"Hah I remember that Old fart, and his I love you son **** at the beginning. Well we all show our true side sometimes, his came sooner then later."- Michael began recording and remembering The Old Man and his life with him. At this time his ship was entering atmosphere, so he took manual control.
"Let me do my magic here."- He spoke full with confidence and ego.
Thrusted his Sabre to full impulse power and converted all energy into the engines to give the vessel enough power to enter and breach the atmosphere. The ship started to shake, alarms were blaring inside the ship.
**SHIELDS AT 37 %** SHIELDS AT 37 %**
"Haha! Lets go baby! All power into shields and engines! This will give you a boost!"
With this final effort Michael managed to breach the atmosphere and was once again in open space. No hostile targets were shown on scanners, a quiet day in space as he says it.
"Ahhh there we go. Now back to the auto-pilot. I have some more remembering to do! I am a quite amusing person to hear about!"- Again Michael spoke with an egoistic tone in his voice.
As he was listening to the logs about The Old Man, and the body armor he started remembering it, and his mind drifted away from the logs into a state of reminiscence. The body armor, his one and true love next to his ship.
He remembered him working with The Old Man on it. After he came to his residence not much time passed to when The Old Man showed his most prized experiment to Michael. A Body Armor that increases abilities of the one who wears it to unimaginable limits. Beyond humanly possible.
The armor affects the wearer's nervous system, enhancing his reflexes and reaction time by more then three times. It also connects to the wearer's head, affecting the visual and hearing system, as well as implementing different visual abilities that can be activated when wearing the armor. Infrared view and night vision as well as an enhanced hearing system.
The entire armor is made out of a specially modified material, that The Old Man was researching for many years, along with the research that he made with fellow scientists on Cambridge Research Station before he was chased away for his ideas that were considered impossible. A Titanium based alloy, mixed with super resistant rubber atoms to keep it from solidifying. The visor was made out of the same alloy, as well as certain solidified plasma materials to ensure transparency and enable the visual data to be streamed into the visual center and feed to the wearer's eye.
The armor connected with the wearer's muscular tissue as well, injecting steroids on a regular basis. A small dose enough to ensure a constant growth and increased muscular power. The armor injected some sort of fluid into the bone tissue, which increased the bone tissue durability. The muscular power that increased provided the wearer with extra strength when wearing the armor. Jumping distance increased by three times, hand grip pressure increased by four times. But this only comes into affection when the armor is worn, as soon as the armor is taken off the tissue that was affected by the armor starts to desintegrate, so only a small time in the armor is recommended. The body of the wearer is expect to desintegrate on regular basis, and after time it will become addicted to the armor.
The gun that comes with the armor, and is powered from the armor's power core is a unique gun. The gun is made out of lightened titanium material, enriched with adamantium atoms. Making the gun extremely light yet still hard enough to withstand every weather condition and impact. The ammo for the gun is entirely energy based. A plasma material enriched with adamantium atoms to ensure the penetrating ability. The beam that the gun shoots is considered extremely dangerous, as it desintegrates some materials on touch. Therefore doesn't need to hit its target, simply needs to tip the target and the are of effect will spread, but not forever. Depending on the tipped surface the are will desintegrate.
The armor can be powered up using special crystals found only in few places. It also requires a specially designed chamber and powering system to be connected to. The Old Man had this system in his residence, in the lab underneath the surface, and also one smaller powering system implemented in his vessel.
"Yeah I remember the armor well. How its power drew me. The Old Man certainly made me killing him easier! Haha!"- Michael finally snapped out from the dreaming state.
"It isn't so bad here, The Old Man is ****ed up, but not so bad I suppose. Tried to hit me today, lets just say I swung back, broke his nose. Haha! Blood everywhere! It will make him think twice the next time he tries to hit me when he's drunk!"
"**** its getting worse here. The Old fart keeps on drinking, something about not being able to finish some project of his. What the **** should I care? Or even worse suffer for it?"- Michael started his log while lying on his bed.
"Michael!"- A voice was heard from down the stairs in the corridor.
"What do you want Old Man?"- Michael replied with a repulsing tone.
"Grab me some water and come down here."
