They are bad for one main reason, lack of thruster.
While you might think its no big deal, let me make a list of the problems it causes.
-Probably the easiest cap to kill in the whole game because it has battleship mobility and cruiser shield with a slightly better than cruiser armor.
-Totally useless vs BS since it has difficulty staying far enough due to lack of thruster
-Easiest cap to kill with a single GB because its a sitting duck. Yes you have lots of firepower, but if the GB pilot know what he is doing and thrust around you at about less than 100M from you, he is kinda hard to hit.
Well yes the lack of thruster is making the ship kinda useless for me, the guy i bought it from so lied to me, he said it was a great ship and that he took out caps with it, not NPC's caps, players
Blessed in he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
Better mobility, thruster, can still use Ligth Mortars. I got one LM, and I can take down two GBs at once (if the two GBs are the ONLY thing fighting me...GB and a Bomber, your dead)