' Wrote:Last time i worked as an escort, I was payed half at the beginning of it, and half in the end..
That worked thrustfully for both parties.
Uhmm.. I am getting pictures here on my internal 64" screen, that I don't really like. I so do hope you are talking about doing escortduty for a trader or miner in-game... If you aren't talking about that, please don't tell us more. (except as replies to Dusty's PM inquiries for prices...)
dont give money, there are plenty of ways to earn in sirius, and people dont really need to buy that bigger ship RIGHT NOW, they can wait another trade run and think about it.
i maybe give money to starfleas in pen but that's about it.
' Wrote:Uhmm.. I am getting pictures here on my internal 64" screen, that I don't really like. I so do hope you are talking about doing escortduty for a trader or miner in-game... If you aren't talking about that, please don't tell us more. (except as replies to Dusty's PM inquiries for prices...)
A & L Guy
*laughs* Yeah, I worked as a scout for a miner on his way to the selling place.
The second side of the meaning of "escort" dont came in my mind...
Lost in translation again. Click also "False Friends in my sig, similar topic...
Srdjane, I believe that the problem is that they were "cheating" you in game as in roleplay.
If they asked you for cash with // lines then it is considered something that you can sanction. But if they have done it while roleplaying they have scammed you.
it's like bill gates dressing up in a bum and asking for coins around the street. ( i bet he does )
' Wrote:Srdjane, I believe that the problem is that they were "cheating" you in game as in roleplay.
If they asked you for cash with // lines then it is considered something that you can sanction. But if they have done it while roleplaying they have scammed you.
it's like bill gates dressing up in a bum and asking for coins around the street. ( i bet he does )
Hmmm... i don't want them sanctioned,i know it's not cheating,I JUST WANED TO KNOW HOW MANY PPL HAVE ENCOUNTERED THIS;OK????hehehe,...Thanks for your answers ppl.
The keys to a happy, healthy life (and Disco experience) are good diet, plenty of exercise and doin' like Dusty say...
Leaves less blood than beating your head on your desk. Just a bit that shoots out yer eyes.
And to answer your question, I've never risked any creds or equipment that I couldn't afford to lose. Hiring an unknown pilot is a risk. Being ripped-off sux, but is not that big of a deal.
<span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms">I love the smell of carbon emissions in the morning...</span> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms">It smells like... WIN! Or something.</span>