"Yeah Old Man, whatever."- Michael said that to sound he has no interest in seeing what The Old Man is doing down there, but curiosity got the best of him, so he grabbed a bottle of water and proceeded down the stairs. The door there opened with the same voice as when he entered the house.
As Michael walked through the door, inside a giant laboratory his eyes were running all over the room. Wires everywhere, power couplings, consoles, robotic components, computers all was there. All in a mess, but still in order. The Old Man seemed to be getting his way around, as he was jumping, running all over the room while Michael was looking at all the amazing machinery there. Michael approached The Old Man and left the bottle of water on a computer console.
"Wow, nice!"- Michael said in astonishment.
"Yes indeed boy. But.... Let me show you something. Come with me."- They proceeded deeper into the laboratory, to a chamber looking room. It was oval shaped, and wires and pipes were spreading all over the room.
"This, this boy, is my life's work! This will help all sick people with troubles in growth to function normally! And maybe will earn me some credits if the army wishes to buy my design! Hehe. But I cannot make it work, the side effects are terrible, and human testing is impossible."
"What is that exactly?"- Michael asked The Old Man, while looking at the armor for the first time. He was somehow pulled towards the armor, somehow he felt that it has unimaginable power. He came closer to it, reaching his hand to touch it.
"That boy is..."- The Old Man noticed Michael reaching for the armor and quickly rushed toward him, hitting him in the head with a pipe that he managed to reach while rushing,"Don't touch that boy! You are not worth to even be touching that!"- The Old Man screamed at Michael, while being drunk and simply loving the armor more then he loved his boy.
Michael was lying on the floor, his eyes were glancing with tears. He got up slowly, blood was dripping from his head, wipes his lips with his hand, and touching his head to see how much blood there is.
"**** you Old Man. This is the last time you ever lay hand on me. **** YOU!!!!"- Michael said and ran towards the entrance to the laboratory with tears in his eyes.
"That screwup of a boy needs some medical attention! He is mental! Little **** up."
"I can't ****ing sleep. My head hurts, my body hurts, my ****ing heart hurts! I hate The Old Man! Even worse then Caroline. At least she loved people more then me, this old fart loves his armor more then me. **** him, I don't need him. I don't need anyone!"- Michael was talking to himself, trying to ease his pain. He didn't know what hurts more, his head or his heart, nobody wants him, and he grew sick of it.
"I hate them." - He said and slowly got up from bed. He was unable to walk straight, because of the pain in his head, he slowly pattered through the corridors and came near the stairs that lead to the laboratory. He stood there for a while, thinking.
"I hate them, lets see how they will do without me. And how will The Old **** do without his armor! Hah! Damn my head hurts. Can't even laugh."- Michael put his hand on the head to ease the pain a little. He stepped down the stairs and into the laboratory, whose doors opened again just as Michael approached them.
"The Old Man wasn't expecting this did he? Haha! If he did he would have denied my access to this ****ing place. Nowwwww, where is that **** I need?"- He looked around for the chamber where the armor is, finally seeing it he proceeded there.
"Now let me see. Wow it really looks nice. Haha! Wonder how it goes."- Michael sat near the computer console near the armor, and started reading its schematics, characteristics and disadvantages.
"Haha this will do me good."- He started the powering up sequence of the armor, and the armor's chamber doors opened, allowing Michael access to the armor. He slowly approached it, with fear, respect and desire. Part by part he put it on himself, only to have the helmet remaining.
"Old Man!!!! Get the **** down here!!"- He screamed but no response came, so finally he put the helmet on.
The armor started draining power from the power core in the chamber, it was going slow so Michael turned up the energy consumption to speed it up. Lights began to quiver, sparks were jumping from power conduits. And the armor's power began raising. Finally it reached 100 %, completely draining the power core of the chamber, and the entire residence.
Michael moved in the armor away from the chamber, still unable to move as he wanted, it was not easy. Then the armor needles penetrated the muscular tissue, his skull, eyes, bones. The pain was unimaginable.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ****KKKKKKKKKKK it hurtssssss!!! Arghhhhhhhhh!!"
The Old Man heard that and quickly ran from his bedroom down to the laboratory, only to see a robotic figure in the armor standing in the chamber, with its hands on its head, screaming.
"Aaaaaaaaaaa, damnnn it hurts!"
"Michael! You useless boy! I can't leave you alone for one second until you screw something up! Get out of that suit dumbass!"- The Old Man yelled at him, only provoking Michael even more.
"Old Man, now I don't need you anymore, nor have I ever needed you for that matter. This ends here, no loose ends, no more insulting me! THIS ENDS HERE!!!" - Michael was furious, and he draw the blade from the armor's hand out. And started to run toward The Old Man, he was so quick, The Old Man hadn't had time to react.
Michael came close to him, and lowered his look to The Old Man, as he was taller then him,"Old Man, **** you!"- As he said this he rushed the blade on his hand through the old man's head. The blade perforated his head, entering beneath the chin, and the exit wound was on the top of his head. Blood was dripping down the blade, the expression of The Old Man's lifeless head was priceless to Michael. Revenge has come.
"See Old Man? I have won in the end. Time to have my revenge on you. No, you won't have peace even in death."- While saying this he retracted the blade from The Old Man's head, and the lifeless body fell on the floor. Michael grabbed his hand and dragged him through the house to his bedroom, so he can have his revenge.
He threw him on his bed, once again pulling out the armor's blade,"Fun times eh Old Man?! Haha!"- He jumped on the bed, standing over the body of The Old Man, and stabbed his blade in the body's arm and cut it off. Blood was spraying everywhere, and Michael was enjoying this,"Revenge feels good!".
"Thanks Old Man, this will come in handy. I have some unfinished business with Caroline now. They won't find you here for a long time. So don't go anywhere Old Man! Hahaha!"
"Now, where is that ship with the armor's power core you were talking about. You never showed me that you scum. I'll tear the house apart for it if I have to!"
"Haha! Those were some fun times indeed. I have to replay them sometimes. There is a lot of people who will serve me as Caroline and The Old Man in my replay. The Universe is full with them!" - Michael began recording as he was plotting in the coordinates for the auto-pilot.
"Arthur, I'll be coming soon. Haha! You won't even know what hit you. After you, no loose ends will remain, and only my personal pleasure will be to satisfy. Mmmm I still have the taste of the Bretonian woman in my mouth! I can't wait to get me a new one!"
Michael stood up from the seat in the cockpit, and let the auto-pilot fly him. He approached the body armor, reaching for it, placing his hand on it. He was observing it, clearly obsessed with it.
He was used to the armor, with it he could do unimaginable things. Outrun, outpower, outlast anyone and anything. His reflexes were at an amazing rate and the reaction time reduced to a minimum. His strength was increasing with the armor, but as he grew used to it, his body was growing strong as well.
He used to be addicted to the armor, shaking when he was not wearing it, but he is learning to control himself. But still, the armor is first in his heart, cannot live without it.
"A month passed since I left The Old Man to his destiny. Heh. A month in open space, nobody bothering me, nobody insulting me or putting me down. Yet still something is missing. Yet I have unfinished business. Caroline, mom, slut, whore. How to describe her? I hate her, I love her. **** her. She needs to disappear. I've done much, to much to have any loose ends."
"Yeah, I also heard that she was declared mad. Haha! That suits her. Arthur informed me of this, that she is now in the New London Psychic Hospital. Mother, I even miss you sometimes."
Michael, however tough he may seem, however ruthless he may seem, he loved his mother, and no matter what word he used to describe her, compassion, love was heard in his voice whenever he spoke of her. That is why he hated her so much, she was the only thing keeping him from becoming what he wanted to become, his own master, with no one to put him down, with no one to stop him from satisfying his need for bloodlust.
This hunger Michael was experiencing was partly because of his nature, and his history and childhood, which were hard on him and he was seeking for revenge, to avenge all his tears, all his worries that he had to go through as a boy. But mostly, these new feelings were because of the armor, he was wearing it more and more often, he became obsessed. The power he felt while wearing it was uncomparable to anything he felt before.
Michael was aware of this, but was unable to stop it. He was drawn to it, like bee on honey, like a crackhead to drugs. The armor was his drug. When he though of his mother tears would start, when he though of her in the armor revenge filled his heart and soul, if he had any then. It completely took over Michael's body, and feelings, enhancing his human abilities, but also destroying all that makes him human.
