If you're getting shot at by an NPC patrol you probably shouldn't be there anyway.
Fix your rep or stay out of hostile space.
I had to fix my rep from -1 to neutral with the Corsairs just so I could get into Omega-49 because the Alsatia got wtfpwnzor'd. If I can do it you can.
well eta is somewhat of a special system in this:D
i get constant spam of at least 10 wtfowning sabres with infernos at etna when undocking at low server activity. try dodging 10 those infinite core 7 gun sabres + cd or inferno.
' Wrote:well eta is somewhat of a special system in this:D
i get constant spam of at least 10 wtfowning sabres with infernos at etna when undocking at low server activity. try dodging 10 those infinite core 7 gun sabres + cd or inferno.
I've never seen the NPCs, but if they're Sabres with Infernos in a patrol with something with a CD, they should be changed too.
Yes, and clearly we should have to worry about a dozen or more hostile NPCs right outside our bases. I've heard Corsairs say that the Outcast NPCs are that bad on their side of the minefield, and I know from experience the Corsair NPCs are that bad on the Outcast side.
Really, all I want is less enemy NPCs near bases, and no CDs on most non-Guard NPCs.
If you would like to not war, then go someplace else. I have a preference for Sigma 17 myself. Nice fly-over country.
"The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace. The foundations of the Mansion House hotel stuck up above the ground. The stone was chipped and split by the fire. It was all that was left of the town of Seney. Even the surface had been burned off the ground.
Nick looked at the burned-over stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there."