Welcome to the development of the Sirius 250 A.S. Freelancer Mod. Whether you're interested in helping with development or just pitching in ideas hoping for the chance to play the mod when it's finished, you can find information on what is planned and what has been finished here. This is an ambitious project, and I realize that most, if not all, of this community's developers are currently involved in making the next version of the Discovery mod, but if you know how to mod Freelancer and have been unable to get in on Discovery's dev team, you're welcome to lend your assistance here.
The Sirius 250 A.S. mod strives to re-create an accurate-to-discovery-history version of freelancer which takes place in the year 250 A.S. (After Settlement of Planet Manhattan by the Liberty Sleeper Ship). During this time period, many of the technologies, luxuries, and spacecraft that we have in the Discovery Mod today did not exist, or were in much more 'primitive' states. Setting the mod in these early years not only allows us to expand and detail Discovery's history, but also allows us to experience both roleplay and combat on an entirely new - and different - level than what we're used to. Jump gates were only just being developed, trade lanes did not exist, space was a much 'bigger' place, and exploration of the outskirts of house space were only just beginning.
Follow this thread for updates on progress and add any ideas you might have for the mod's development. A list of developers working on this will be added as people sign up.
Content to be included for version 1.0
Due to the amount of modding needed, the current plan is to only include Liberty with the first version of the mod, and once it's being tested on a live server, we will move to the other houses and add them over time. Liberty was the first house to settle and begin exploration, it was the starting point for jumpgate and cruise technology, and it had the greatest number of active factions during this time period. Rheinland will be the second house included, with Kusari being third. Bretonia did not develop a great deal until much later, so it is debatable whether or not it will be included at all, at least not until the timeline moves forward with subsequent versions.
Liberty Checklist (WIP)
New York
Liberty Navy
Order of Cincinnatus
Interspace Commerce
Valhalla Research
Monument Construction
Predecessor to the Xenos - Name Undecided
Predecessor to the Rogues - Name Undecided
Liberty Naval Fighter
Order of Cincinnatus Fighter
Interspace Commerce Freighter
Valhalla Research Freighter
Predecessor to the Gull-Class Transport
Monument Space Construction Vehicle
Valhalla Exploration Ship
Pilgrim-Class Deep Space Transport
Mining Freighter
Mining Combat Freighter (for xeno predecessors)
Pirate Fighter
Pirate Combat Freighter
Liberty Velocity Chaingun (ballistic weapon - lawful)
Mass Driver (ballistic weapon - unlawful)
Railgun (ballistic weapon - neutral)
Liberty Laser Cannon (energy weapon - lawful)
Lathe Beam (energy weapon - unlawful)
Javelin Rocket Launcher
Seeker Missile Launcher
Transport Laser Turret
Transport Railgun
Equipment Information
-Shields may or may not be included, but if they are they will most likely be reserved for transports only-
-Countermeasures will probably be replaced with Chaff/Flares-
-Cruise Disruptors do not exist yet, but cruise engines will be limited to short bursts-
More information including specific faction and equipment info will be posted at a later date.
Developers Involved in the Sirius 250 A.S. Mod
Tenacity - Organization and Background Writing
Mouth Shot - Models and Texturing
Sprolf - Liberty History & Faction Assistance
Kazinsal - Infocards/Ini coding
' Wrote:Equipment Information
-Shields may or may not be included, but if they are they will most likely be reserved for transports only-
Considering that in vanilla, transports and caps were considered too large for shields, I would think this should be reversed. Especially considering how far back we're going.
' Wrote:Considering that in vanilla, transports and caps were considered too large for shields, I would think this should be reversed. Especially considering how far back we're going.
Good point, that was brought up on skype as well.
Shields might not even be included. There are plans for emphasis on collision damage and ballistic weapons, which would 'feel' a bit more lethal/realistic if there werent shields protecting your ship.
I can't mod or i'd love to help.
My question (Don't scold me if this was answered somewhere else, it's been a while and I just got back) but i'm taking it as, this is the next mod idea?
I'm just wondering what's going to happen to all of this, that we have now.
Or is this going to be a separate mod/server?
If we are runnning it as a main server thing, I think it'd be great to have updates (When you start Freelancer) Often, as often as you could. To make it feel like the worlds developing as you go...
' Wrote:It's being Developed sepreately to the Discovery Mod, by different Developers.
So essentially, it'll be a new mod, using the Disco universe (Being Essentially Vanilla FL).
Although that makes me sad, because the population of the server is more then likely to be very low at most times then... We need more Freelancers!!!
WHAT/WHO we will need is people/players who are interested in this project; coders, modelers (knows: texturing, hardpointing, and hitboxing), Excellent Writers, and etc, etc...
We will need all the help on whoever has/have a clue on how to mod.