Those guys were scary and had balls. One charged a Wilde GB and VHF that were making mincemeat of an IMG convoy and scared those nasty wildize away. All hail the power of the Hussar!
' Wrote:sprolf isent metagaming incindre, if this was roleplay post, then it would be metagaming, but its not. metagaiming is using player knowledge as character knowledge.
Now, one could easily throw the accusation of powergaming at the BPA's players for locating arranmore without the molly republics approval. but, i think that that got resolved (?) so i think the labeling can stop.
' Wrote:Evidently, the BPA now knows exactly where Arranmore is.
I believe I have a clear grasp on the level of respect for good and fair roleplaying present here, so I guess I'll get the boys to make some Barghests to prepare for the inevitable police battleship assault on Arranmore.
Beck, please do not make unsubstantiated claims. While over the top and obviously stupid, I would classify this as Metagaming. The Mollys do not have access to our communications and can't know the BPA are purchasing more ships.
I do not know where these accusations of knowing Arranmores location spring from. I have not encountered that in any of my conversations with Mr. Goldman but I think that it's resolved now anyway. It appears there is a lot of paranoia hovering around this.
The BPA are not a military organization however, if you took a moment to consider the view of a faction not your own, would you be perfectly happy to take on a Corsair Gunboat in a single Hussar?
No, of course not, you have a plethora of bombers at your disposal which, might I add, you use without being accused of Militarization.
The Special Response Division is a long established section of the Bretonian Police Authority; we just havent had any Bombers in the air for quite some time.
We applied to the BAF for more equipment as the command staff decided it was time to get the SRD back in business and we wanted to do it properly.
The BAF have no Gunboats to supply us and even if they did we probably would not take any. Gunboats will only be considered if we get absolutely obliterated. We have no interests in any larger ships
For BPA is first and foremost a Role Play faction, we have no interest in mindlessly hunting people and always look for a peaceful way out of any conflict. However this is not a sentiment shared by, oh lets say, some members of the Molly Republic who are always on the lookout for a battle. We will only engage in a firefight if it is the last course of action.
We are not militarizing, we are not allowed and we have no interest. Sprolfs premonitions of Battleship attacks are completely unfounded.
However we operate bombers in the SRD (like other Police factions) for the simple reason that they do not take two hours to destroy a persistent smuggler in a transport; a problem with the Hussar (and note, that's with a Cannonball Missile Equipped BAF Templar assisting).
Shockingly, the BPA wish to create some respect for their operations rather than being the carpet that all unlawfuls feel free to walk all over. On the grounds of fair role-play I believe that our changes are perfectly within reason.
In short:
We are not PvP Whores and we never will be.
We will protect BMM miners, remove illegal miners, make sure the Mollys dont get too overconfident and remove any smugglers.
We just want to be able to operate with some level of efficiency that is believable, The Mollys, Samura or any other pirate or smuggler do not have free reign over Bretonia.
Thanks those of you who are supporting this.
Anyone interested in Joining the Bretonian Police Authority can follow the link in my signature. We would be very happy to have you onboard!
I think the BPA should look up the term sarcasm.
Really, it will assist you greatly when reading the posts in this thread at least.
The battleship point was meant in an OOC sense and was sarcasm, ie - it was not meant to be taken seriously but was meant to point out something.
The location of Arranmore was shown in Blitzy's report, he even mentioned it in writing after showing it on the nav map.
He has since edited that and now it is not mentioned.
Hence why if you read it now, you won't see it.
Reading message dumps is not metagaming.
Reading communications is not metagaming.
Using the knowledge obtained from them in an overly excessive manner (Some knowledge can be used, most factions do it, inRP it's called spying. It's a very fine balance however) IS metagaming.
The final point above has not happened and won't happen if Sprolf is involved, he's pretty well respected for good reason.
In all, an increase in the BPA's activites is grand, nothing bad with that. Nor with a small increase in their ship types, that's all grand too. It's just one or two cases of things that have appeared since you took this new direction that has sparked arguments. (Blitzy's post etc, which he fixed and I'm at least grateful for).
So basically, go ahead. Just keep in mind that certain facts like the position of Arranmore aren't meant to be toyed around with as they have pretty big consequences.
Eh, you getting bombers wasn't what scared me, as I've only ever seen one BPA in my time playing Discovery.
