- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
Before I got into space, I was running a penetration testing(in IT department) company until I got bored of being in one place and sold my business and bought my first ship. After this, I was self-employed, shipping materials all over Sirius, but mainly through Bretonia.
- To what division are you applying?
Shipping Division.
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed?
I own Heavy Lifter, bought from Leeds.
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
I havent thought about that really. Maybe BowArth. Yes.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
I did a mining run with other Bowex employees and they made me feel like Im one of them. Literally. Not too aggressive and not too shy, just trying to ship the goods to the people and our allies.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words)
I was born in unknown system, but my history begun from orphanage(they told me some questionable people just dumped me in front of that orphanage) in Cambridge. I finished university in IT department(because of my affiliation of information fetish) and made a fortune from my own business, which I totally loved, but my love for exploration through space got bigger(plus I wanted to know where Im really from), so I sold all my stuff to get my first ship. For some time I was exploring all over Sirius and traded minor commodities while searching for my true parents. I found them in Crete, dead.
My likes are: Information. Efficiency. Open space. Bringing desired goods to people.
My dislikes are: Abusing force/power for the whim of showing power. Inefficiency. Kusari offensive on Leeds system.
Incoming Transmission
Encryption Level: Mr A Arcando eyes only
CommID: Ms J Frances - Head of Human Resources Borderworlds exports (Bowex)
Message Target: Mr A Arcando, Planet Cambridge
Message Source: Human Resources- Scarborough Station: Newcastle
Subject: Your Application
Dear Sir
Further to your recent application with on 04/09/819 A.S, I am delighted to offer you the role of trainee captain. This role will be a full time position and you will report to Scott MacFarlane. You will be employed on a permanent basis, although your employment will terminable in accordance with the notice provisions as are set out in the attached contract of employment.
You should note that your employment is subject to a probationary period of one month and that during such probationary period it will be terminable on a shorter period of notice.Your employer will be Borderworlds Exports, and should you accept this offer of employment your start date would be 06/09/819 A.S.
This offer of employment is subject to the following conditions being met to our reasonable satisfaction: Completion of an enrolment examination and a CRB check
Incoming Transmission
Encryption Level: Mr J Whitehouse eyes only
CommID: Ms J Frances - Head of Human Resources Borderworlds exports (Bowex)
Message Target: Mr J Whitehouse, Liternyan
Message Source: Human Resources- Scarborough Station: Newcastle
Subject: Your Application
Dear Sir
Further to your recent application with on 02/09/819 A.S, I am delighted to offer you the role of trainee captain. This role will be a full time position and you will report to Scott MacFarlane. You will be employed on a permanent basis, although your employment will be terminable if you violate several laws and as such destroy a small fragment of Borderworlds Exports reputation
You should note that your employment is subject to a probationary period of one month and that during such probationary period it will be terminable on a shorter period of notice. Your employer will be Borderworlds Exports, and should you accept this offer of employment your start date would be 09/09/819 A.S.
This offer of employment is subject to the following conditions being met to our reasonable satisfaction: Completion of an enrolment examination.
Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Peter McCullen
Message Begins...
Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2783
- What is your full name?
Peter D. McCullen
- Where do you live?
My registered address is Stratford Abbey, Dunsburgh, Planet New London, New London System. However, I spend most of my time lodged up in various abbeys throughout Bretonia, as well as on board my ship during transit.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I was (and still am) a member of the pious order of St. Luke, a group within the Church of Bretonia. I have been granted permission by the Archbishop to seek employment outside the church as a means to supporting both Bretonia and myself, provided I donate a certain percentage of my wage to charity. As far as useful skills, I have experience transporting foodstuffs and various essential supplies to a number of congregations around Bretonia in a Transport class vessel. I also have experience in transporting and relocating refugees.
- To what division are you applying?
The Trade Combine
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed?
I lease a Percheron from the head of my order, for use in transporting supplies for the Church. He has granted me permission to use the vessel in civilian employment. I will use this vessel during my employment at Bowex, at least until I have a new one commissioned, and treat it as if it were my own.
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
I would name my ship the Cuthbert, after an old British monk, back on Old Sol. He was regarded as a wise and honorable man, and lived through a time when Britain was shattered from years of war, much like Bretonia is today.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Well, to be honest, I'm trapped on Scarborough Shipyard, and this seems like the only way left of possibly getting off of this station.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words)
I'm a man of God, and I have sworn oaths of Fielty, Chastity, and Poverty. The poverty one is interpreted very loosely. Now, I won't preach where I'm not wanted, but don't expect me to take part in your shameless shenanigans either. I stand for what is right in the universe, and for the words of the Good Book, and from what I've seen aboard Scarborough, neither of these takes much priority in the minds of most Bowex employees. I sincerely hope that your sins are forgiven, and that my joining this company might have some effect in lowering the vast list of vagrancies that seem to crop up every day.
Subject:Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727
- What is your full name?
Colin Trevena
- Where do you live?
