// Just to note. This meeting happens over a few days not a week or more like it will actually take. As such, do not bring up things that actively happen in game or feel the need to leave the meeting and come back because you have RP right now that puts you elsewhere in Sirius. The fact it takes a week or more is because we all have lives.
Victor looked around at the library of the manor; it had been set up as a conference room so that the Committee would have a formal place to sit and discuss things. Walking around the manor he silently watched as OSI employees worked to ready the manor for the meeting, some stopping to greet him others working harder when they noticed he was watching.
Walking out onto a balcony Victor took a seat and relaxed, "Odd how we all call each other friends yet only see each other on the rarest of occasions." A man came out onto the balcony and set down a drink and a dozen or so shots of whiskey, "Thanks, Gerald. The guests should be arriving shortly, make sure we have enough food for all of them."
Picking up his datapad he replied to a few emails from Freeport 14 staffers, checked the status of a few deliveries, then opened a list of issues he hoped to have addressed at this meeting.
Quote:-Bethlehem's inability to maintain its own operations due to many factors. Liberty's increased presence on Erie. Is it a wonder why so many Zoners are fleeing from Pennsylvania to other systems? Perhaps cutting our loses on Bethlehem and selling it off is for the best?
-The Zoner Defense Force. While performing its role admirably its pilots need training in order to prepare them for the worst that Sirius holds in store for them. Its use in the defense against the Gallic Royals if they ever move from their home in Gallia as the Council suggests they will.
-Gallia herself. How is she a threat to the individual Zoner? To individual Zoner groups? Is there a need to bear arms against her? Enter a war with a nation over one witches actions? Over stolen secrets? What secrets? The plans for the Corvo, Fearless, Aquilon, and Jinkusu? Big deal, most of those vessels have new variants that remove the weaknesses of the previous variants, of which DeFrance doesn't have access to. Codes to access our secure facilitates? ZTC took care of that quite quickly after DeFrance defected. So what did she really steal? Or trust?
-Nomads, the threat to us all, including Gallia. It seems they are becoming more and more active daily. I've heard Rheinland has sent hunters after one of their own military officers after they confirmed he was infected.
-Molly and Bretonia's recent Armistice. We've all heard reports of the BPA pushing into Omega-49 on a regular basis. Does Bretonia intend to try to forcibly take the system against their agreement with us?
"Time can only tell." Victor spoke aloud. Turning the datapad back to offline mode he sat it down next to him and took a few shots of whiskey and slipped into a relaxed meditation.
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A limousine pulled up to the manor owned by Victor Cross. It was a converted Rheinland military vehicle that gave local transport from the Tombstone Estate to local functions. Arriving at the front door, John Holliday stepped out in his full set of robes. He was all business as he so often was and as per usual, maintained a straight face. Once on his feet, he stopped momentarily to check the pager on his belt which for now was quiet. He had much on his mind and as fate would have it, all of it came about all at once. He also arrived alone which was rare.
"Greetings, Ambassador," said one of the escorts as he shook his hand, "I'm surprised. No Mrs. Holliday."
"She is at home under watch as she is due to give birth any day now," he explained, "travelling even a short distance isn't an option."
"Very well, Sir," he answered, "this way." With a motion, he was escorted to where Victor Cross was.
Entering the conference room, John scanned the room but didn't see Victor. Another man, however, recognized the guest and greeted him.
"Ambassador Holliday," he greeted with a handshake, "it is good to meet you. May I serve you a drink?"
"Yes, Sir," he replied in his old southern drawl, "Coalition vodka over the rocks......but after you take me to where Ambassador Cross is." The man nodded and escorted him to the balcony where Victor was.
"Victor!" half-shouted Doc as he approached him, looking around slightly, "it is good to see you. A fine place you have here."
At that point, Gerald handed Doc his drink and left the two men to their privacy.
Doc and Victor chatted briefly about the many issues before them. They agreed that once again it wouldn't be an easy meeting but as always, expected good results.
Long day... Long day indeed. Too much paperwork for any single individual to do, but when you are coordinating the building of a ship of that magnitude... It takes much time indeed. Ravenor looked out the window of his car as it was driving up towards the manor. So many things on his mind... the ship, the zoners, the gallics, the ZDF... He hoped that this little adventure would lead to something much better for the Zoners as a whole.
The manor loomed ahead. Large, spacious, full of grandeur. Ravenor had never been so privileged to ever dream of owning an estate such as this. He had always lived the life of a Navy man, even his little stint with Markus never really got him the money to have something like this, even if it was really good pay. As the car followed the path towards the house, Ravenor noticed a Rheinland vehicle pulling away. Irk'ing him just a little, he managed to maintain his temper and clear his head. There was an important meeting at hand and he was an Admiral of the Zoner Defense Forces, it was about time to act like one.