"Anyway I think I will pay Caroline a visit soon, she and I have something to discuss about. I hear she's been talking lately, opening her mouth more then usual!"- Michael continued recording while walking in his ship towards the armor, touching it while it was charging. Before that would burn his hand because of the power flowing through the armor, but now, it felt needed.
Michael plotted the course towards the New London system. A visit to Caroline was needed, and it had to be done.
**ENEGRY AT 100%**
"Time to do business my love." He said to the armor.
"Ahhh the New London system. Haven't been here in ages! Haha! Can't wait to see Caroline's face when she sees me, it will be a blast I'm sure of it!" Michael was excited, knowing he will see his mother for the first tim since he left and have a chance to kill her.
He was approaching the planet in his vessel, not using the trade lanes but flying above the regular patrol routes, he evaded the patrols of the Police with ease. As he was landing on the surface of the planet with a quick flying manoevre he escaped from the visual range of the surface landing tower, and landed on the slopes outside of the city.
"Carolin, its payback time. Ohh I will enjoy this more then you know it."- Michael said as he already exited the vessel, and locked the entrance with a special DNK based code. And engaged the visual reflection barrier, the same as the armor has, to reduce the chances of it being spotted either by scanners or by visual means.
He found the hospital with no problem, he somehow knew where she was. The security in the hospital was a joke, and he slipped past them with no trouble at all. The visual reflection barrier of the armor was working perfectly. He was nearly unnoticeable by human eyes. As he stole the information in which room Caroline was he carefully proceeded to her room.
At last he came to the room, number 290, he entered and found her sleeping.
"Hello there Caroline, long time no see! Haha!"
"Huhhh, what...mmhhhmm... Who is there? Time for my pills yet?"- Caroline asked as she was slowly waking up from her sleep.
"No Caroline, its Michael, no wonder you do not recognize your own son, since pills are more important to you then he is."
"Michael? Son?! Is that you?"- She ran towards him and hugged him in his armor. But still she was uncertain that was him,"Take of that silly suit Michael."
"Caroline, you ****ing whore, it is payback time!" - He was saying while taking off the helmet,"I have come here to do one thing, to kill..... Mother?"- He asked in astonishment, and hugged her back.
"Michael I'm sorry, I know I deserved those words, I am so sorry Michael."
"Mom!" - Michael was starting to cry, but a strange urge ran through his body, a killing rage, and he pushed her, and returned the helmet on his head, "No mother, you slut, I haven't come here to forgive you. I have came for revenge. Nothing can be forgiven!"
While he was saying this, he drew the blade from the armor's hand, and in one quick move sliced Caroline's head off. With no remorse, no guilt, nothing, anger took him. He was looking at Caroline's body not saying a word for a few minutes. Then the anger took place. Blood was dripping from the blade, but he was not yet finished. Revenge has come. And the armor will make sure it is done.
"Ahh the beautiful Planet Gaia, I will remain hidden here for a while. Relax a little, think."- He said as he was approaching the Planet Gaia and admiring its beauty.
"All is done but one thing remains, Arthur. Friend, traitor, all in one. Heh, only he remains to be dealt with. Barrier Gate, his home, **** that station, a ****hole. All I need to do is transmit him a message, and rely on his traitorous nature! Haha!"
"Aaaaaa I need a woman as well, haven't smelled one for years now. Mmmmmmm, the smell of a woman!"- Michael was clearly in a delusional state, completely taken over by anger and rage. He was showing no feelings but one, the love for his armor.
He approached the armor and stared at it for a while, saying nothing. It seemed that he was communicating with it, or with himself through it. He continued staring at the armor until the ship was near the planet's atmosphere. Now his piloting skills are required, not nearly as good as when wearing the armor, but still he is skill full enough to breach the atmosphere and land.
"Finally I arrived at the Barrier Gate Station, all I need to do now is find the ****up Arthur. That shouldn't be to hard, since he sucks in hiding his tracks."- Michael said while putting on the armor. He needed it to more easily deal with Arthur, knowing that the armor twists his nature.
Michael took the helmet and put it on his head, the last piece of the puzzle, resolved yet again.
