heres another thing, what is with the ravenclaw? I once flew it and it was very badly underpowered, it ran out of power in 5 seconds, and turned like an ostrich with 1 leg... I couldnt destroy anyone in PvP with it. Now I fly the ravens talon and it rocks.
1. why the hell this ship is sold on Junker base if it is LSF ship?
2. in info says it is used by unlawfuls got their hands on it?
i see only one choice that wont raise yet another flame war...on next release simply change info of that ship...
Well you know the junkers, they probibly found bits and pieces of it lying around in the debris fields, did a bit of reverse engineering and rebuilt it for themselves, but not being clever enough to put it back together in its original state. found it was unbalanced and under powered, but still a good looking ship, and some poor sucker would pay a lot of money for it based on its original reputation, found it quite profitable so continued to turn them out for the market.
Or we could even have a situation where every single fighter you come into contact with does not have the word "Raven" and/or "Talon" in its name. But I doubt that is going to happen as it is just to easy to make an RP for the thing.
Yes as you can probaly tell I can't stand the thing at all to the extent that I am bordering on finding it more annoying than when everyone had a marsflyer (yea I hate it that much, older players should know what I mean)
I've been mildly miffed by one-shot weapons since their implementation, oh so long ago. I remember the days when fights were a matter of who could aim better, rather than who could aim a single shot. - Virus
umm, few people fly the raventalon, the raven claw is the problem. Everyone and his mom has one. Its not so great. It turns like a rock and has too little power.
Sheesh commodore, turn this into a 'best fighter' thread why don't ya. Don't care about the Raven's Talon, its
the Claw we're discussing. The RT has its own set of roleplay history stories too.
If you don't like it, don't fly it, but don't knock it. People want to hear if they have a good reason to be able to
if they want to. Personal choices ... Maybe we'll see how good your RT is one day ... Eh ?
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."