top of that.
Orly? 2 torps????
you got a epic ship it seems.... dont need buff.... imo sair ships are the hardest one to -hit- in the entire game.... regardless of your aim
' Wrote:I've always thought of maximum bots/bats capacity as its own separate thing, not always directly related to hull strength. Like a feature. It gives some diversity.
That's how it happened.
Gladiator is interesting, first response of people is "zomg that's awesome", then they fly it and find out it's not so universal after all.
When it first came just about all corsairs in gamma switched to it, then they found out that Titans waltz over them in 1vs1.. and most switched back.
It's nice vs bombers, lfs.
Ok vs VHFs 1vs1.
Not that great in fleet battles (centurion or other HFs(Falcon, Switchblade, GMG...) are better at that).
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
' Wrote:Considering your last balance thread was about nerfing kraken's, I can defiantly see why this was made.
The Gladiator is a HF, it has less bots and bats, yet while still having the armor of VHF. So please sit down or fly some other vessels beside Corsair ships, because honestly, it doesn't look like you have. Ever.
Read my characters in profile. I do.
Oh and I have 7kraken + inferno sabre. Its a god-like ship. Why I asked, nah, it was not related to corsairs, that was just simple view wich comes, yeah from playing corsairs. I spent most time in those ships. Fight all diffrent speyctre of enemies. And I know them better than any other guy who lets say flies Guardian for the most time. And there I can bring up issues relating this class of ships more competent. Of course its easy for you to try shut my mouth by saying "your biased" - I AM NOT. That was not a whine neither anything. That was just a question. Damn you people learn to read sometimes before you flame.
Anyhow since in RP OC should be most advanced in gun making tech, I get used to it and accepted that as rp lore.
Gladiator is interesting, first response of people is "zomg that's awesome", then they fly it and find out it's not so universal after all.
When it first came just about all corsairs in gamma switched to it, then they found out that Titans waltz over them in 1vs1.. and most switched back.
It's nice vs bombers, lfs.
Ok vs VHFs 1vs1.
Not that great in fleet battles (centurion or other HFs(Falcon, Switchblade, GMG...) are better at that).
Tell me what can it do what Titan couldn't do better.
Then after realising this, you think why da hell it's with 55 bots/bats. TCD on gladi doesnt works for piracy to low firepower. Well perhaps I just didn't matter the thing since I use Titan much more often, but do use eveything on that ship is really damn hard.
I know it sounds cool like "cd + torp slot" but it secrafices a lot for that. Furthemore, to use every advatantage of the ship (as I imagine since I haven't seen them yet) should require a lot of skill. Disturbing.
But my question was not about gladis balance as a whole. It just don't seem right for me, that gladi is heavier ship but uses same amount of bats like lighter one. THe question was answered. Thank you.
Now that I think of it, I don't get why you didn't balance the Greyhound the same way you did to the Gladiator?
I mean, they have the same powerplant, the handling is similar - if not a bit better for the Gladiator, and even though the Greyhound has less armor, it compensates with more bots/batts, although one may say the former is harder to hit, than the latter.
So tell me, why don't you bring those two ships to the same level, so the rogues can stop whining about their underpowered ships, and get an interesting pirating vessel.
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Oh I know its a hf, but one of the heaviest avalible. Actually the heaviest from all hf's in the game. Which turns even slower than some VHF corsairs ussaly fights (manta, wrait for example. MM~ uses eagles).
P.S its not a thread for corsair faction haters to scream "Nerf corsairs". Please, no trolling.
"corsair faction haters" scream for Corsairs to be *nerfed*?