Primarily aboard a ship...? In between that, I stay at various planets or bases. My home, or at least planet of origin, is New London.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
I was formerly employed as navigator, negotiator and executive officer aboard a mining and trade vessel.
I have complete experience with most ship systems, navigational and negotiation experience. I know how to fly small ships and I can fly larger vessels with the right team.
- To what division are you applying?
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed?
Our former ship is being repurposed however a new ship will be funded. The ship being purchased is a Shetland Train.
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
The Elsinore, as it is renowned for trade and shipping.
Alternatively, CopperFin reflects the metallic and fish-like nature of the ship, though I feel this does not reflect the elegance of the ship or Bowex.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
With our experience in shipping and trade, a trade company seems only logical as a career choice. Our crew has always had a strong sense of economic continuity, and so applying to a crown owned company too makes logical sense for the benefit of our nation.
Shipping and hauling will keep us in our comfort zone while pushing us out to new boundaries and places.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are your dislikeskes etc.
Our crew isn't violent, prides itself on a strong morale, efficient team work and a certain level of sophistication in our business. We enjoy the beautiful systems and cruising, but we're always up for the challenge and quite frankly, fun of an asteroid field. We generally dislike pirates, but within that category we prefer cooperative and rational pirates. The remainder, we dislike.
We do not enjoy trips outside of a convoy so much as we enjoy those within one, as the company is enjoyable, welcome and gives a certain sense of both safety, but also pride and accomplishment in our work. We maintain that a sizeable convoy is a magnificent sight. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask us.
We hope you will consider our application and we eagerly await your response.
Incoming Transmission
Encryption Level: Mr P McCullen eyes only
CommID: Ms J Frances - Head of Human Resources Borderworlds exports (Bowex)
Message Target: Mr P McCullen - Scarborough Station: Newcastle
Message Source: Human Resources- Scarborough Station: Newcastle
Subject: Your Application
Dear Mr. McCullen
Borderworlds Exports is pleased to offer you the position of Trainee Trade Captain for our organization. We are excited about the potential that you bring to our company.
You will report directly to Supervisor MacFarlane.
You will be classified as a Trainee Trade Captain. Your initial compensation package includes full medical and dental coverage through our company's employee benefit plan, and fringe benefits as covered in the enclosed pamphlet.
In accepting our offer of employment, you certify your understanding that your employment will be on an at-will basis, and that neither you nor any Company representatives have entered into a contract regarding the terms or the duration of your employment. As an at-will employee, you will be free to terminate your employment with the Company at any time, with or without cause or advance notice. Likewise, the Company will have the right to reassign you, to change your compensation, or to terminate your employment at any time, with or without cause or advance notice.
We look forward to your arrival at our company and are confident that you will play a key role in our company's expansion into national and international markets. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can do anything to make your arrival easier.
Incoming Transmission
Encryption Level: Mr C Trevena eyes only
CommID: Ms J Frances - Head of Human Resources Borderworlds exports (Bowex)
Message Target: Mr C Trevena - Scarborough Station: Newcastle
Message Source: Human Resources- Scarborough Station: Newcastle
Subject: Your Application
Dear Mr. Trevena
Borderworlds Exports is pleased to offer you the position of Trainee Trade Captain for our organization. We are excited about the potential that you bring to our company.
You will report directly to Supervisor MacFarlane.
You will be classified as a Trainee Trade Captain. Your initial compensation package includes full medical and dental coverage through our company's employee benefit plan, and fringe benefits as covered in the enclosed pamphlet.
In accepting our offer of employment, you certify your understanding that your employment will be on an at-will basis, and that neither you nor any Company representatives have entered into a contract regarding the terms or the duration of your employment. As an at-will employee, you will be free to terminate your employment with the Company at any time, with or without cause or advance notice. Likewise, the Company will have the right to reassign you, to change your compensation, or to terminate your employment at any time, with or without cause or advance notice.
We look forward to your arrival at our company and are confident that you will play a key role in our company's expansion into national and international markets. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can do anything to make your arrival easier.
Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727
- What is your full name:
Yuffie Pure Maiden
- Where do you live:
New London , Planet New London
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have:
I was working for myself until oneday , a Bowex personel showed me how amazing Bowex is , that's why I decided on beginning a new career path - become a Bowex . Therefore , I apply for secretary position under a Bowex expert's guidance .
I have experience of encountering pirates , traveling in distance systems such as Omicron formation , Tau formation , etc .
- To what division are you applying:
Shipping divison . However , i'm looking forward to learning about mining major , which can allow me to work in Mining Niobium in Tau 23 .
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind:
I'm using a Percheron . A freighter .
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why:
I'd name my ship the YuffieDarkLady . As it's my current ship's name .
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports:
I need a more stable place of employment .
But above all , i want to improve my career . I want to be a specialist in mining in the near future .
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words):
I'm 22 years old, born in New London , Planet New London . I just graduated from Bretonia Pilot Academy with excellent result . That's why i'm looking for real challenges in the real space .
My hobby is playing Piano and shopping . I have A-level certificate in New London Art and Social Institute for Musical Major .
