Hey guys, sorry it took so long to get back to replyin' ...I stepped in a steaming pile of RL & I just wouldn't come in the house 'till I scrapped it all off my boots ::shrug::
Ok, so here we go in order:
' Wrote:but i do remember something from when i was.....probably about 8.
its a place in paris, in disneyland. a cafe, already made to look like its outdoors. I dunno if it has the kind of charm you're looking for, it probably aint, but just if it helps ye at all, i went nd found a pic of it.
I like what you've done, you added alot of green without adding alot of plants; cleared up the alley. Well done:cool:That said, there are a few issues that I gotta address: 1) It's too bright & clean...what I mean is, you're trying to make the place look beautiful...I don't want 'beautiful'...I want the place dark, dirty, rundown & claustrophobic (with plants!)2) the roof...also well done, but unfortunately it just doesn't fit. The reason I want to keep the big ugly ceiling with the lights & TV screens is because I want to convey that the place is in a cave (a big space-cave in Islay's basement, but still just a cave. heh!)
I'm still willing to send you the .PSD of this that has the layers you can work off of:
Just let me know the method you want me to send it.
I got the paint on the GG logo all flakey the way I need it & although I know the TV screen placement looks wonky, it's because I want it to seem like the gaians had limited options as to where they could bolt them up & simply did the best with the limited areas they had to work with...Think of it this way: You blast out a cavern 30 years ago, & as the years pass, more things get added inside it, building space will become more & more limited until finally, in the present, New additions (like the TV's) have to be strictly limited to the areas they can fit in without interfering with what was built before. (yes, Islay has building codes & even gaians have to apply for building permits:))
Besides, having the .PSD makes the job so much easier:lol:
Yeah. I got your point, and RL crunches me also on weekdays..
So a cave will it be, and there will be hanging screens on the roof. Right.
My skype address is public, you can get me there with the PSD. I'll use your logo, I just thought I'll touch the original a bit. Actually I didn't realize with my laptop-LCD that the Gaian logo has those three arrows in it until I touched color levels.
This version I do like better, specifically the way you got the ivy growing around the light post attached to the building. I'm good with everything but the roof...What I'm shooting for with the TV screens is a closed circuit view of the outside of the station, allowing them to act as surrogates for windows...I apologize if I didn't explain that properly.:$
have another go at the ceiling when you have the time? (no worries btw, I'm paying you either way for all the time you've put in for me on this cause I really do appreciate it:cool: