Yes i dont know many of the new requits but as i walst in to the bar i was aproced by Alfonso, We poped up in to space and he showed me his skills. They were quite exelant. So i thought i would be a good asseset to the Brotherhood.
I agree TBH Invite only now
Elder Alexander Cross Wrote:Darkness is a friend, an ally. Darkness allows us to understand others, to see what they value when they believe no one else is looking. It allows us to be honest with ourselves, to express those values that we would disavow in the light. The light blinds us. It is only in the dark that we see clearly, and there is a great dark hidden among these worlds
Yes most of these new recruits i don't even no where they came from, and a couple don't even no who recruited them which is strange to say the least.
But we have them now so i guess we should train them up to the standers of the rest of the brothers, i will organize some training for them, and all of us, we need to learn how to work better in a team, when in battle, we should be calling targets so all our firepower is on one enemy, once he is dead, call the next and so on, but i agree, invite only is best, and work on the members we have now to make us more of a unit.
Comm ID: Juan Montoya
To: All those that call me Juna!
Unit cohesion and teamwork is essential if we want to dominate the sector, so training would indeed be good for all of us. It also appears that my skill in a Titan is slipping, so I need more training as well as the others. One an never be to good.
Yuri, the only other possible fighter we could fly is the Order Nepthys, however, I think that its turning radius is even lower than that of the Titan, or very close to ours at least. There are no other VHFs available to the brotherhood, which can mount class 10 weapons. However, we do have a light fighter, called the Decurion, sold on our base in Omega 41. It cannot mount class 10 weapons, though.
I am glad we all agree that The Brotherhood is now invite only.
Now, the only thing left is to stop calling me Juna!:lol:.
Wide Band Communication
Target: The Brotherhood
Sender: Miguel Castillo, TBH.
Priority: NORMAL
The Speedy response from our Elders is pleasing, as well as the content of said responses.
I bring news from the front. I ventured to Sigma-13 and spotted a Rheinland convoy on board the Castillo De Muerte with several of our lesser brothers in tow, we tracked the convoy un-detected to a far corner of Omega-41 where they were setting up a small station. We overtook the convoy and salvaged the transports that were hauling supplies and as the leader of the attack the spoils fell to me.
The transports contained highly sophisticated machinery, computers to be more precise capable of enabling Sirius wide communications, eliminating the need for text-pulse communications. While damaged from the attack and needing repairs, I should be able to get these machines up and running relatively quickly and look forward to setting them up on my farm back home on Crete.
Brother Castillo out.
(Basicly, I got a pair of computers from work that were going to get thrown out, old but good enough to host and run a dedicated teamspeak server. I just have to get a HUB and fix some minor problems and then I can set it up for us to all use!)
<span style="font-family:System">Michael Ross, Bounty Hunter</span> Has been hired for 1 assassination(s)
Has made a total of $50,000,000 credits off of bounties.
Has made a total of $0 credits off of enemy wreckage during bounty collection.
Screen shots from last employment: n/a
<span style="font-family:System">Miguel Castillo, Corsair</span> Has pirated 2 trade vessels.
Has made a total of $6,500,000 credits off of piracy.
Has slain a total of 6 enemy combatants.
Has forced a total of 2 enemy combatants into retreat.
Has been forced to eject by enemy combatants 1 times.
Wide Band Communication
Target: The Brotherhood
Sender: Miguel Castillo, TBH.
Priority: HIGH
Great news brothers! The communciations hardware I retreived from the Rheinland convoy has been repaired. The damage was nowhere near as bad as was initially estimated. Please point your vessels comm units to to initiate a connection with our voice communications broadcast.
Long live the Brotherhood!
Castillo Out.
Essentially what this post means is, I purchased a TeamSpeak server with my real life money.
I spoke to McNeo and as we now have a dedicated, permanant teamspeak server it is now a requirement to HAVE teamspeak and be on the server to facilitate communications (specifically in combat situations)
You are NOT required to speak, just to be present on the server in the case of combat so targets can be called out and improve our combat efficiency.
<span style="font-family:System">Michael Ross, Bounty Hunter</span> Has been hired for 1 assassination(s)
Has made a total of $50,000,000 credits off of bounties.
Has made a total of $0 credits off of enemy wreckage during bounty collection.
Screen shots from last employment: n/a
<span style="font-family:System">Miguel Castillo, Corsair</span> Has pirated 2 trade vessels.
Has made a total of $6,500,000 credits off of piracy.
Has slain a total of 6 enemy combatants.
Has forced a total of 2 enemy combatants into retreat.
Has been forced to eject by enemy combatants 1 times.
Dios Mio, I leave Gamma for a few days and all hell breaks loose. I am glad to see that everything has been sorted out. I will be home from my trip in a few days and I look forward to flying with you all again. I look forward to us training as a group so that we may destroy our enemies.
Torres Out
<span style="color:#FF0000"><strike>RETIRED</strike></span>
I mightest well see about getting me a Decurion then, might not be a bad idea. I'll see what Clas 9 weps I can dig up
I'm back online for a while (OOC: I have a char in RM, and since RM declared Civil War, I was drug into it. So, I stuck back on the server for a bit.). I'll be as active as I possably can.
Nothin new to report other than I might be tryin a Decurion.
On launching the Velaso after i heard the the distress call about the NovaPG attacking our home it was found that thay had already been driven back with the help of SCRA.
It was decided to launch a counter attack right away on there home system, so we gathered a small fleet consisting of the Velasco, Spirit_Evil, Blue_Beard, Montoya, Yenaz and Zerlot (if memory servers me right).
We headed to there system, on entering we engaged there flag ship which was taken down relatively quick, then we started targeting there fighters and one lone Dragon gunboat, the gunboat was destryed soon after at which point we lost Yanez (crashed) and Blue Beard (killed), the rest of the fleet started to take out the rest of there fighters but due to anomalies (Lagg) there fighters where very hard to hit, thay also did there best to draw us closer to mitos defences but it wasnt enough and the rest where destroyed, all apart from one who could not take the strain and flew his ship right into the sun!.
All in all a good day for the brotherhood and its allies.
End message.
To: Brotherhood
From: Joe Costello
It would seem that after me, Blue beard and Alfonso ran an attack on Dublin a few hours ago that they decided to attack Gamma, i find it funny that they chose to do so while our fleet was on the other side of galaxy, it shows us the nature of this new enemy, lets show them the meaning of pain.
The Phalanx should be hunted and killed until none are left.