I've had some great times delivering food shipments to Crete in the last few duty cycles. Let me tell you, those Corsair pilots are friendly, accommodating and quick to lend a helping hand. A couple of standouts are Valeria Rodriguez and Rafael Celades. I can't remember their full call-signs, but they surely deserve commendation!
Regarding the food shipments:
Delivery of 32130 units of standard food rations is shown below.
Jonathon Winchester III here, It has been an outstanding last few days. I have met with nothing but the best when visiting your great system. So, wothout any further ado, here is my commodity transcripts.
This brings us to a grand total of 147,830 units of Food. with 2170 units outstanding.
Now, following are the Quantum Multiplexor transcripts. 19,120 units delivered. with a total of 30,880 left to be delivered.
This is Jonathon Winchester III, First, allow me to apologize, I had a shipboard computer database issue which had lost all of my current travel manifests..Now for the good news. Since I had no records. I decided to run the cargo again. so, without any further clutter of comm traffic I am attaching my flight manifests..
Now, with the delivery of approx another 8k units by Capt. Voight. I believe this concludes our current delivery request. It has been an honor delivering to you.