The car came to a halt and he stepped out the side. Pulling his dress blues down, to remove the crinkles in the front. Putting his cover on, he reached back in the car for his briefcase.
"Admiral," one of the caretakers spoke to him, "Welcome to the Cross Estate."
"Thank you," replied Gideon.
Ravenor began to walk up the steps towards the manor. Once he made it to the door, he was greeted by yet another caretaker.
"Admiral, welcome to the Cross Estate, if you would follow me, I'll take you to the meeting room."
Gideon took off his cover, put it under his arm, and then followed the caretaker down the corridors and tried his hardest to with hold his amazement at the grandeur of the house. It takes a lot to fascinate and old war bird such as himself, but this was getting at him. Almost caught by surprise, the caretaker stopped in front of him.
"Admiral, here is the meeting room, may I offer you a drink?" "Yes, thank you, I'll take a whiskey, straight."
Ravenor walked in the room and noticed 2 men speaking with each other. Taking a moment to recognize them, the caretaker handed him his drink, which Ravenor set on the table. He set his briefcase on the table, along with his hat, and walked over to the two men speaking.
"Mr. Cross and Ambassador Holliday, its a pleasure to see you too again."
I am [The_Angels]Mortis. If you need help regarding the rules, the game, or just need someone to talk to, feel free to contact me on skype or PM me.
The tall, well dressed warrior climbed out of the limousine that had brought him to the Cross Estate. He stood by the car for a moment and looked around.
He inhaled the air around him. Yes, it was Gran Canaria, a place where he couldn't smell fear, at least, not outside. Still, he stood proud as he began the walk to the Estate doors.
Entering the front door, he ducked through and stood in the Conference room, his Commander's robe flowing around him.
"May I take your robe, Sir?" asked the servant who took a gulp when he saw how big the.......man......was and who just began glaring at him.
"No," answered Matok.
The intimidated servant asked, "excuse me, Sir, but I'm not familiar with you."
Only slightly insulted, Matok replied, "I am Matok, son of Grosche, and I am the Tau Marshall for the Zoner Defense Force."
Quickly, the man scanned his list, "ah yes, there you are, Marshall. Please, follow me."
Matok was escorted to the balcony where Victor Cross, John Holliday and Admiral Ravenor were making small talk over a drink. Victor Cross and John Holliday he knew although he had only sent communications to the Admiral and had never met him so for him, it was a first.
"Congratulations on your promotion, Admiral," greeted the large warrior as he shook the Admiral's hand, "I felt the need to be here."
"A drink, Sir?" asked the servant, still nervous of such an intimidating presence.
"Blood wine, please," he answered and within a few minutes, his drink was served.
"Gentlemen," stated Matok, "we have much to discuss. I look forward to it."
The Major stepped out of the shuttle and began walking towards the manor, leaning slightly on his silver topped cane. As he entered he was stopped by a man with a list.
"Ah, good day! I'm The Major! Am I late? No? Good! Now, where's the Admiral?"
Pushing past the employee, the Major put his hat on the stand and looked around. Seeing Admiral Ravenor, he strode towards him.
"Admiral!"Tucking his cane under his arm, he gave a quick salute."Good to see you! How have you been, old chap?"
He shook him firmly by the hand, and then turned to Commander Matok.
"Marshall Matok! Nice to meet you in person at last!"He glanced down at the drink Matok was holding."Seems there is a lot to discuss. Now, where's the bar? I need to grab myself a scotch."
Taking a few more shots while chatting with Doc, Victor motions Gerald over to him. "Go see if you can find out the status of the other Committee members. I don't want to keep Doc here any longer than we have too." Gerald nodded and disappeared back into the manor. Turning back to the group, "How is Midori doing? I understand she is due any day now?"
A few miles from the Manor three large Armored Transports landed on the Spaceport, from their cargo holds a APC rolled out from each.
They had the markings of the Virulian enclave's Defense force. The EDF markings where clear on their sides and as they rolled trough the streets, Zhane sat in the middle APC, fingering the documents he had been given earlier about the Zoner Alliance.
He frowned and re-positioned himself in the seat, he looked to his right at the Grunt form, an android of Virulian Engineering.. A marvel in the terms of security and warfare, it alone could take down a military group of five.
It looked at Zhane and said in a almost human voice;"My lord? Is everything alright?"
Zhane nodded"Yes yes Sentry, im fine.. Thank you."