As for ganking and whatnot, we're quite used to it, as we generally have to deal with the BAF.
I'd just like to suggest you take a look at the history of the BPA before you talk of "stepping up activity in Dublin." Try roleplaying police, with light fighters, who patrol Bretonian space. Look at the LPI. They do a good job at being police. Actually, up to this point, most police forces have been good at playing police.
Don't become a clone of the BAF.
RP police, not military.
Or are you not up to that challenge?
I do acknowledge that it's easier to get activity when your roleplay consists of hunting pirates, and you have all the VHFs and gunboats and bombers with all the guns instead of light fighters (actually, truth be told, I love light fighters, your Templars do not scare me). You're actually abandoning one of the best light fighters in the game because you simply don't know how to use it, apparently. And that move sort of what concerns me - the fact that it appears that we'll basically have two BAFs to deal with.
If not, tell me how your in-game actions will differ from those of the BAF?
You're accusing the MR of not wanting a diplomatic solution?
That belies your absolute ignorance of everything I've done in the past.
We're not PvP whores, and now seems a beautiful time to invoke a well-thought-out
Also, I was the one who made the battleships remark, not Beck.
Still wouldn't surprise me.
Lastly, and here's where I get to be all egotistical (look out!), I'm one of the few people who respects the difference between information gained out of character, in character, and in and out of roleplay. I respect the barrier, and often think for a while as to what my characters would actually know. Maybe this doesn't go through other people's heads, and maybe they can't ignore the fact that they've read top-secret powergaming. Maybe they can't help but metagame.
I do ignore that fact, and I can prevent myself from metagaming. Seems you don't even understand the fundamental differences between in-character and out-of-character.
I keep tabs on all factions that could interest and affect me.
You've proved to me why it's a very good thing to do.
' Wrote:sprolf isent metagaming incindre, if this was roleplay post, then it would be metagaming, but its not. metagaiming is using player knowledge as character knowledge.
Now, one could easily throw the accusation of powergaming at the BPA's players for locating arranmore without the molly republics approval. but, i think that that got resolved (?) so i think the labeling can stop.
' Wrote:*Cough*
Beck, please do not make unsubstantiated claims. While over the top and obviously stupid, I would classify this as Metagaming. The Mollys do not have access to our communications and can't know the BPA are purchasing more ships.
I do not know where these accusations of knowing Arranmores location spring from. I have not encountered that in any of my conversations with Mr. Goldman but I think that it's resolved now anyway. It appears there is a lot of paranoia hovering around this.
The BPA are not a military organization however, if you took a moment to consider the view of a faction not your own, would you be perfectly happy to take on a Corsair Gunboat in a single Hussar?
No, of course not, you have a plethora of bombers at your disposal which, might I add, you use without being accused of Militarization.
The Special Response Division is a long established section of the Bretonian Police Authority; we just havent had any Bombers in the air for quite some time.
We applied to the BAF for more equipment as the command staff decided it was time to get the SRD back in business and we wanted to do it properly.
The BAF have no Gunboats to supply us and even if they did we probably would not take any. Gunboats will only be considered if we get absolutely obliterated. We have no interests in any larger ships
For BPA is first and foremost a Role Play faction, we have no interest in mindlessly hunting people and always look for a peaceful way out of any conflict. However this is not a sentiment shared by, oh lets say, some members of the Molly Republic who are always on the lookout for a battle. We will only engage in a firefight if it is the last course of action.
We are not militarizing, we are not allowed and we have no interest. Sprolfs premonitions of Battleship attacks are completely unfounded.
However we operate bombers in the SRD (like other Police factions) for the simple reason that they do not take two hours to destroy a persistent smuggler in a transport; a problem with the Hussar (and note, that's with a Cannonball Missile Equipped BAF Templar assisting).
Shockingly, the BPA wish to create some respect for their operations rather than being the carpet that all unlawfuls feel free to walk all over. On the grounds of fair role-play I believe that our changes are perfectly within reason.
In short:
We are not PvP Whores and we never will be.
We will protect BMM miners, remove illegal miners, make sure the Mollys dont get too overconfident and remove any smugglers.
We just want to be able to operate with some level of efficiency that is believable, The Mollys, Samura or any other pirate or smuggler do not have free reign over Bretonia.
Thanks those of you who are supporting this.