**ENEGRY AT 100%**
"Haha! I love this feeling! Ahhhhh!"- It still hurt Michael when the armor conjoined with his body, when the needles penetrated his muscular and bone tissue, along with his senses, but it was worth it, because his strength rose each time.
"Now lets deal with this loose end. After this, I will be free! Haha! I'll enjoy killing just for pleasure, not out of need! But I'll still need to kill. Haha!"
He exited the ship and proceeded to find Arthur's chamber. Michael went to the bar, realizing that would be the best place to find him, or find some information concerning him. As he walked into the nearly empty bar, all eyes focused on him. The strange looking armor that he was wearing, covered in blood was not a sight that is seen every day.
Michael stood there, observing the people in the bar, until finally moved towards the bartender, for he assumed the bartender sees the most, and knows the most. He approached him and could see that the bartender was scared, it could be seen in his eyes.
"I'm looking for Arthur."- Michael said.
"Umm, hmm, what Arthur?"- The bartender responded in fear,"Sir!"
"Do not toy with the human, tell me where he is, and I'll leave your heart in your chest, and your head on your shoulders."
"Uhmmm, yes yes of course Mr?"
"That you do not need to know. Now, speak quickly, I do not tolerate disobedience."
"Yes Sir. Uhmm I believe he is on Deck C, Hallway 12E, room number is, let me just check."- The bartender started to check his logs, and his hands were shaking while he was typing on the computer,"Room number 67 Sir."
"Good. You may yet live to see another day. And bartender, if anyone hears about this, I will pay your family a visit. You have a beautiful daughter."
"Please don't Sir, please. No one will find out. I swear."
"Good, keep it that way."
Michael stepped away from the bartender and began walking towards the exit of the bar, then making progress towards the lifts. He entered one of them.
"Deck C, Hallway 12E."
As Michael was getting nearer to Arthur's room, his heart was filling with rage, he was not sure because of what, he never hated Arthur that much, but now he hates him as Caroline and The Old Man. He entered his room, the door were closed, but that was no problem for Michael, his thieving days proved useful in breaking code protected doors.
He entered the room and found Arthur sleeping. He walked towards him, and woke him up with the blade from the armor's arm, Arthur had a cut on his hand, and blood started to drip. He woke up screaming.
"What the ****!?!"
"Hello Arthur, it has been a while." - Michael said as he sat down on a chair next to the bed, looking outside of the window.
"Who the **** are you!?!"
"An old friend. Is it that easy how you forget those whom you betray?"- Michael said and got up from the chair, still looking out of the window, then finally turning to see Arthur.
"I can't believe this, Michael is that you? What's with that suit? Take if off mate. And you know I didn't betray you. You said that I should report you to the Police, that you had some unfinished business with the. So what the **** mate?"
"Yes you are right Arthur, what was I thinking. Hah!"- Michael started talking, while smiling inside the helmet,"Yes....no....wait....arhhhh..no! You betrayed me! And now you must die. Simple as that! I can't have any loose ends, and your life, I'm afraid is not negotiable!"
"Hey Michael, you are scaring me mate!"- Arthur spoke while slowly reaching for his gun behind his bed, thinking that Michael is not noticing,"Calm down ma...rhgghhhhhhh...."- He could not finish his sentence because Michael ran towards him and in one quick strike stabbed him through his head with the blade. Arthur still had the look on his face like he was talking, but Michael didn't care, not one tiny bit.
Michael retracted the blade into the armor's hand, without cleaning the blood of it, he somehow enjoyed having the blood of his victims to remember them, to always remember who and how he killed. A true hunter.
Michael was sitting in the back of his Sabre, shaking from the side effects caused by wearing the armor. His hands were shivering, cold chills ran down his spine constantly. He was hallucinating, and fear was growing in his mind, fear of the unknown.
"I miss Caroline....mom."- Michael said with a tremor in his voice, and grabbed his head with his hands,"**** man what are you saying?!"- Suddenly he snapped out of confusion and stood up.
"Time to share my suffering with the rest of the universe. I'm sick of enduring it by myself. Share the love! Haha!"- But Michael's body was weak, again chills ran through his spine, everything around him started spinning, his mind was being affected by the armor's drugs side effects. He nearly fell down but managed to grab the console nearby, knocking over a Datapad.