You all continue to argue about stuff that I told you in other topic- no transp have even chance to survive by cruiser attack but LF scout can.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)
A demand which is so high that no one would ever pay it, and obviously just a pretext to blow someone up. For example more than the cargo is worth.
Also, playing like someone who just succesfully took over the house with his capship fleet, and not like a pirate or someone who is trying to do that but not able to according to the storyline.
Fellow_Hoodlum Wrote:What's reasonable ? ...
Something that a trader would realistically be able to pay or do. For example drop all cargo or the amount that the pirate can carry, or a percentage of it, or pay less than the cargo is worth.
Also, playing like a pirate or someone who is trying to take over the house but not able to according to the storyline, and not like someone who just succesfully took over the house with his capship fleet.
I made the previous statement which prompted your questions mainly because I stronlgy suspect that a lot of the pirating caps, who immediately started behaving in a way that shows how scandalous this rule revision is, may in fact be owned by people who normally pirate in pirate transports, and who want nothing more than the rule re-instored so that they can be protected by it again.
Coin Wrote:This doesnt work. The lolcap fleet raids on gamma are painful enough, without a nerf on unlawful caps. if it were to take 3 corsair caps to take down one bunter, this is gonna get nasty.
also, the bunter npc caps regularly spawn in missions - they are hard enough to do, never mind if they were buffed.
Thanks for quoting my entire post, I guess, but I wish you had also read it entirely. I said it should be applied to the pirate factions who are forced to dwell in houses and have no planet economy of their own, and NOT the Corsairs and Outcasts. Those 2 should how ever not be allowed to bring their caps to house space, so they dont abuse it.
' Wrote:Normally the thrust away thing would work but I wonder how missiles that fly 4.5 K factor into hitting transports that lack CM launchers.
You get 1 shot with missile before trans can thrust away. Plus a smart trans would just shoot the missile. Long reload time, and they are power thirsty. So again, hit cruise to catch up, but no power to fire any guns, before trans thrusts away. I have tested it in Alaska many many times before this rule. Only time a BS can kill the trans, is if he can get close, and sorry if i see a BS grouped with Pirates? He is not getting close. If they demand i let it? sorry no go. I wil demand he stays 5K away or no pay.
How about if larger ships apear on radar at longer distances? Like 20 k. Makes caps easier to avoid and spot. More realism, easier on the snubs to avoid capspam, better ballance.
I had cruisers in mind with my last comment, as they have both CDs, thrusters which come close to transport speed, and LRMs that can track respectably well.
' Wrote:Can you please just stay out of the thread? That sentence is pretty much all you've "contributed" so far throughout your posts. Bring valid points, or none at all. Space is dangerous? Well tell the guy who's responsible that my Shire doesn't have a CM, i'd pay him extra for mounting one.
Why should I waste the words if this is the exact sentence that should be said?
Or maybe you're metering the opinions by the length of the posts, don't you?
Ah, sorry, I forgot that everyone is always so afraid not to be in the winning position so ready to regret any opinions and just keep spamming down the thread (10+ pages, Jesus Christ) with "Oh no, so unfair (((" crap.
However, this hypocritical point of view makes me happy since I know what exactly happens when pirate, let's say, Gb found in the lane. It's getting what? Right, gankbanged by any possible number of navy ships. "Yea, being a pirate is dangerous, you should suck, you should not have BS bla bla bla, you should have less ships bla bla, be always ganked down, bla bla bla" you gonna say?
My ears are ready to keep listening to your precious rant over here. :cool:
' Wrote:How many of those are single entrance and exit or just one lane?
Colorado - okay multiple paths in and out
Ontario - chokepoint one exit for Colorado
Cali - chokepoint one exit for Ontario
Cortez - chokepoint one lane
Coronado - chokepoint one exit for Cortez
Baffin - chokepoint one exit for Coronado
Tau 29 - chokepoint one exit for Baffin
Kyushu - okay multiple paths in and out
New Tokyo.... okay multiple paths in and out
"see its no prob." lool
You got a point, their "chokepoints" if someone had bothered to actually take advantage of those "chokepoints".... The ONLY time iv'e been caught using that route of systems to reach Kusari was when i still flew as USI, and ppl had alot of pent up OORP hatred towards that faction and litterally persecuted us when we werent doing proper convoys....
Those systems are so ridiculously low-populated that its a "no prob" route....
Another fact you forgot; no pirate even dare to pirate in Baffin as that means getting KoS all over sirius by one of only 2 remaining zoner officials. Coronado is home to lolonials, nuff said. T29 is a 28k sprint to either Kishiro base or a freeport.... Kyushu, well that might be a dangerous one as its favored by GC and BD for piracy.... infact the most dangerous system of all those is probably Cortez and Kyushu....
Ursus, you have clearly not been pirating long enough, nor traded long enough to learn how disco "ticks".... desolate systems is desolate.
' Wrote:I wonder who pissed off the admins to get this to happen?))))
Just sure, that's someone who we all know.
Everyone know to be precious.
Widely known person, very widely know.
But, I think I will not tell his name around here.
Loads of unwanted problems ya' know.
Obviously this change is for good.
Doubt it will be changed back for it was needed.
Of cause, personally, I found new rules to be funny.
On that note, I gonna make a freighter in order to enjoy the new fun :cool: