and 1.: didnt my girl told you that she is sorry and she is a girl aswell after you gone back to game, in private comms? She made no screenshot- so you can lie dont worry. just told me that she asked for your forgiveness when you go back to game.
2.: I beleive that you could be my mother otherwise you wont get a single blowin word as that serious offense. Im sure that my gf just pissed you out of your pants with roaming you threw an asteroid field and you was angry cause of that.
3.: you were out of your char already and ya kept talkin ooc on sys -cause of anger? ofc. I doesnt care beside it seems to be nothing compared with the monstreoux b word.
Doesnt matter. Now I see that you have good connections so I b(l)ow to them and to you aswell.
And as a man i Would ask for your forgiveness, but my girl wont. She (and in my deep soul me too) feels that it was a simple and not really offensive stuff. unless you have moral or religious issues aganist oral sex.
In that case I feel sorry. I really feel.
And I highly suggest you ALL to read more Rp novels or just watch moves or go out to the streets. There are people who uses bad words. and blowing is only a term for explsoion. It is overacting a phrase blow-blow up.
I cannot imagine that you can hide in space from omgrude words.
And most of us know it.
sad that women has this huge power and so pathetically bad temper, and the sentimentalism is compared with background job. Its b job aswell. Without blow.
you showed me that even a girl can make another girls man to blow her even if she has no stuff to do so. Congratz. I really bow to that power.