' Wrote:So... If you can't be pirated, then where exactly does the problem lie?:P
The problem is that I cannot roleplay properly as a miner ,alone in a system ,pew-pew-ing rocks ,defenseless.
' Wrote:If you are in a mining cororation then another RP if you organize your own defence. Daumann do this in Omega-7 what is really popular in these times. And its not an impossible thing. Just a month when we start operating there with our forces, and we cleaned the area from indy miners, from other non-rheinlander mineral thiefs who mining there. When they faced time to time our patrols, and got warnings and shoots they learned, better if they join a corporation what allowed there (sure a lot of Kruger now:)). If players forced continuosly, they start to learn and play by RP line. A lot of hate us for it but we dont mind and at least we dont see GMG, mercenary ID-ed, smuggler ID-ed miners in O7. So you can handle the competitors with your own escorts/patrols. And you can handle the pirates too, if you bribe them how they attack your competitors, and leave you alone. This is RP too, and maybe cheaper (in RP too) than build up an installation what dont really keep away the pirates. Of course we guard our own mining ships if we can, team and teamwork the key. This is why we pay rare for pirates, this is why we give blue death messages. Thank for the common work we lose lesser ship than we shoot out - if I see the pirates only too.
The real problem is - the independent corporation members work only themselves, dont help others too much. They just use their miners for earning money what needed for a brand new corsair BS - dont wanna abuse noone, maybe not corsair but Outcast or Liberty Navy. Need improving the RP? Teach them they need to work like a team member not an indy miner who just wear the corporation ID but dont really act like needed. Just ask IMS:). We shot them a lot of time, they organized now because they learned this is necessary. Now they have more escort ship too, what they use against us. Not weap platform needed but changing the indy players minds. If the indy miners create a "corporation" escort/patrol ship next his independent "corporation" mining ship and he use it for protecting other independent "corporation" members, then something good started. But they will do this only under pressure - sorry this is my experience, just a few or veteran players can see the advantage of team work and they can sacrifice their time for others - example for boring patrol around the mining ship until that load its cargo fully with ore. But if you do this, maybe next time he protect you. I think this is what needed, not weapon platforms what a bomber shoot out from far with SNAC.
...The O7 it's a pretty nice place. Here in T23 IMG doesn't bother too much to launch few fighters for miner's defense, mostly it's CR's job ,but when they are offline we get killed in mass. There are small exceptions when you see 2 bombers staying near a miner...
' Wrote:While we're at it lets equip trade lanes with SNACs so pirates cant get to the traders and miners there either.
Seriously, I agree that inRP mining corps would begin to build them. Just like the pirates would destroy the sites before they were ever completed.
I don't see why you think building three WPs would be so difficult... They could be built on a base, in a safe place, programmed ,loaded in a transport ,transported to the site ,installed , tested and fully operational. That is not the problem.
' Wrote:Definatly no. Miners can flee to their bases already. For example omega 7.
Also there are escorts, and believe me - they do work !
Oh really? Tell me how you flee in '23 with a mining ship between those rocks... it's very improbabile.
This has been said but still hasnt gone through yet, has it? Hire escorts! Look in the forums there is always at least one looking work. If not rp with enough other miners and get a group going that way half of you can be on as escorts and the other half mining, then switch. I have had many miners in my time on this sever, most of them working out off dublin and I rarely got "taxed" why? Cause I had other players acting as escorts, lookouts etc etc....