As the APC's drove close to the manor in which the meeting was to be held, he shifted in his seat, looking out trough the armored windows he saw the manor and the cars outside of it and he smiled a little to himself, everything was going according to plans. So perfectly, fitting into the seams.
He yelled into his wrist computer; "All EDF personnel is to secure the area around the manor, and provide around the clock security for the committee members, send your reports to Prime Audax, and he'l report directly to me"
His APC rolled into the courtyard and stopped just short of the entrance to the manor, he stepped out, and as he did, the guards outside got a first hand look at Edward Zhane, councilor of the Virulian Council.
Zhane approached the entrance, and gave his name to the one handling admittance into the manor, he was quickly allowed in and walked up to the others, he walked with a steady pace and with a proud form as he opened the door and bowed his rest to the others.. Zhane being around 6 feet tall he still aired a feeling of authority and experience around him.
"Greetings, I am Councillor Zhane of the Virulian Enclave.."
He looked directly at Matok, and gave the huge klingon a respectful nod, he also nodded at Victor and at the Admiral, then he went and said to Doctor Holiday
"Ah, Ambassador Holiday, what a pleasure it is to finaly meet you face to face, I hope you've made some head way with the documents we had sent you?"
A shuttle arrives from the ZoE corporate offices. The guards inspect his Identification papers at the gate. there is a slight pause the the shuttle is waved thru to the Manor. It stops near the entrance.
Chester steps out from the shuttle unaccustomed to dealing with such powerful people.
Chester reaches down to his pager on his side hoping for any news
Chester looks up at the manor very impressed and proceeds to the entrance and gives his name again.
Greetings, I am Chester Copperton from the Zoner Ore Extraction company
The attendant allows Chester to enter the manor. Chester looks around and sees Ambassador Holliday, Mr Cross, and a very intimidating Klingon
Chester extends his hand" Mister Cross it is a pleasure to meet you sir". Chester then turns to Ambassador Holliday and does the same 'Ambassador it is a great honor to see you sir."
Chester see Matok near by but is unsure on how to approach or greet a klingon. Thinking Well here goes nothing" Greetings Commander Matok it is a great honor to meat you sir" extending his hand towards the Klingon hoping the admiral does not break his hand. Chester looks around from the bar and walks off to find it.
Charles arrived. "Finally!" he thought. "I would appreciate to have dealt with tha via video conference" he mumbled while walking in. While hailing everybody he added "I hope you fellas don't mind i'm not giving you my hand, i'm feeling pretty sick. Would be a pity to infect someone of you." Charles coughed silently and looked arround for a place to sit down. "I'm here now, let's make the best of that" he thought, sat down on some comfortable chair having a small nap.
Noticing that all members of the Committee and ZDF High Command had arrived,with the exception of Command Helfari, who tended to disappear on exploration missions without notice, Victor motioned to the those present to make themselves comfortable. "Gerald, you and the others can wait outside; if the Committee needs something we'll let you know." Turning to face the the group who had arrived he cleared his throat and began, "I'm glad all of you made it here safely. I know we all have schedules to keep so lets get started." Looking at Chester, "I hope you find Claroke and Eric. I'll let all of my transport crews and security pilots know to be on the lookout for them."
"Now, I'd like to address is Bethlehem Station's inability to maintain its own operations. There are a number of factors that are causing this, of that I am sure. We however cannot deny that a large part of the problem is that many Zoners are moving from Bethlehem and Erie to other Zoner stations and Gran Canaria at an alarming rate. Just setting foot on the surface of Erie and you can understand why. The promise of self governing made by Liberty is being forgotten, everyday Liberty forces itself on the citizens of Erie and Bethlehem in a new way. So....the unnamed organization that offered to take over the operation of Bethlehem and cover the cost of its remaining inhabitants to make their way to a new home has again put the offer on the table. Bethlehem's command is considering it as an option. Their only other option is the Alliance or a member faction covering the operational costs so that the people can stay there." Victor took a seat around the large wooden table that had been set up in the library and leaned back, "OSI isn't willing to invest in Bethlehem just to lose the station to Liberty. Our advice to Bethlehem's command is to hand the station over and take the generous offer and make a new life elsewhere in the sector."
Looking at Admiral Ravenor, Commander Matok, and Major Baker, "I want to know High Commands plans on defending Freeport 6 & 10 along with Baffin if the Gauls make a gambit for them. We can only guess as to their plans, but Aurelia's threat on Freeport 6 should give us a clear picture. I also want to make it very clear that the Committee hasn't authorized any forays into Gallia, do not send any pilots into their space." Victor then motioned for others thoughts and concerns.