I dislike pirates as well as Merc .
I'm still in single status . However now the only thing i care is becoming an expert .
Thanks for your time, hopefully I can look forward to becoming an employee of the BowEx shipping division.
Posts: 6,380
Threads: 335
Joined: Aug 2007
Staff roles: Story Dev Economy Dev
To: Yuffie Maiden From: ExSec Manager Peterson. RE: Application.
Well, Trade Manager MacFarlane is on extended medical leave, and Human Resources is busy chasing its tail over a missing shipment of paperclips, so I guess dealing with this falls to me. Right. Before I give you a provisional place, I just want to point out a few minor details:
Bowex does not mine. That falls to our nationalised brothers, BMM. You can find their application channels here, but to be truthful, it's not a terribly pleasant place to work. Despite this, we work in extremely close partnership with BMM, possessing almost sole shipping rights to the ore they produce. You would still be involved in mining operations, but not cracking the rocks in question.
That said, I've had a look at your credentials, and they look okay. We'll give you a provisional captain's assignment aboard that Percheron of yours. We'll contact you via secured instant communications, in order to facilitate your smooth integration into the company.
***Incoming Transmission***
***Source: Briesen Mining Facility, Omega 7***
***Destination: Director of Operations, Border World Exports***
***Security: Standard***
Borderworlds Exports application form 8209-2727
- What is your full name?
Charles O'Callaghan
- Where do you live?
On my ship, the Firbolg.
- Where was your last place of employment? What experience do you have?
Ever since taking to the skies, I have worked as an independant trader and cargo hauler based out of Bretonia, shipping to and from the Omegas, Tau's and Rheinland.
I used to trade in Liberty aswell but have had one too many incidents with rookie, I hope, law enforcers making fuss over goods shipped from Rheinland. Let us just say they don't take it very well when you read out their own laws and embargo restrictions to them.
I have flight experience in Freighters and Transports, the bulk of my flight hours in the Shire. I have yet to succumb to a pirate attack, most are reduced to space dust or decide to try their luck elsewhere.
- To what division are you applying?
I am offering my services and ship to the shipping division, with experience in blockade running and supplying behind enemy lines.
Though I would gladly help blast the Kusari out of the skies, I am a trader by heart and generaly only enter combat in self defence or in aid of friendlies.
- Do you already own a ship? If so, what kind? If it is not listed above, can you afford one of the ones listed?
I am captain and owner of the Firbolg, a Shire-class Bretonia Container Transport
- If you are applying for the Shipping division, what would you name your ship? Why?
My ship is called 'Firbolg'. My father was a historian and preserver of knowledge. When we were little he used to tell my brother and me tales of old Earth Irish mythology, as part of our heritage.
The Firbolg in particular have always captured my interest and in memorium to my father who passed away, I chose this name.
- Why are you interested in working for Border World Exports?
Lately I have been focusing more around Bretonia, moving supplies to and refugees from Tau-31, but as the Kusari intensify their patrols with ever heavier vessels, I have realised I can not keep doing this alone, sooner or later things will go bad. So with Bowex operating in the same areas as I and having similar interests, it is to me the logical course of action.
-Tell us about yourselves, what are you dislikeskes etc (minimum of 100 words)
My young years were rather uneventful, I had a relatively normal youth on Leeds, grew up with a fascination for flying. As soon as I finished my education, I apprenticed myself on a freighter. There I soon learned I had apptitude for trading, and after a few years saved up enough to buy a second hand Rhino for myself, from there on I traded my way up.
Three years ago I met my late wife, the daughter of one of my buisness contacts, we fell in love and 6 months later married. We moved into my families home on Leeds, my father having passed on after a long and fruitful life and my mother having moved to live out her remaining years with relatives on New London.
Due to my extended travels and many different harbours, I hardly set foot planetside for more then a day and long ago started considering Firbolg as my home away from the family home on Leeds. Furthermore, the Firbolg is my life and only love since I lost my wife aboard a civilian refugee convoy headed for New London, which was attacked and destroyed by the Kusari.
What do I dislike? First thing to spring to mind, with dislike not quite describing my feelings towards them, would be the Kusari State, for obvious reasons.
I do not like those individuals who would rob, or worse, hardworking men and women. I tend to have very little mercy for such lowlife.
Cowardice in battle, traitors, and corrupted law-enforcers are also very low on my list. Oh and Synthpaste, what a waste. If you can afford or have acces to fresh, natural food, don't buy that rubbish.
Things I like, well there is good old Firbolg. I am very fond of my crew aswell, we have been through a lot together.
Hearing music on my bridge is quite common, though my communications officer still doesn't fully aprove, bless him.
When I have time during cargo offload/loading and the location allows, I can generaly be found in the sports facilities, swimming. In my younger years I used to swim for competition, and my love for water was only surpassed for my love for flying.
Another hobby, one that has resulted in some amusement among my crew, is cooking. When the space we traverse allows, my second in command has the bridge and I can be found in the galley. Sadly due to the ever increasing pirate activity, this is not very often.