fmr Lord Solar Admiral of the Helghast, fmr.RAHF-Olsav-[Cpt], fmr. {Helghast}(LSA-vhf)~Olsav, fmr.{Helghast}(LSA)~Olsav, aboard HCS. Kesselring
okay the order bomber is underway, does anyone like it? its a nephthys with the wings of the avenger. took me forever to get it to be right.
Armor: 23000
Manuverability: slightly less than rheinland bomber
Guns: 4/2
torpedo X2
max wep class 10
Made out of Liberty ships captured by the Order, with extra technology added, a few order ships of bomber class were constructed. Any outcast of liberty navy official who has seen one has never lived to tell the truth.