Mr. Trenton, let me first say how happy I am that Universal Shipping is working hard in Sirius. The Angels will be happy to send new pilots to your company. Keep up the good work.
And to Mr. Masswordman
I do apologize for an Angel not being in game when you needed us. At the moment all of my Angels are real life full time high school and college students. Some have part-time jobs on top of their schooling and some of us, including me, work full time.
As the faction leader it is a juggling act getting good Angels who will also spend time in the game doing their Angel job. There is a relationship between players who make good Angels and those players also being highly motivated in terms of their real life education. Both seem to go hand-in-hand.
But let this post be a good reminder for me and the rest of the Angels to get in the game when you can. The Disco Community needs us.
Thanks again Mr. Trenton and Masswordman for your feedback. I really do value it.
Thank you very much, Angel Sass. Hope you angels are doing well! Keep up the good work! Oh, and the recruitment thread for USI is located in my Signature or in our Faction Status Post.
Started out my shift hooking up with Sass and helping a few people out. From what I can remember there was a SRP discussion which was nice and the fellow seemed to be a pretty switched on and motivated RP'r. Then there was a question about cargo which Sass took whilst I was being rammed and shot at by Newark and a mining ship. After that Sass had to go somewhere and I helped a person understand the re-engaging rules and also help a person wanting to know which Id was better between the Vigilante and the freelancer ID's. Sass came back and we helped I think it was one or two more people then we called it a night. Thanks Sass.
This is a combo post from two shifts the last which I happily shared with Angel Bear before the Ion storm hit.
I met more awesome and groovy pilots including Iowa Harvest, ComLiner_Greycliffe, Kruger|MS-Gelsenkirchen, Caja.Maddox, IMG|Ray.Garret, BrotherBearV (no relation to Angel Bear), LNS-Assault1, Thomas.Jackson, Brock_Sampson, Fosite, Ravenger{Blazerz}, and Serseri-Red-Horseman.
Had an interesting conversation with the deadly assassin MM~Cat.Lover. I think she wanted to use her Mandalorian salary to create a planet entirely populated by cats. Does Planetform do cat planets? I'll have to check into that.
I had several questions about the 4 hour PvP rule. Folks are still confused by it.
Pulled two short shifts today, some of the time was spent Angeling on a non-Angels character. (As I usually do.)
Someone asked about the "condition" of the system I was in, since it was a "problem" system. The system was had no OOC chatter for the duration of the period of time I was there.
Second shift required command help about /restart and /givecash, as well as me participating in a transfer. Nothing too hectic, thankfully.
Had a lot of good questions and met some great pilots including Gray.Consular, Yashima (he thought I was going to pirate him, maybe I should have), DarkBreed, Rachael.Ericson, Carpe_Noctum, Caspare.Frako, OSI-Stygio, and Hal.Bregg.
Had a great conversation with XA-Coral. I hope you get your father back.
Received a donation from Jolly.Venturer, thank you so much for your support. You totally rock.
Looks like I'm the first to post in April. I've done two shifts lately, one today and the other a few days ago. Nothing really happened apart from being shot at and helping people to understand what OORP chatter is. Oh wait, I had a question on missions and I sorted that out. Is it just me or is it slowing down lately.