On todays patrol we had a lot work. Being a Rheinwehr Pilott is not easy at all. But who though it is? Not me for sure. Today along mit Vizeadmiral und other Officers we were forcing the embargo from Liberty. At the beginning nothing indicated further actions.
Some transports with Neon and Superconductors on board. Gladly all of those were going zu bases in Rheinland space. During one scanning, I noticed smuggler mit Slaves on board.
Captain wasnt responding on Halt callings. We began pursuit. From Hamburg we chased him too Sigma 17. All because I chose to pick Wraith mit Mini Razor on board.. Next time I wont make the same mistake. But yeah, we got him, he was captured and transported to prison. Slaves , as Vizeadmiral said, were picked up by specially organised transport.
Heading back, again we wncounter Hessian Cruiser class Vessel. Our wing included VHF (me) und Gunboat. Such force couldnt take down such warship. What suprised me, Hessian Officer was very polite, thats a rare situation. Nevertheless support came some time after negotiations. Hessian refused to surrender, we had to use force arguments. Some time after this ship was destroyed.
After that we came back zu Hamburg and went for ship repairs. Und is not end yet...
~~~Incoming Transmission~~~ From: Viktor Niklovach
Subject Patrol Report 2
Guten Tag comrades! Taking das night shift, and without any surprise had little to no dangers out tonight. This good, ja, or nein? Nonetheless the night did not go with no duties to be performed. Beginning my patrol from das Hamburg system, I had encountered a few Unioner grunts messing with das lanes. Was quite a simple task to rid them of our annoyance.
Nearing das end of the Hamburg system I had encountered a Freelancer, performed das routine scans and he came up clean. Not a problem to us, at least for now.
Das rest of das patrol went without any action. Had finally Ended das patrol in das Frankfurt system. Oh, to end das report, I have a few Unioner and Hessians arrested and awaiting orders to be taken to Hamburg to be imprisoned.
Maquis|Leon.LaBreau-If your interested in joining the Maquis PM me. [RM]Of.Viktor.Niklovach[RoS]GhostFace[E]David.DeWester[101st] Order|Ens.Adam.Jones[C]Jean.Claude.Moreau Kruger Security-Johann Von Struger]bd[Akio.Kimura
--Incoming Transmission--
--Location: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin system--
--From: Flieger Joachim Landers--
--Patrol Report--
Today, I and Gefreiter Eva were ordered by the Vizeadmiral to do patrol in Omega-7 and Frankfurt. In Omega-7, there was a high miner activity, but no sign for hostile vessel. Frankfurt was clear and quiet too. Only a Kruger transport was scanned, he only delivered mining machineries.
Before the patrol, there was a small Hessian activity and 2 Volksfront ships in New Berlin, but we handled it.
It seemed like a simple day. I arrived Planet Hamburg and two soldats reported that they had detected Liberty Navy ships in Bering. I switched to the Military channel as fast as I could and requested reinforcements. We have only 4 wraits (included me) but only I und Offizer Weddigen got the newest armor.
The fight started. First, we lost a super heavy fighter, but we could take down the liberty gunboat. I was scared a little bit, because we lost a few ships. While the battle, I received a lot of messages from friendly ships, and I saw a hessian fighter too. Not much later the command deployed the RNC-Munchen.
While sitting at lunch with some of the new Recruits, I received a distress call.
Several [LN] ships which just entered Hamburg and got into visual range with
Alster shipyards.
[RM] forces gathered in Hamburg's orbit and moved in to face the invading
[LN] ships.
Led by Admiral Hale, they performed quiet good, but soon lost their numeral
A wing of three ships managed to flee from the fight, the the Navy's defeat
was fact.
Connecting to Rheinwehr DATA Transfer
Verifying neural identification masks
Connected to Rheinwehr DATA Transfer
Connected as Flieger Theodor Osterkamp, ID 101HF003
Welcome to Rheinwehr DATA Transfer, FLieger Osterkamp.
What would you like to do?
You have selected: 3. - Personal log entry
My first patrol since joining the Fliegerstaffel Hamburg. My friends already warned me about the Unioners activity recently so I was pretty prepared.
The shift yesterday started relaxed. I recieved my instructions from Oberst Voigt and before I began my 5 way point patrol I got to know to my new ship - the Wraith. I was used already to the instruments as I made over 100 hours in the Rheinwehr simulators. But flying this baby out there in space is really enthralling (pardon to the führung for my emotional excursus).
Waypoint 1 to 3 were routine scans of friendly merchs. On waypoint 4 three Union ships awaited me and opened fire immediately and I did not even know where there were coming from. My ship rattled. I was shaken arround as soon as the first shots hit me. I was nervous as I had my first real dogfight. It is not like in those simulators I thought by myself and those boastful radio calls from my opponents did not help at all. So all I could do was to throw myself into the fight and after a few turns and loops to evade hostile fire I got my confidence back again. I locked one of them up and gave him a salve of my Hornvipers. His shields were down by 30% and he tried to get rid of me by some wild maneuvres. I did not let up and as I soon as I was able to brake through his shields to perforate his hull I tasted blood.
I hunted them down.
After I saw the last man explode I was pumped with adrenalin and I twisted my ship under full throttle.
It took me several minutes to realize what just happened.
Theodor you are a Rheinwehr fighter now...
... and you have to kill.
Save message
Logging out
You can now remove your neural connection safely
At roughly 23:45 I was finally allowed to join the active rota of Rheinland pilots in service and was given a slightly under equipped Wraith fighter. Whilst the fighter has the most advanced fighter shielding avaliable, its scanners, weapons and armour are of lower quality.
This did not stop me from carrying out my first mission. It seemed strange that my first mission was a forward recon of the New York system, Liberty's home system, but I understood the reasons behind it and knew better to even think of questioning Command.
Travelling from New Berlin through to Hamburg I decided to head through the Hudson system, encountering resistance from civilian vessels including a republican convoy which was worrying. From here I headed into Texas using a little known jumphole that my father knew from his smuggler days.
Once I was inside Texas I used the debris fields to remain hidden from any passing Liberty patrols and it wasn't long before I used another jumphole to reach the New York system. From here I headed towards my first waypoint luckily Liberty Forces seemed to have gone to sleep and I avoided detection.
The first waypoint lead me to Norfolk Shipyard and the Battleship Missouri that was anchored near to it. I managed to snap together some information before I left for the next waypoint. Whilst I was heading for this waypoint an ionstorm struck and my craft was disabled for a short time, I did however, manage to get it back online before I was discovered.
Next I was able to gather some data on Westpoint Academy and Planet Manhatten, not long after that I recorded Fort Bush and Baltimore Shipyard. Then with my mission complete I left the New York system, flew through Texas and Bering before coming to Hamburg system where I remain.
[font=Times New Roman][color=#33CC00]~~~Incoming Transmission~~~ From Fl. Viktor Niklovach
Subject: Patrol Report 3: Checkpoint Duty
I be taking another late night shift, ja. But this time it be a checkpoint duty out over New Berlin planet conducting scans amongst das passers. Had quite a few das occasional silver ore traders, did not mind to record their interactions.
But I did happen to encounter an odd tagged shipped. Pulled him over to the side to check his papers and had some errors in it. A Krugar employee ID, yet his Rheinland Transport was registered for Interspace. Had instructed him to get it fixed as soon as possible and he complied and had done as I asked.
As for another interesting checkpoint routine scan, had a Junker with a case of vintage wine aboard. Seeing as it was not a cargo shipment I considered this to be dangerous for das pilot as he might consume it. He continued to say he was not interested in drinking and I was forced to keep an eye on him till he lands. Eventually he had done so without consuming das alcoholic beverage. Another prevented accident prevented.
Maquis|Leon.LaBreau-If your interested in joining the Maquis PM me. [RM]Of.Viktor.Niklovach[RoS]GhostFace[E]David.DeWester[101st] Order|Ens.Adam.Jones[C]Jean.Claude.Moreau Kruger Security-Johann Von Struger]bd[Akio.Kimura
Today saw another invasion by Libertonian Forces in Hamburg.
Although we lost a couple of ships, namely two Battleships and the fighter of Herrn Puztkanner, we have clearly one this battle.
Attached are a few footages of the battle. Footage 1 Footage 2 Footage 3 Footage 4
Patrol Report, Patrol led by: Feldwebel Thome
After that, i've been leading a patrol wing consisting of Flieger Niklovach and Gefreiter Koehler.
We've been patrolling the Stuttgart system, namely the lanes from Planet Stuttgart to Omega-7 Jumpgate and back, then did a patrol with the waypoints Straussberg, Dortmund, Planet Neu Berlin, Brandenburg, Bautzen (Dresden), Leipzig (Dresden), Brandenburg, Bautzen.
Nothing to report about this patrol, only minor threats removed.
That is all.
[font=Agency FB]Thome
In a brilliant tactical movement, i charged backwards.
~~~Incoming Transmission~~~ From: Fl. Viktor Niklovach
Subject: Addition to the previous combat report of Lisa Thome
For das Kanzlar! After conducting some New Berlin checkpoint duties, I had heard reports from das Hamburg system that there was Liberty intruders in das sector. After alerting command v.i.a our private s.k.y.p.e communications, a fleet was dispatched to counter das Liberty dogs!
During the encounter, Liberty had suffered many losses, but we as well had suffered a few of our own. Nonetheless we did what was necessary to achieve victory! I had manage to capture some shots of the fighting that occurred.
Oh, and nearly forgot. But think it is time for a promotion according to this here handbook ja?
[color=#33CC00]~~End Transmission~~
Maquis|Leon.LaBreau-If your interested in joining the Maquis PM me. [RM]Of.Viktor.Niklovach[RoS]GhostFace[E]David.DeWester[101st] Order|Ens.Adam.Jones[C]Jean.Claude.Moreau Kruger Security-Johann Von Struger]bd[Akio.Kimura