Anyone interested in Joining the Bretonian Police Authority can follow the link in my signature. We would be very happy to have you onboard!
Kindly do not take the liberty of adding things that sprolf said to my quotes. Mainly because we're all bretonians, and should avoid taking things from liberty.
Just to note, if anyone could be accused of powergaming (not metagaming though) here, that'd be me.
If anyone missed the posts beforehand, I DID reveal the position of Arranmore purely on the basis that it was already on my NavMap and needed to come up with some sort of backstory as to how it was there.
After several reasonable complaints and a talk here and there, I decided that removing the location of Arranmore would be best so if you read any of my reports now, you'd be confused as there is no longer any mention of the base. Thus, that's where that confusing point arrives from. Apologies for any inconvenience and disruption this has caused any side here.
Finally, in terms of differentiating with the BAF and BPA, especially during the Dublin operation, only time and RP will tell. I could safely wager that the BPA will not be so trigger-happy due to lack of resources and will mostly focus on the defense of the miners rather than an all-out assault against the Mollys and other pirates. Purely for the fact that, whilst the miners NEED defending, taking on the Mollys head on is a dumbfound idea.
Anyways, I thought this argument had settled down a while ago. Let's just leave the RP'ing to do the talking, and if anything goes off-course, we shall discuss the pros and cons here.:)
Quote:If this small step in evening the odds aggravates you this much, then I suggest you try flying a Wolfhound in the Liberty Rogue faction. Some time spent being missile spammed by three LPI cruisers would, I'm sure, help you to realize that the BPA are not becoming a military force.
The location of Arranmore is no big secret. If you recall the history of the Mollys, when they first started they had an uprising on Graves and the BAF chased 'em all the way to the Arranmore, where the mines ripped them to shreds.
Gee, I wonder where the Molly stronghold is?
Let's all try to cool it, eh? It's hard enough as it is to increase Police activity because it's basically a nerfed Military. When they tried to change that by giving the Police something unique, it didn't work. So it's something we have to deal with.
Er, also Incindre, I have played in Liberty for some time.
As a Rogue. And a Hacker.
Don't automatically assume that just because I'm a Molly I devote all my time and energy to this single venue. I don't. That produces biased factionalists who are difficult to deal with. Varying your roleplay is a good thing.
Field is known, precise location isn't.
Just like all unlawful bases. Not that it really matters, because Bretonians don't really ever go to that side of the system. They aren't really supposed to even traverse Dublin that much in RP because the Mollies are so fanatical about the entire thing... let alone get to that side of the system and into the Molly field without dying a horrible death in RP.
The BAF hit the mines, yes. Where are the mines?
Throughout the entire field. And even if they did locate Arranmore in that sojourn, the fact that they were all killed horribly by massive explosions probably precludes their relaying much information back to Bretonia, if at all. Keep in mind that this happened quite some centuries ago, and asteroids have a tendency to drift a bit...
*Incindre points to his above posts and notes that Sprolf has not understood them*
We are in no way abandoning the Hussar! We simply are getting more support bombers!
And I take offense at your slight on our piloting skills. We DO know how to use our light fighters and we will continue to use them with peak efficiency.
A little extra time re-reading a post may help you to glean a better understanding of the contents and meaning therein. Your last two additions to this thread are negated further up, multiple times infact.
Right, after playing in the BPA since about the 20th April 08, I have to say sprolf, you made me quite angry with your accusations.
Militarised? You are aware of the debates that went over the use of even _missiles_ on our ships? And that ended with the thought "we're police, we wouldn't have them". Or the larger ships "police drive cars, not tanks".
Or the AFO policy?
As Incendre said, the SRD has existed for _years_, bobbies in bombers is nothing new. Ask the Brotherhood how the last event with us went in terms of our "firepower".
For the longest time the BPA's sole weapons were sheer numbers (try taking out gunboats in light fighters), and inCharacter insulting. That's it. We can't field the numbers, so rather than simply using wit to deter pirates and other neer-do-wells, we decided to reestablish the SRD.
Think your accusations over next time, and don't make false ones.
As for the Arranmore bit, remember we had a peace treaty? A good while back? Traders were free to go to Arranmore for gold? One plausable explaination. I do agree that it was sudden, and I had no knowledge of it before I seen your post however.
If you still think the same way, my skype name is on my profile.